Cupcakes (Slypkc/SSoHFox)

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*Imagine person A of your OTP coming home from a long, hard day at work and being presented with a tray of cupcakes person B made for them while they were out.*

Today was a lazy day for Sly he had gotten all his recording done the day before and with Spencer doing all the editing for him, that left him with nothing to do today. He had had other plans to work on stuff but that ended up getting canceled and left him at home with nothing to do. He could head to the office and work on stuff but he decided to take the day off. It had been awhile since he just sat back and did nothing. Since moving to the office he had became much busier and a break was needed.

If only Seamus was here to share it with him but Sea had things he needed to do. Suddenly a thought popped into Sly's head. He should do something nice for Sea since he had to work all day but what to do. There was nothing that needed to be done in their apartment so he would need to think outside the box for this. Sly was pulled from his thoughts when a loud ad came on the T.v. The add was for cake and cupcake mix. That was perfect he would make Sea cupcakes. He noted that it had been awhile since ether of them had sweets like that. The last time being a shitty red velvet cake they had gotten for CT 100.

So like a cat Sly was swiftly on his feet and made his way to the small kitchen. He searched the cabinets for what was needed, to only find that they owned no cake mix nor pans. It didn't really surprise Sly when he found nether. Bek or Monica normally did all the baking when needed. So Sly decided he needed to go shopping which wasn't really a problem except he didn't know what he would need. He had never made a baked good a day in his life he always had a girlfriend or his mom to bake things for him.

Sly stood in his place in the kitchen thinking, he could call Bek and ask her what to do. No he wanted to figure this out on his own it would make it even more special then. With that thought and determination in his head Sly quickly exited the kitchen and grabbed his keys of there hook and left for the supermarket.

*Time skip to market*

Once Sly made it to the supermarket, he went straight to the baking isle and looked up and down the shelves for a cake mix he thought Sea would love. He finally decides on a box of devil's food cake mix knowing it will be sinfully sweet. He smiles at himself for the bad joke and turns the box over to see what he need to make said cake. After a moment or two of reading and rereading he sets off to go get the other things he'll need.

The box had read on it to bake he need eggs, oil, and water which he had all at home so all that was needed was a baking tray, cupcake liners, and frosting. Which were thankfully all in the same isle. So he set off looking for the right tray as instructed on the box. After a moment of looking at various tray that he swore were all the same he had found the one that was needed. Next he looked for the liners. Luckily he found them with ease and pick purple ones because well you know. Anyway next was the frosting which was right next to the liners. Though this was not going to be an easy pick. He had to think what would go good with devil's food but after some thinking he deemed that the whipped vanilla frosting would do just fine... He hoped.

With every thing he needed in hand he made his way to the check out then back home to start baking, which he only had a few hours till Sea would come home. So he needed to hurry and get home and get baking. 

With every thing in hand Sly made his way back into the apartment. He placed the bags on the counter and got the rest of what he needed out. He took the cake mix box in his hands and read the direction carefully. After reading the directions he started to add the mix, eggs, oil, and water to the bowl. Once he had added the right amount of every thing he took a big spoon and mixed every thing together. "This was really easy" Sly thought to himself. Maybe he should do this more often. He probably will if Sea likes every thing.

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