Blanket fort date-night (RoyalChaos)

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*Doc </3: \o0o/ this one "Hugs around the waist from behind and nuzzling their neck while talking as casually as ever." + Imagine your OTP making a blanket fort and making out/cuddling in it, that is all.*

School was tiring and Steven just couldn't wait to get home and relax. As he walked up to the door of his shared house he saw something out of the ordinary. There was a large lump of a shadow on the curtains in the living room. He quickly opened the door and hurried in the house to see what was causing the shadow. As he round the corner into the living room he was met with one of the sides of the thing. On closer inspection he found out that the thing sat in the middle of his living room was in fact a blanket fort. At first he was confused but soon remembered something his boyfriend had going on about a few days ago.

A gentle smile soon graced his face as he shook his head at how silly Anthony could be. As he was thinking this said man came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You like?" The older of the two asked with excitement in his voice. "I guess... I didn't think you would actually do it." Steven said has he relaxed into Anthony's arms. "And what made you think such a thing?" Anthony asked as he tightened his grip on Steven. "I dont know. I guess it would have been too much work and you would have given up." Steven said as he looked back at the other. "Nothings too much work for my boyfriend." Chilled said as he leaned down slightly and pressed a kiss to Steven's lips. "Awe but i didn't ask for you to do this you know." Steven said as he pulled away from the kiss. "I know but you did say "It would be a nice date-night thing". So I thought that since you had class all day today you might like a nice surprise."Anthony said as he started to nuzzle Steven's neck.

"Well... I like it. Thank you." Ze said with a smile on his face. Anthony gave Steven a kiss on the neck before he unwrapped himself from him. "Go get changed into some comfortable clothes and then come back down and I'll show you what i have plan." Anthony said as he push Steven toward the stairs. "Ok I'll go get changed." Ze said with a giggle as he made his way to the bedroom. Chilled just smiled happily and went back to the kitchen where he was making dinner. A few minutes later Anthony could hear the sounds of feet coming down the stairs. "Ok im all changed, what now?" Steven said as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen. "I'll show you to you're fort my love." Anthony said as he took Steven's hand in his.

Chilled lead him back into the living room and then got down to hold open the door to the fort so Steven could get in. "On you go, I still have somethings to do but I'll be in shortly." Anthony said with a big smile. Ze simply obeyed and crawled his way into the fort. Once he was in all the way Chilled let the door fall back into place and went back to work. Steven took a moment to take in the fort as a whole. It was constructed in such a way that the t.v. was still watchable from inside. There was also a makeshift bed of blankets and pillows for the two to lie on. Other than that there were various chairs and stuff to hold up the blankets. Ze made his way to the farthest side of the blanket-bed and got situated.

A few moments passed but soon Chilled returned with two plates of pancakes. "Pancakes... for dinner?" Steven said with a giggle as he took his and Anthony's plates. "What! Pancakes can be eating anytime..." Anthony said as he crawled over to steven. "I guess." Steven said with another chuckle. "You know I'll remember this the next time i want to do something nice for you." Chilled said as he got seated next to the other. Steven handed the other his plate and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for the dinner Chilly." Ze said as he went to take a bite of his food. "Hmpf... You're welcome babe." Anthony sighed out as he moved to put on a movie. "What movie are we watching?" Steven asked through a mouth full of food. Anthony just looked back at Steven and smiled. Steven instantly knew what movie they'd be watching and he just shook his head and giggled. Once the movie was in and playing Chilled sat back and dug into his own dinner.

About an hour had gone by and the two were now curled up together. Steven had his head rested on Anthonys chest as they quietly finished off their movie. "How many times are we going to watch this" Steven asked lazily. "As many times as i want..." Anthony simply replied. "Arent you bored of this movie yet?" The younger male question. "I could never be bored of The Lego Movie." Anthony said sounding almost offended by the question. "You're a dork. You know that right?" Steven said as he buried his face into Anthony's chest. "Yah, but I'm you're dork." Anthony said as he kissed the top of Ze's head. Steven removed his face from Anthony's chest and looked up at him. Anthony took this moment to lean down and pull Steven in to a sweet and loving kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever but still ended too soon for eithers liking. Before they could part to far Steven pushed his lips back on to Anthony's. The movie at this point was forgotten for sweet and tender kiss instead. The rest of the evening was spent just like this. The two would part long enough to get some air but would go right back to it in a matter of no time. Nights like this is why the two loved each other so much.


Heyyy long time no see.... school is fucking crazy anyway i wrote this for a friend of mine who thought my page was missing some royalchaos. hope you like bby <3

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