Stormy Trouble (NovaHD)

182 11 4

*puppy james being afraid of storms, but aleks is in the office when one starts and he has to hurry home - GeneralCatastrophe*

James was at home curled on the couch with Ein watching the clock tick by slowly. It seemed much later than it actually was and that was because of the dark gray skies that were outside. When James had gone out to do his business that morning he had noticed the clouds rolling in and the lack of birds for his catching. The unique hybrid told himself that it was going to be a cloudy day and nothing more, not wanting to even imagine a storm of any form rolling in. But now the sky was dark and gloomy, rain slowly starting to fall. James whimpered as his corgi ears pressed back onto his head, tail wrapping around him as he held Ein closer for more comfort. He had a bad feeling that the storm wasn't just rain and when a loud crack rang out, he knew for sure.

The dog eared man yelped and shook looking from the clock to the storm brewing outside. He was waiting for his love and owner to come home from work so he could curl into his arms. But from reading the clock he learned Aleks wouldn't be home for hours, the other having to work late again. All of these factors caused James to tremble and whimper. He soon turned into his dog form and went and hide under his and Aleks' shared bed. The small corgi tucked himself under a hoodie of Aleks' he had stashed under the bed before hand for times like this, small whimpers coming out as the storm raged on. Soon Ein joined the mix, not really minding the storm but not liking how distressed the the other was. James pressed close to Ein, muzzle buried in the hoodie while the other corgi draped over him.


Over on Aleks' side of things, he was busy working, no surprise. The Russian was so busy he didn't notice the storm brewing till a loud crack of thunder roared through the whole office. No one else seemed bothered by the storm but Aleks, eyes widening as urgency flowed through his veins. He had promised James to always be there when a bad storm hit and who knows how long this one had been going on without him noticing. The young male quickly saved what he was doing and turned off his computer before telling his boss that there was an emergency and he had to leave. He got a "You know, your leaving like this isn't helping you get promoted?" lecture from the older man and responded with just a nod and took off anyway. As long as he wasn't getting threatened about being fired he didn't care. Aleks cursed as more lighting and thunder went off around him, knowing James must be scared tremendously by now.


It wasn't long before Aleks was finally home and rush inside. "Jamie! I'm home baby!" He called out as he took of his wet coat and shoes. "Jamie!" He called again, running upstairs as he did so. "Jamie come out baby, i'm home." Aleks said softly as he opened the door to the bedroom. He was instantly tackled into a hug by the frightened dog eared male. "Ally it was so bad and i thought you wouldn't come home or if you did you be hurt and then i'd be all on my own and i was so scared and it was so loud." James rambled on as he hid his face in Aleks chest, hands gripping the taller's shirt tightly as his ears pressed back and his tail curl between his legs. "It's ok baby, i'm here now and i'm sorry i wasn't here sooner." Aleks cooed softly as he wrapped his arms around the corgi hybrid. "It's all ok, nothing will hurt you hun." He said as he rocked them back and forth, face snuggled into the other's hair. Aleks waited till James harsh sobs had calmed before he pulled back from the other.

"Feeling better?" He asked as he wiped the other's chubby cheeks dry. James nodded lamely, tired from crying and still shaking from the storm. "Want to go watch a movie and cuddle?" The Russian asked as he pet James' soft ears. "Please." The corgi hybrid asked in a small voice, ears now drooping from exhaustion. "Ok, baby." Aleks cooed as he picked James up and carried him over to the bed, setting him down carefully once there. He got the movie all set, Beauty and the beast this time and joined the other on the bed. James instantly curled and clung to Aleks, shakes still going through him. Aleks pulled the other close and pet his ears in a calming manner till he finally passed out, soft snores coming out in his peaceful slumber. When the storm finally calmed down is when Aleks allowed his own eyes to fall shut. He pressed his face into the pup's curls and tightened his hold as he drifted off as well.

~The end


I hope you liked this hun <3 :*

Also leave a request in the comments If you want and ill get to writing it! (See my open request page for any questions)

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