All I want for Xmas is you, and a few others.... (A James fic)

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Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring.... Mostly because James was no longer a creature..... Anyway he was currently busy finishing up his work for the day, the only one to not go home for the holidays. A sigh left him as he looked over at his sleeping dog, his only companion. He sat there debating whether or not he wanted to stream. If he streamed he could forget how alone he was and felt, but then there was always people who liked to point it out. Mostly pointing out his lack of a love interest and well the people he did like, like that, had gone their ways or were gone at home. James shook his head of that thought, not wanting to make his mood worse than it already was. With a sigh he gave up on his work and went off to get a drink, maybe some hard eggnog, before heading to bed for the night.

James made his way through his mostly dark house, only light coming from above the sink and what little bled in from the bright lights for the neighbors decorated homes. He made quick work of grabbing the whole carton of eggnog, really losing all fucks he had, and headed off to his bed. On his way he passed the living room that had a tiny tree he had set up and that's all. He thought how sad of a sight it was, before he disappeared back upstairs and into his room. Once in his dark, chilly room he flopped on the bed and groaned, back slightly in pain like always. He pulled the covers over him before laying there, sipping the eggnog, and staring at the ceiling bordley. He was nearly done the carton when he looked over at the window, noticing a rather bright star shining in the sky. He didn't know what compelled him but he closed his eyes and made a wish. "All i want for Christmas is...."


James woke the next morning with a groan, not remembering having fallen asleep. He startled when he heard movement downstairs followed by cursing. He shook slightly in fear, of all the luck. Alone and being robbed on Christmas! He grabbed the bat near his bed and slowly stalked downstairs. He froze when he smelt food? And noticed his door or windows were intact. Slowly dropping the bat down, but not out of his hands, he wondered into the living/combined kitchen and dining room. James froze at the sight before him. The room had been redecorated, his shitty tree was replaced with a nice big white tree with silver and gold decorations. There was lights hanging from the walls and the typical mistletoe hung up. Under the tree was a nice pile of presents, all wrapped nice and ready to be open. The dogs? Were dressed in sweaters. "Mishka?" James said as he crouched down. "What are you doing here?" He asked, causing the people in the kitchen to look over.

"James!" Aleks said with a wide smile. "You're up!" Joe added with a smile. "Yah.." James said as he looked at everyone in the kitchen. Aleks and Joe were there along with Trevor, Aron, Brett, And.... Seamus!?!? "Sea!" He said with wide eyes, looking the blond over. "Hey, miss me?" Seamus asked with a smirk as he ran his hand through his long hair. James didn't answer and just went over and hugged him, not believing he was real. "What... what are you all doing here?" He asked in disbelief. "Well isn't it obvious?" Aron asked with a smile. "We're here for Christmas!" Joe cheered happily. James just couldn't shake the feeling that this was all a dream or a joke. "B-But... You guys went home... I.." He stumbled out, confused. "We wanted to surprise you." Seamus said softly with a smile. The curly haired male shook his head. "But.. Last night.. This, no.. This..." He muttered to himself, getting looks from the others.

"James, breath." Brett said softly. James nodded and took a deep breath. "Last night," He started to explain. "I saw a shining star in the sky and i made a wish.. A wish to have you all here..." He explained slowly. "Especially you." He added softly looking at Seamus. The blond smiled softly and took his hand. "I wanted to see you again, that's why i planned this all." He admitted. "With the others help, of course." He added. James' eyes widened at that and smiled, eyes glossy. "Thank you." He rasped out, softly. Everyone smiled and quickly engulfed James in a messy, big hug. In the middle stood James with tears in his eyes, happy to be surrounded by friends. They all soon pulled apart and went back to the activities of getting ready for the day.


The day had wound down, everyone was almost asleep where they sat or were still messing around with whatever gift they got. James was sat next to Seamus with Brett on his other side. "This has been the best Christmas ever." He said softly as he looked up from where he was leaning on the blond. "Yah?" Seamus asked softly. "I'm glad." He added as he wrapped an arm around him tightly. "Got everything you wanted?" Brett asked. "That and more." James confirmed as he held the other's hand tightly. "Good, this took a lot of planning." Aleks said as he came up behind James and rested his arms around his neck. "Thank you guys."James said softly as he smiled at all three of them. Happy to have people who loved and cared about him as he did for them.

The end!


So this was written for my friend Nico for Christmas and i just kept forgetting to post it! Here you go Hun bun! <3

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