Family worries (NovaHD)

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*Massive warning! Don't read if you don't like mentions of death, blood or suicide!* 

James and Aleks drove happily, having just picked up their oldest child from their friends house. There was nothing but happiness in the air. The young couple having just bought their dream home for their growing family and next week they'd get to see their new child for the first time. Aleks had a hand resting over the growing baby bump, his other in James'. He peeked at the rear view mirror, smiling as he watched their four year old doze in the back. The air outside the car was warm and calm, something everyone loves from the summer. It was so calming it lulled you and any else into a false sense of security. So as the happy family drove they didn't know of the danger that was lurking round the upcoming corner.

They pulled up to the intersection, waiting for their turn like any other day. They didn't notice the car coming from the right at high speeds. When the light turned James pulled out into the intersection and it was then that Aleks saw the other car, coming right for him. He went to warn James but as soon as he got out half of the other's name they were hit, sending the cars spinning. From there on everything went by in a blink of an eye. James tried to control the car but had no luck as he was jolted around. Aleks was out cold, head bleeding from where he hit it. Oliver had been woken from his nap and was crying and screaming in fear. All of this happen in seconds but in the moment felt like years, the cars soon skidding to a stop.

James was soon pulled from his daze, ears ringing from the impact. He groaned out as he moved, pain shooting through his body but he ignored it. The first thing that caught his attention was Oliver's crying and screaming. He instantly looked back, happy to see that his car seat had kept him mostly safe. The small boy had a few cuts and bumps but he looked mostly fine. James suddenly remembered Aleks and turned his attention to him, gasping at the sight if the other. The other car had hit him dead on and had bent in his door. He was bloody and from what James could tell trapped in his seat. "Aleks?" James managed to get out, voice scratchy. He started to panic when the other did not answer. He instantly dug for his phone, calling 911 as fast as he could.

It felt like ages as he waited for help to come, trying desperately to calm Oli and get some signs from Aleks that he was ok. Before he knew it there were people removing him and Oli from the car, ignoring his pleas to get Aleks first. Him and the child were loaded up and sent off to the hospital, the third member of the family following after some work in critical care. James was soon deemed fine with only a minor concussion and a few broken ribs. Oliver was also clear, only having cuts and bumps as James had thought. The small child was more shaken up than anything. James held Oli close as tried to get info on Aleks but all he was told was he was in critical care and once he was stable they would talk to him.

It was hours before James had heard anything, Oli having gone back with their friend. The news James got was good, Aleks was alive and breathing. He felt like he could cry tears of happiness but the doctor spoke up before he could. What he said had tears falling from James' eyes right away. They lost the baby. With a shaky breath he asked to see Aleks and he cried more as he saw his love. All the thoughts of their growing family smashed. The plans of names, colors for the nursery, gender of, all gone. He carefully took Aleks' weak, pale hand into his and held it tightly, trying to figure a way to tell him when he finally woke. The quietness of the room causing the dread to double, almost suffocating him as he waited.

When Aleks did wake James could barely tell him of the bad new, breaking down all over again. Aleks was in disbelief at first but when it hit him, it hit him hard causing him to sob. The two cried the day away till they couldn't anymore. James tried to be strong for Aleks but the other shut down after the news, not saying anything. He barely took notice of Oliver when he came to visit him, just staring off blankly at the wall. James had to assure the little one that his daddy was just tired from being sick and all, and would get better soon. He hoped it was true. Soon enough Aleks was let out and allowed home, not blinking an eye at the fact that they were at their new home. Their friends had helped move and set the house up while he was in hospital.

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