Daily Dozen (KootraBlackHawk)

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It was a normal day.... well a normal day for Jordan anyway. It was the 18th of December and that meant it was the 18th day of his "Daily Dozen" series. Though today he decided to change it up a bit. He decided to have someone help open the cases and that someone was Kevin. Hes had the younger help before, to no avail though, but today seemed different. And if not, well it would be a nice change in pace for the viewers. So Jordan went and got everything all set up and ready to record. All that was left to do was go fetch the younger man that would be accompanying him today.

Kevin was currently sat in his office across the hall from Jordan's. He was on tumblr to pass time as he waited for the Boss-man to come get him. He thought that it was a little silly to be joining in for such a small amount of cases but he couldn't say no when Jordan started on about how he had a feeling that he was the key to getting a knife on this day. So Kevin gave in and said sure. Though he probably would have no matter what the others excuse for having him on was. You see Jordan had this effect on Kevin and well Kevin isn't stupid so he knew what this effect was. It was love or more so like.

Hes liked the other man for quite a bit now. Hes just never done anything with it and it wasn't because he was afraid or anything, its just hes not sure he likes him all that much. Now i know that sounds confusing but its really not. See he likes the other man and finds it hard to say no to him, sometimes, but it also isn't to the point where the red hat clad man is all he thinks about. So long story short he has this weird effect on him that is akin to like but might not ever be more.

Anyway back to the story at hand. Jordan made his way across the hall and knocked lightly on the others door. Kevin looked up from his screen and smiled when he saw his boss standing there in his santa hat instead of the famous red cap he always wears. "You ready?" Jordan asked with a smile on his face. "Yep." Kevin said as he got up from his seat. "Ok lets go get me a knife!" Jordan cheered as he made his way back to his office. All Kevin could do was shake his head and fallow after the older man. As Kevin entered the office Jordan held up a santa hat for him. "Do i have to wear that?" the other asked as he walked over. "Yes its the holidays! Be festive!" Jordan said excitedly. "Fine." Kevin said with a sigh.

Kevin took his seat next to the older man. "You ready?" Jordan asked before starting up the recording. Kevin gave a nod of his head. Jordan started up the recording and did his intro. to the video. "- And today joining me in my hunt for a knife is Kevin! Say hi Kevin." Jordan said as he looks at the other. Kevin gave a wave to the camera and smiled. "So you ready to help get me a knife today?" Jordan asked. "Well Jordan... Yes. Yes i am! I have one question though." Kevin said with a big smile on his face. "Hm? What's that?" Jordan asked confused slightly. "If i get you a knife... what do i get?" Kevin said with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. "Well Kevin... You get a.... a kiss." Jordan replied jokingly, a smirk too on his face. "Ok.. i'll hold you to that if i do get a knife, you know." Kevin said with a wink. Jordan just shook his head and moved onto opening the first case.

Eleven cases later and they were on the final case of the day and so far Jordan's feeling that Kevin was the key was dead wrong. So far all they had gotten was blues. But there was still hope. The last case had yet to be opened and it was Kevin's turn. "Well Kevin this is the last case." Jordan said as he handed over the mouse. "Just open it and end my pain for the day." Jordan added in a defeated tone. Kevin took the mouse and clicked the "use key" button. The two watched as nothing but blues scroll pass and just before it started to slow down gold popped up on screen. The little line came to a stop on the gold item. It took a minute to register what just happened but as soon as both men figured it out cheers broke out. Jordan jumped from his seat, almost knocking it over in the process, and started dancing around the room.

"Oh my god Jordan!" The younger exclaimed. "Kevin! Kevin!" Jordan yelled happily. The two hug quickly and then went back to their seats. "Kevin! You got me a knife! I told you you were the key!" Jordan said happily as he went to inspect the knife better. "Well Jordan it looks like you're right." Kevin said with a smile on his face. "It's a pretty good knife too. Thanks man!" Jordan said as he looked at the other. "You're welcome Jordan, you deserve it after all the bad luck you've had." Kevin said as he patted the other man on the back. Jordan said his goodbye and ended off the recording.

"I still can't believe i finally got a knife." Jordan said more so to himself. "Well i got you the knife." Kevin said. "Yah, yah you did." Jordan said with a nod of his head. "Uh.. Don't you owe me something?" Kevin said with a smirk. Jordan's face redden at the sudden question. "You don't really mean that do you?" Koots asked in a shy voice. "I said i was going to hold you to that and i intend to." Kevin said in a smooth voice. This only made the other redden more. But Jordan was a man of his word and it was just a kiss right....

Jordan moved closer to the other and slowly but surely brought their lips together. At first no one moved but as the warmth of the kiss took over so did their minds. The two's lips moved in sync with each other and it was pure bliss. Sadly though the kiss had to come to an end as both need to part for air but if they could have lived off of that kiss, they would have. As the two slowly parted it was noticeable that red now dusted each others faces. Jordan just smiled pleased with the kiss, as it did not turn out how he had thought it would. Kevin on the other hand was over the moon. He was now sure that weird effect Jordan had over him was more or at least could be so much more then just like.

The two sat in silence for minutes just staring at each other. Till finally Kevin broke the silence. "Uh.. Jordan. Would you like to go on a date with me sometime? I know of this awesome burger place." Kevin said with a sly smile. Jordan just laughed at the other but quickly agreed and placed another kiss to Kevin's lips before ushering the man out of his office so he could edit the video and put it on Youtube.


So this is just a repost of a story that was already on my page. It was part of a thing back in decamber that i had wanted to do but then got lazy and never finished. So im reposting this here and deleting the book altogether.  


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