Every last bit (NovaHD)

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James let out a sigh as he turned off the computer screen. Why he decided to read the comments on the "Road to E3" videos, he'll never know. But he did and they did nothing to make him feel good about himself. Sure there was comments that said nothing but nice things about the guys and the stupid stops they went to but soon he got to the not so nice comments. All of them about the same thing, his weight. Yes he might have put on a few pounds over the last few months but he didn't think it was that bad... And if what he read was what all the fans thought then what did the others think, what did Aleks thinks.. He shook his head, trying not to think of that. James got out of his chair, cringing at the squeaks it made from removing his weight, biting his lip as he walked into his shared room. The tall darknette stopped in front of the full length mirror and frowned at the sight. He poked and pulled at all the excess fat, frowning more as it jiggled slightly. "How could Aleks love this, there's no way he does. I don't love this." James said to himself as he continued to pull at any chubby area on his body, which to him was everywhere. Maybe he should start eating less and maybe healthier, that part would be hard but less he could do. 

 "James dinners done, get your ass down here." Aleks yelled up to James from the stairs. The older male sighed as he left their shared bedroom, thinking that maybe he should eat only half of what Aleks had made. "There you are, i wondered what took your lazy ass so long." Aleks said playfully, not knowing what was going on in the other's mind. "Sorry." Was all James said as he sat in front of the large plate the Russian had set out for him. Aleks gave his boyfriend a questioning look but shrugged it off and sat down across from him. The darknette was un-normally quiet, he always had some witty comment about the food or about what Aleks was wearing. Anything, he'd find something if one didn't pop out right away. Aleks also noticed how James pushed his food around the plate, he could never get his boyfriend to eat slowly. Something was up, the Russian knew that much and he planed to figure it out. "You're awfully quiet, whats up?" Aleks asked as he nudged James' foot lightly. "Just don't feel like talking." Said man mumbled out as he peeked up. "You always feel like talking, even when losing your voice i can't get you to shut up." The younger of the two pointed out. "Whats up? You're quiet and not eating." He said furrowing his brow, worried about his love. 

"Nothing, i just don't feel too good so i'm not hungry." James lied as he continued to pick at his food. "Jamie." Aleks said as he sat up and reached over to feel the other's cheeks. "You're not warm and you don't look sick." He said trying to figure out what's wrong. "I just don't feel good, that doesn't mean i have to look sick or be warm. Just leave me alone." The upset male said as he pushed his plate away and got up from the table. "James please, i'm just trying to help." The Russian said as he followed after the other. "Well you're not, you're just making me mad." James said as he stomped into their room, shutting the door in Aleks' face. The younger male didn't let the door to the face faze him and quickly walked over to the bed. "Babe of course i'm not helping, you won't tell me what's wrong." Aleks sighed as he sat next to his boyfriend, rubbing lightly at his side. "Please tell me what's up, i want to help you." He begged as he continued to rub his side. "Just leave me alone." The half Puerto Rican mumbled out. Aleks sighed but decided to let him be for now. James wasn't going to tell any time soon and he knew that. He leaned over and pressed a light kiss to the side of the other's head before he got up and left. 

 The Russian wasn't going to just leave it there though. He was going to try and figure this out on his own. James had been fine when he went up to his office to work while he cooked. So something happened between then and now but what. Aleks carefully walked over to James' computer and turned on the screen. He was right away met with the comments from one of the latest E3 videos. The brunette furrowed his brows as he looked over the page but once he read the actual contents, he knew what was upsetting his love. With another sigh he shut the computer down and headed back to their shared room. "James." He said as he walked back in. "I know why you're upset, i saw the web page." Aleks said as he sat next to James, who just ignored him. "Jamie, whatever you're thinking stop. Just stop, those people, they are wrong and have no right to point out or ask things like that." He said softly, hoping for some sort of response. "But Aleks, they're not wrong. I have put on weight. Look at me!" James said as he rolled over, poking at his belly. "Look at me, i'm fucking huge." He added with a frown. 

 "Jamie you look perfectly fine to me." Aleks said as he rubbed at James' lovely squishy belly. "Aleks." James whined out with a pout. "Don't Aleks me, i mean it. I love every bit about you." The Russian said as he moved closer to James. "From your crazy fluffy hair." He said as he ran a hand through the other's hair. "To your yummy plump thighs." Aleks finished off saying, giving said place a light squeeze. "Why though, what's so great about them? I'm all squishy and jiggly." James said, a frown still plastered on his face. "Because you are squishy! You're perfect to cuddle with and make the best pillow for sleeping on!" Aleks said happily as he named off some of his favorite things to do. "Not to mention how hot you look, i don't want to date someone as bony as me. I don't make a good pillow." He said matter of factually. James couldn't help but let a small smile onto his face. "I think you're a good pillow." He said softly. "Well the you like hard flat pillows." The younger male said with a laugh. "I happen to like my pillows fluffy, curvy and sometimes a pain in my ass." He joked as he poked at his boyfriend playfully. "Hey! I thought you're trying to make me feel better then you go and call me an ass. My heart Ally, my heart." The darknette said as he put a hand over his chest. 

"Awe i'm sorry babe, can we go eat now?" Aleks asked, hoping James was feeling better. Sadly he was just met with a frown. "Jamie." He whined out as he climbed on top of the other. "Am i going to have to show you how much i love you?" The younger asked as he sat on top of James' hips. He didn't wait for an answer and started to push up the other's shirt, pulling it off. He smiled down at James as he leaned down to kiss him lightly. The kiss didn't last long though because soon Aleks was kissing down James' neck and chest. "I love every bit of you babe." Aleks said as he kissed down his chest, stopping to give all his loving to the older's tummy. "Every. last. bit." He said in-between kisses. James couldn't help but smile down at his boyfriend. "You see this." The Russian said as he rubbed over the curly haired male's stomach. "I love this so much, it's absolutely perfect." He said nuzzling into his pudgy tummy. Aleks then moved a bit lower and pushed up the other's shorts leg. "And this, probably my favorite pudgy place, next to you cute face." He said as he started to litter kisses over James' thighs. 

James started to laugh as Aleks' scratchy facial hair tickled his thighs. "Aleks please! I get it!" He laughed out as he wiggled out of the other's hold. "Promise me you won't get caught up in those comments again or i'm going to have to do this again." Aleks said as he rubbed his chin on the others thigh. "I promise, just stop!" The older male laughed out. "Ok, so now will you come eat with me?" The Russian asked as he crawled over top of his love. "Yes we can go eat now." James said with a soft smile. "Great!" Aleks said before he kissed the other quickly. He quickly climbed off of James and waited for him to follow. The taller male got off the bed and started looking for his shirt that Aleks had pulled off. "Jamie, you don't need your shirt." The brunette said as he pulled at said man's arm. "I like you better without it anyway." He said with a loving smile. "Fine, fine. Lets go eat our cold dinner." James said with a chuckle as he let Aleks pull him back down stairs. "Hey its only cold because of you so not my fault." Aleks said as he jokingly put his hands up. James just rolled his eyes and shoved Aleks lightly before running off to hide. "Dinner could wait a bit longer." They both thought as they chased each other all over the house. 


So i saw a post on tumblr that said there are ppl out there that down size James when they write and i was like they do! they make him skinny and fit, well im not ok with this. so i wrote Aleks loving on pudgy James! because come on hes a big teddy bear that we all wanna hug! 

Also, no matter you size, shape, whatever just love yourself because you're adorable, hot, beautiful, sexy, ect. Rock that fab body!


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