Cuddling my kitties (DexHawk)

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Dex sighed happily as he walked in the front door of his shared apartment or flat as he liked to call it. The place smelt of warm vanilla and marshmallow, so it was no doubt the other occupant of the space had lit one of the many candles they owned. He quickly kicked off his favorite brown cowboy boots by the front door before he headed to their sizely living room. The Brit smiled at the scene that met him, curled up on the couch was his boyfriend and his cat. He cooed ever so softly as he entered the room fully, noticing that his love had fallen asleep while watching one of his animes. The older male carefully leaned down and brushed the charcoal locks that hid the face he loved so much out of the way, a small smile pulling on his lips at the sight. He then leaned in closer to press a ever so light kiss to the sleeping male's head. When he pulled back from the other he was met with beautiful chocolate eyes fluttering open.

"Aw Love i didn't mean to wake you." The Brit said softly, his accent thick on the words. " 's fine, i want to be up f-or when you got home." Kevin said, yawning halfway through his sentence. He shifted in his spot to sit up more, Hox only barely caring before going back to sleep. "Change so we can talk and cuddle." The teen said as he looked up at his lover with sparkling groggy eyes. "Well i can't very well say no to those eyes now can i?" Dex said with a half smile on his face. "I'll be back in a moment love, try not to miss me while i'm gone." He called out as he walked off to their shared bedroom. Kevin just chuckled and shook his head at the Brit. He quickly looked for something to put on in the background for noise, soon deciding on some old movie that he has never heard of.

It wasn't long until Dex was back in his preferred sleepwear. The teen watched as the other male plopped on the couch next to him. He instantly did as they did everyday after Dex comes home from the office. He moved Hox onto the Brits lap while he curled under his arm, pressed closely to his side. The woken cat shifted for a moment before settling back down. Dex wrapped his arm tightly around Kevin and pulled him possibly closer. He instantly hid his face in his favorite silken locks, inhaling a whiff of the teen's shampoo. Kevin on the other hand pressed his face into Dex's shoulder while wrapping an arm around his middle, just missing laying on top of Hox. The two sat there a moment just enjoying the closeness of the other and the soft white noise the movie created.

Dex was the first to pull away but only slightly and he looked down at the man in his arm, smiling fondly. "How was your day love?" He asked ever so softly. "It was ok, the highlight like any other day was when you came home of course." Kevin said with a cheesy smile. "How about you, how was the office?" He asked back. "Same as normal, James yelling at anyone, Aleks being a fucking meme. Jordan being a dumb and Spencer and Joe being as gay as ever." The Brit said with a light chuckle. "Same old, same old." He hummed as he relaxed back. "Sounds like a busy day." Kevin said as he remembered the chaos of the office. "Don't you know it." Dex said softly. "But it is worth it because in the end of the day i get to come home to my lovely kittens." He added as he brought a hand up to pet Kevin's head then Hox's. The half Asian male chuckled and purred slightly as he cuddled closer. "Good, i would hate to hear you hated either me or Hox." Kevin mumbled softly.

"How could anyone ever hate you Kitten or Hox?" Dex asked in disbelief. "I don't know, read the comments on any of my things and maybe you can figure it out." The teen said with a shrug. "The comment section is a load of crap and i bet there are still more people that hate me then you." The Brit scoffed out. "Mmm they just haven't seen the real you or won't look cuz of a fuck up." Kevin hummed back. "A few fuck ups." Dex corrected his love. "Mm either way i'm happy to have you if the won't." The teen said as he looked up at Dex. "Same Kitten, just more for me." The other hummed as he looked down. "I love you." Kevin said softly as a smile grew on his lips. "I love you too Kitten." Dex said before he closed the gap between them and kissed the other lovingly. The two kissed for a moment, nothing too steamy or hot, just a nice sweet loving kiss. When the two pulled back no words were shared, they just cuddle close and enjoyed the other warm and presence. 


So i wrote this quickly for my lovely child who had a bad dream last night. 

No more bad dreams for you Lena bby <3

Also something happy finally!


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