A rose by another name. (NovaFox)

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James crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at the dresses he had laid out on his bed, not sure which one to pick. He was going out with his boyfriend of three years tonight and the other said to dress nice. So here he was staring at dresses while time ticked away. The younger let out an annoyed whine and pulled out his phone, calling his friend Seamus on face time. "Hey, James. What's up?" Seamus asked as he brushed his hair from his face. "Hey, i need help picking a dress for tonight." James said as he sat on his bed. "Ooo, What's going on tonight?" The blond asked with a smirk. "Eddie is taking me out to dinner and stuff, he said to dress nice." The darknet said with a small smile. "Oh, what's the occasion?" Seamus asked. "I don't know, it's not a normal date night and he said to look my best so..." James trailed off, thinking what could be up. "Maybe he just wants to treat you, Maybe he's going to finally pop the question." The elder hummed out, wiggling his eyebrows on the last bit. "Sea, i don't want to get my hopes up. There's no way he's going to propose." The younger said as he looked down at his lap. "Why not? You two have been together for years." Seamus pointed out. "It's about time he did it." He added.

"He would have done it if he wanted to by now." James sighed out sadly. "I'm not husband material." He added biting his lip, eyes getting cloudy with tears. "Aw, Jamie. You are, you'd make a good hubby." The blond said with a sad tone. "Then why won't he ask me to marry him?" The darknet asked hopelessly. "Maybe he's not ready?" Seamus offered halfheartedly. "Still? How can he still not be ready?" James asked as he looked up. "We've talked about it and he does want to get married some day and he says we'll be together forever so, why won't he ask?" He asked pitifully. "I don't know." The other sighed out. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have brought it up." He added. The upset male took a deep breath and let it out shakily. "It's ok, i'm just getting worked up over nothing.... Just which should i wear so i can make myself look less like shit." He murmured as he pointed his phone at the dresses. "The third, it's a pretty color and will look good on you." Seamus said with a hum. "Ok, thanks. Bye." James said as he hung up, biting his lip to stay calm.

Once he was calm he took the other two dresses and put them away before he stripped. James decided on simple black lacy panties and see through stocking that have little hearts on it as well as cute little ankle boot heels with a bow on the front to go with his dress. He carefully pull those all on but the shoes before slipping the cute rose dress that came to mid thigh and had a heart shape neckline. He added a simple black belt to cinch his waist in a bit. Once his outfit was perfect he went over to his big vanity and started on simple evening makeup, ending up putting his hair up in  a bun. By time he was all finished and ready for their dinner Eddie was knocking at his door. James gave himself one last look over before he went to the door, smiling wide. "Carino!" Eddie said with a wide smile. "You look so beautiful." He hummed as he looked James over. "You think so?" The other asked shyly. "Of course, you always look so beautiful." The Latino purred as he took James' hand. "Thank you, you look nice too." James said, a blush on his face as he laced their  fingers. "Why thank you! Had to look my best for my love." Eddie purred as he wrapped his free arm around James' waist, pulling him close. The younger blushed more and wrapped his arm around his neck. "A-are we still going to dinner?" He asked softly.

"Oh! Yes, we should get going." The elder said, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away to walk to the car. James followed after, biting his lip as he thought about why they were going out. He carefully got into the car and sat with his hands folded in his lap. Eddie got in as well and quickly took off to the restaurant. "S-so what do you have planned for this evening?" The curly haired male asked as he peeked over at Eddie. "Well dinner and then it's a surprise." The Latino said simply. "A surprise?" James asked with a raised brow. "Yep a surprise!" Eddie chirped back. "Is that all i can know?" The other asked as he bit his lip. "Yep." The elder said popping the p. "Oh... ok." James said softly as he looked out the window. "Don't worry, Carino. You'll love it." Eddie assured as he set a hand on his knee and rubbed it lightly. "If you say so." The younger sighed out, taking Eddie's hand in his. "I do and you know i never lie to you." The other said. "I know...." James trailed off, squeezing his hand slightly. "I love you." Eddie cooed sweetly. "Love you too."

*Time skip*

The dinner was over and it had been beautiful and the food was yummy. The two were currently on their way to Eddie's surprise and James was nervous of what it could be. So nervous he and nearly bitten his whole lip off. "We're here!" Eddie chirped as he parked, causing James to jump from the sudden sound. The younger furrowed his brow as he saw they were at the local botanical gardens, it was late and surly they were close. "Well stop sitting there and come with me." The elder said as he got out. James quickly followed, going over to his side. "What are we doing here?" He asked as he grabbed his arm. "Just you wait and see~" Eddie sang as he lead him to the door and into the garden. He took them right away to James' favorite spot in the whole place. It was a small little river area that had a little wooden bridge that crossed it. On either side of the river were flowers  of every kind imaginable, or it seemed that way. There were little lights lighting up the area making it look so beautiful, the most lights were on the bridge to light it up perfectly. "Oh my... Eddie, it's so..." James went to say only to be cut off by the other male. "Shh, that's not all of it." He said as he led him on the bridge.

Eddie had James stand on one side of the bridge while he stood on the other, holding both of his hand in his. "James, i brought you here because this is where we met over three years ago. I thought the flowers here were the prettiest thing i have ever seen but then i laid eyes on you." He said as he squeezed his hands. "You were- are still the prettiest thing i have ever had the pleasure of seeing and loving. Your beauty is so much more then looks too, you have a beautiful heart, soul and mind and i could- wouldn't want anyone but you." He said taking a deep breath before kneeling on one knee. "What i'm trying to say is that i truly want to spend my life with you and you alone. Will you James Willson do me the of being my lovely partner for the rest of eternity?" Eddie asked as he pulled out a beautiful ring with a big opal stone in the middle. James was speechless as he looked at the ring and at Eddie. As the words sunk in so did the tears. He nodded his head, not being able to speak he was so choked up as the tears poured over. "Yes, oh god, yes!" He sobbed as he wrapped his arms around his lover and fiance. Eddie wrapped his arms around James and hugged him tightly. "I love you." He said softly. "I love you too."

The End~


Hey! i finally updated with something!

This is for my lovely friend nico, its her birthday today and i wrote this just for her. Hope you love it hun and happy birthday! <3
Also pic above is the outfit!

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