Foolishly in love with a teacher (Novahd)

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*Warning do not read if you don't like sad or are triggered easily*

Love was great, it was better then great. It was indescribable, so was the feeling of getting your heart broken. They were complete polar opposites. One so wonderful and heavenly, the other completely heart shattering and world crumbling. One took your breath away, the other ripped it out without a care in the world. Sadly these feelings are hand in hand. If you fall in love you are sure to feel heartbreak, maybe not at first but soon and if you're feeling heart broken then you were once in love. They depend on the other like a relationship and in the end of the day you're the one fucked over.

James knew this all too well. He was a teen, every teen goes through heartbreak but James was absolutely destroyed. Now he was by no means stupid, he was in fact very smart for his young age of fifteen. He entered high school and had mostly high honors classes, some you couldn't even take until your final year of hell. So naturally he knew what he was getting himself into, he did it anyway. The teen knew it was wrong to fall for the twenty-three year old teacher but everyone, anyone who laid eyes on Mr.Marchent would fall heads over heels for him. The very smart teen no different, except for the fact that unlike his other classmates he kept his feeling secret. That only lasted so long though, when his grades started to drop and the kind, caring teacher pulled him aside to figure out what was wrong. James fought, knowing it was wrong, his feelings but soon he broke and told. The teen curled in on himself, hating how foolish he was and thinking that the beautiful Mr.Marchant thought that too. He was surprised when he felt lips on his own, it had to be a dream just had to. It wasn't, it was real and James was fucked from the start.

Their love was... wrong needless to say. A twenty year old should not be dating a fifteen year old, yet they were.... kind of. They couldn't go out on dates because it was wrong on two levels, one teachers are not allowed to date students no matter the age and two the age gap. So most date nights were spent at Mr.Marchent's, Aleks' place. Their love grew fast and soon James found himself under the older male, panting his name as his first was taken from him. Aleks was a lot of first to the teen. First friend, first boyfriend, first kiss, first time, if there was a first for it James probably spent it with Aleks. This only made things worst for the teen, he gave his all to the teacher and thought he got it back. Soon worry of things ending badly set into the angsty teens mind and he was not good at hiding it. Aleks though did as he always did, he swooped in and made the thoughts go away with kind, caring word, soft touch and gentle kisses. James, the poor fool he was believed every "i love you" and "i would never leave".

Well sadly for James he kept that promise. The teacher never left him but he did get much busier. The teen wrote it off as school work getting to the teacher, it was getting the better of him so why not his love. It wasn't until James went to a familiar park, one he's ran into Aleks in before when both males walked their dogs. His pup Ein instantly perked up having smelt something of her liking, which happened to be Mishka, Aleks' dog. But it wasn't just Mishka and his boyfriend at the park, no there was another man, a handsome man. Said male had his arms around his boyfriend. At first James wrote it off as maybe friends, seeing as the male was much darker in skin color compared to the Russian male. James was knocked down though when Aleks, his Aleks pulled the man into an not just friends type kiss. The teen instantly turned around and pretend like he didn't see anything, it was one of those bad dreams he's been having. That was it, it had to be. Aleks loved him and he loved Aleks, so why would he cheat.

When he returned home he looked in his mirror. The dream was so real but it was time to end this. He pinched at his skin, instantly making a face. It wasn't supposed to hurt, it should wake him. The teen panicked, why wasn't it waking him. So being the smart person he is, he tried again and kept trying till he was black and blue, bleeding in some spots. That's when it hit him and did it hit him like a ton of bricks. His world just crumbled from under his feet and sent him tumbling down. James broke, he fell to the floor and cried. He cried so much he didn't realize that it was a whole new day. Had he slept, it didn't feel like it and truly didn't matter. The teen couldn't move, like all his bone were gone and now he was just a puddle on the floor. Some how, James's not even sure how but some how he made it to school. It was weird, James life was now just blips of moment. He had no clue how he got there but he was, not fully though.

People that day gave him weird looks, not truly new but the looks from his teachers threw him off. He didn't worry about it, honestly he didn't care. Soon it got to his favorite or now least favorite class of all, Aleks'. The teacher acted as if yesterday he was not sucking face with another man. He even had the nerve to look like he was worried about James, giving him the look everyone seemed to wear today. Nothing was said though, it was class time after all. Not a word said, not until the bell rung saying school was done. Aleks acted all worried pulling out "Jamie babe what's wrong." and gently holding his face like he would always do, this time though that gentle touch burned like acid on the teen's skin. James kept quiet, not because he wanted to but because he wasn't able to talk. His voice had left him, ran off with the rest of his heart probably. When he finally spoke it was one word "Why", so simple of a word but it held so much. Aleks looked confused, this time real confusion. He probably, no definitely didn't think he'd been caught.

The teen finally poured his heart out, asking who that man was and why he was kissing him. All the teacher did was sigh and looked James dead in the eyes. The words that floated in the air next made the teen crash down even harder. "What made you think this would ever last." Those words broke James all over again, made the shell of a human he was just dust. The words kept falling from the older males mouth and James just stood there and let them kill him. "This was just a fleeting thing." "I need to have someone i don't need to take care of all the time." "Eddie will make sure that even if i lose this job i'll be ok." "I always loved Eddie but he wanted time apart, hes back now and i can't ignore my feelings." Every single thing that flew out of Aleks mouth broke him a bit more. By the end James wasn't sure if he was alive or not. Maybe his heart stopped beating halfway through their talk. Sadly for the teen that hadn't happened, he was still very much alive though he felt like he was dying. "You should leave." was the last thing he heard from his love, his world before he walked out. Where he was going he didn't know, hopefully death.

Once again James managed to make it home, not remembering the walk at all. As soon as his bedroom door closed was when he broke again. He curled into a ball and sobbed. He sobbed about how he gave his all to have it mean nothing, to have his heart ripped from his chest. How could a straight 'A', head of all the classes do something so stupid, so foolish as to fall for Aleksandr Marchant. A perfectly awful human that left him as a shell, as dust? James didn't know what he was but barely alive. He hated himself and he hated Aleks, though he hated himself more. The reason being, he still loved Aleks. He still loved the lying, cheating asshole. James wanted death more than he wanted anything in his whole life, he wanted the pain to stop and his already broken world to turn permanently black. I don't know if it's sadly or thankfully he couldn't do it, he couldn't end it all. So he went on... kind of. His grades plummeted, not that he cared. His attendance matched it too, he couldn't be asked to move most days. He was a ghost, not dead but not alive either just kind of there.

The school and his parents worried about him but he said nothing, just looked at them with dead soulless eyes and shrugged. He truthful cared not what happened anymore, his dreams were Aleks and said male was not fazed when his once lover just disappeared. So James didn't care, he could end up in a box on the side of the road with nothing to his name but the things on him and he wouldn't care. Nothing mattered now, nothing mattered since Aleks ripped his heart away. His parents tried everything and got no where. The teen would never fess up about Aleks because what if he changes his mind. So the teen soon got moved to a different school, one that can deal with his problems but it made no difference to the already destroyed teen. He spent most days staring off, just pinching himself. Waiting for the day he finally woked up, the day he'll wake and be laid next to Aleks. That day will never come but it doesn't stop him from pinching himself till bruised and slightly bloody.

James was the silent, oblivious teen that pinched himself and nothing changed as he grew older. Even now in his late eighties he still pinches himself. Even as he cries over the news of his ex-love passing, he pinches himself. When he's finally no longer able to move is when he stops but his thoughts are filled with "Is he waiting for me?" "Will he finally love me in death." "My pain is ending soon." "I love you Aleksandr, my prince charming, my love, my world." At the age of Ninety-four does James pain finally end, he goes to sleep and never woke up like he had wished for past seventy-nine years.

The end~


Sorry not sorry~

Love you all! <3

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