Valentine's Day Surprise (Immortalfox&Jeamus)

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*Prompt: sly really wants to confess his love to aleks but doesnt know how, so he decides to buy him a present to show him. one problem aleks had the same idea. so sly has to hide from aleks, also discovering his little secret. he also meets jeamus and the other creatures whom help him hide.*

It was a chilly February afternoon in Colorado but thankfully Eddie and Seamus were currently inside. The two were wondering around the local mall, in hopes to find something for their loves for Valentine's Day. Seamus's gift to James was easy enough to get but Eddie's on the other hand was not. See Eddie wanted some thing special since he hadn't told said person he liked them yet, so he wanted a super awesome gift to give to them. There was only two things the matter with this plan, one whether or not the person felt the same and two what to get them in the first place. Eddie was pretty good when it came to buying gifts its just this time he wanted something more special more personal.

So that left poor Seamus following his friend as they lapped the mall for a third time that day. "Sly pick some thing already!" Seamus yelled. "Sea we have been over this ten times already its not that simple... I want to pick a good present." Sly said as he look from window to window again hoping that something would suddenly appear. "I don't get why it has to be so perfect. It's only for Aleks" Seamus said as he pulled his hand though his long golden locks. "You say that so simply, 'just for Aleks'. Sea if it was James we were talking about it'd be a different story." Eddie said as he walked into a store hes been in three times already. "Um no it wouldn't. I picked out James present just fine." Seamus said as he held up the bag that contained such gift. "But you two are already going out so... it's different. you don't need to impress him, you already got him." Sly said as he searched around the store.

"You don't need to impress Aleks either. If he likes you because of the gift you got him, then hes just shallow." Sea says as he crossed his arms. "Ok, so impress is the wrong word. I don't want to impress him but i do want to announce my feeling in a special way. Is that better?" Eddie asked as the two exited the store. "No because we're still in this damn mall! Eddie we have been here since nine, and it's just now turning two. I'm hungry and tiered. I want to go home, relax and maybe spend the day with my boyfriend." Seamus said angrily. "I know and I thank you for coming with me and for holding out as long as you have. It's... just..." Eddie said though a sigh. Seamus took a few breaths to clam down before he replied. "I know Sly you want it to be perfect. I understand that. Why don't we go get some lunch from the food court and we can relax and think over what to get. Ok?" Seamus said as he put a hand on Eddie's shoulder.

Sly just nodded in response. So the two made their way to the food court to get some much needed lunch. After a bit of waiting the two sat down at a table that was as far away from others as they could get. "Ok" Seamus said after taking a bite of his food. "So since coming here and walking around, do you have a vague idea of what you want to get him?" Seamus asked just before he took another bite. Eddie just sat there for a bit. "Um... not really... All I know is I want it to be awesome." Eddie said as he looked down at his food. Seamus sighed in frustration. "Ok, well why don't you get him something that's like and inside joke or something. You know, like something only he would get?" Seamus suggested. Eddie thought about what Seamus just said 'some thing that only they would get' but how would he do that? Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Sly saw a jewelry store and an idea popped into his head.

Seamus knew he had said something right when a big grin developed on his friend's face. "You got an idea?" Seamus asked already knowing the answer. "Yep" Sly said as he finished his food and made his way to the jewelry store.

*A Week later*

It had been a week since the two had last been to the mall, thankfully this time it was not find a gift but to pick up said gift. Eddie had finally ended up getting a pendent necklace that had an engraving in it. Inside the pendent it said "ImmortalFox my OTP" It was stupid but Sly thought it was cute. Though it did come with some risk like what if Aleks didn't like him like that. Eddie just hoped that if it came to that he could try and pull it off as a joke. Though Eddie didn't want to think like that he wanted to stay positive. So as he and Seamus made their way to the jewelry store he just hummed happily to himself. Seamus was slightly worried that the Russian would not return Eddie's feeling but knew that no matter what happen he was their if Sly needed. "You seem really happy." Seamus said. "Well duh dude its only like two days till Valentine's Day and i have an awsome present for Aleks!" Sly said giggling afterwords in excitement.

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