The King's Prince (NovaHD)

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*Warning don't read if you don't like sad*

Aleks laid happily next to his new husband, the young lovers having just spent their first intimate night together. No words were said as the king brought his prince into his arms holding him tightly. James panting heavily and exhausted from his first time of pure pleasure. Aleks having done this more than a few times wasn't as flustered but the fact of finally sleeping with his love and now husband did get him to feel like it was the first time all over again. After some time of just laying pressed together they finally speak up, the prince saying how amazing that was and how happy he was that Aleks was his one and only and the king saying he was happy he had waited instead of sleeping with him right off. James gawked again about how he couldn't believe how much his life had changed. He started off as a baker working in his family's bakery, then signed up and became the kings knight after much hard work, finally ending up married to the said king himself and all with in a short few months. Aleks chuckled and nodded like always when James would go off about these things.

Soon the two grew sleepy, they had a long day with many happenings. James was first to pass out, curling into his king's side as he smiled happily. Aleks soon fell asleep to the soft snores of his love, holding him tight. At some point during the night the two detached from each other, nothing uncommon for lovers sharing a bed, the large master bed making it easier for this to happen. It is at this point that the third unknown person makes their move. The shadow male walks over to the bed, smirking at the sleeping lovers. His target is vulnerable, dead to the world soon to be dead forever. The cloaked male walked over to the prince's side, smirking wider as he drew his knife. That's right, the king is not who he is here for, it's the newly crowned prince. He quickly pressed a hand over James' mouth and pressed his knife to his throat.

James eyes are wide as he looks up at his assassin, knowing the face that meets him instantly. His eyes water and he goes to beg but the other says softly that if he makes a peep he'll slit his throat. The prince stays quiet as he looks at the other, wondering why him and hoping Aleks will wake. The shadow man says simply that he need James out of the picture, out of his rightful place next to the king before plunging his knife into his chest. He turned the blade making the wound worst and making the other have trouble breathing. The assassin smiled widely as he pulled the blade out and pulled back, watching the blood spill out and pour onto the silken sheets. James watches the familiar male take off, rasping a quiet "Aleks" and "Help" before his world falls black. His last thoughts of his love and the life they don't get to live now.

It isn't till the next morning that Aleks finally rolled over to pull his love into his arm, having woken slightly and missed his warmth. He freezes when his hand touches some still wet and sticky liquid. The king opens his eyes slowly and looks at his hand, eyes widening when he realizes it's red and not something else. Tears fall from his face as he looks down at his long since gone lover, skin pale and lifeless and body cold as ice. Aleks screams for help, his night watch man rushing in to find their king holding his dead prince. From that point on things are a blur as Jordan, his head Knight and best friend and Seamus, his adviser and other best friend, pull him from the dead bloody body of his husband. He is pulled off and set in another room as others deal with the body and look for signs of the assassin, neither friend leaving his side as he stares blankly at the wall before him. The king doesn't hide his tears, his mind is in no place to do so just yet. His feeling were so conflicting, he was angry, heartbroken, sad, confused, lost and oh so empty.

When Aleks finally does speak both Seamus and Jordan are shocked by how calm his voice is, so calm its unnerving. He simply asked from Seamus to promptly get to work planning the funeral and for Jordan to do what he can to figure out if anyone saw something. They both go to say that they are not leaving his side but the look they get makes them change their minds. The two nod and stand to leave, Jordan saying he'll send more knights to watch over the king just in case. The king says nothing about that and instead says he needs to get clean. Seamus nods and sends servants to prepare a bath before going to plan the funeral. Both males are as shaken and tears wet their face. Jordan pulls Seamus into his arms and tells him he loves him so very much, the blond says it back and cries into his lover's chest before they part and do as told. Aleks hears the touching exchange and remembers he never said that to James before they slept that night, he regrets it. He had told his love many times before hand but it still didn't feel like enough. A new wave of tears fall from the broken man's face as dreams of what was to be crash and shatter on the floor.

The days before the funeral everything feels like it's in slow motion for Aleks, all work or meeting have been canceled and the kingdom is in mourning. The king is quite, staying in his room looking out the big window that overlooks the garden. It's a beautiful scene on any other day but everything seems so dull and quiet. It hurts to look at his love's once favorite place to relax but he can't pull his eyes away. He had only known and loved the other for a handful of months but it feels like forever and he can remember how he ever lived without the other. He was so happy and cheerful, as innocent as can be with the kindest of hearts that he had ever seen on a knight. The king chuckles dryly, no real feeling behind it, as he remembers how afraid his little knight was of hurting someone. More memories slowly flood in and soon he's crying again, curled in on himself as the voice he loved so dearly rings through his head, breaking him more. Soon his thoughts shift to how didn't he hear, how did he sleep through it all. The voice in his head telling him that he lied when he said he'd always protect him.

Soon the day of the funeral comes and Aleks stands tall in front of his people as they have the service. He only lets a few tears roll down his face even though the sight of his love is making him a mess inside. Standing by his side like always is Jordan and Seamus, both crying, the head knight holding it in better than his love. The service is long and many speak on behalf of the fallen prince till it's finally Aleks turn to speak. He speaks in a calm flat tone as he says things about his love and about how he will find who did this. Once all is said and done Aleks takes off to their room now made his room again. Inside the room is where he loses it all over again. The king throws a fit, tears pouring down his face, things flying across the room as they get in his way. The room is a mess, things broken and ripped and he falls to the ground sobbing badly. Jordan and Seamus rush in to see why there was such a ruckus coming from the king's chambers. They take in the havoc that went on in the room, eyes falling on the most broken thing in the room, Aleks. They do as good friends do and pulled him up and took him away from the room, setting him in another.

When Aleks calmed he was more broken than before, the realization of his love really being gone hitting him. He curled in on himself and hid his face as he finally asked the questions that flooded his mind. "Why James?" "Who would do this?" "Why didn't he wake up?" Question after question spilling from Aleks mouth in a broken rough voice. The king then followed it up with "This is all my fault." and started to babble as to why it was so. The knight and adviser comforted the king as much as they could but they could only so much. Soon no sounds filled the room beside the breathing of the occupants. "Please leave me." Aleks said in a weak dead voice. The two looked at each other before reluctantly leaving.

The King curled in on himself more as he, his world felt blank, like a blur before his eyes. He could no longer tell if time had passed or not but it must have because soon Jordan was crowned as Aleks replacement. The once King barely even alive let alone a king. Aleks didn't care though, his world had been gone since the night the attacker killed his love. He was so deep in his thought, thoughts of his love, he didn't hear the knight assigned to watch him walk in. The knight was once a friend of James, they had trained to be knights together. Kevin sat on the bed next to the broken male, smile on his face and did as he had for the last few years. He said calming words, telling him how much he loved him and that he was still his King. The words though never sunk in, Aleks mind was to far gone for anything but James.

The End~


So... i was suppose to write something happy.... but um yah this happened.

Blame a ex-friend, they had planted the seed and i ran with it~

Also i hope you can figure out who the assassin was~


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