Love potion? (Koova)

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*mlgjames said: I WILL SEND YOU A PROMPT BBY <333 Koova, of course. Jordan accidentally drinks a love potion and falls for James. You can reverse that if you want c:*

It was a calm day at the Creature office, everyone was quietly working on their own thing. Well as quiet as a bunch of gamers could get. Jordan was sat in his office editing a recording session of spore. He went to go sip his drink only to find it empty. So with a huff he got up to go get something else. When he opened the fridge he was met with nothing, it was completely empty except for some old pizza, Bek's salad dressing and a clear glass filled with some pink liquid. Jordan opted out of the dressing because one shot was enough for him for ever and decided to steal whoever's pink drink. They should have put their name on it and maybe he wouldn't have taken it.... just maybe.

Anyway with drink in hand he returned to his office to finish editing. Once he was sat down, Jordan opened the bottle of pink liquid and took a big gulp of it. Though He quickly regretted it as it tasted awful, he had never tasted something so bitter. Balsamic vinaigrette had nothing on this pink drink it was that bad. "Gross who would ever want to drink something like this." Jordan said as he looked at the bottle in disgust. Jordan got back from his chair and went back to the kitchen to dispose of this nastiness. He figured he was doing who ever a favor by dumping it. "Yuck! I can still taste it in my mouth." Jordan said to himself as he pulled out a cup to have some water in.

"What can you still taste in your mouth?" James asked as he entered the kitchen. "Some nasty pink drink that someone left in the fridge." Jordan said as he filled his cup. "Oh are you talking about the bottle Sea brought in?" James asked as he looked in the fridge. "If that's who brought it then yes. He's lucky though it was supper bitter, so i dumped." Jordan said as he turned to look at the other. James did the same before he spoke again. "You know you should tell him, because if he comes looking for it he won't be happy." James said as he closed the fridge door. Jordan did answer, He couldn't. He suddenly found himself unable to say words. "Jordan? Jordan are you ok?" James asked as he waved a hand in front of his bosses face.

"I.. I'm fine!" he suddenly said once he regain his focus. "Are you sure? You dozed out on me there?" James said with concern in his tone. "I-I'm fine... Just g-got side tracked..." Jordan said nervously as a blush grew on his face. "Um... ok... Just tell Seamus like i said..." James said as he turned to leave. Jordan just nodded and watched as the other left. Once he was alone he let out a breath. Why did he suddenly get all nervous and everything and why did he space out when he saw Jame. His head was spinning. "I need to go sit down." He said to himself as he went back to his office. Once in his office chair he leaned back and closed his eyes in hope of clearing his mind.

Unfortunately he couldn't clear him mind all he could think about was Jame... Just thinking about him was causing Jordan's stomach to do flips but why? They were just friends... Jordan groaned, why this and why now. He shook his head and tried to go back to work. It helped for a little bit, but soon Jordan found himself day dreaming about James. He thought about how cute he looks when he's mad or how cute he is when he smiles just right and his dimples show. He also thought about how soft his hair was and how he wanted to run his hands through it. Jordan just stared off into the wall as he thought all about James. Thought his thoughts were interrupted but an upset Seamus. "Jordan!" Seamus yelled for the fourth time but he didn't know that. "Oh.. What Seamus?" Jordan said as he looked over at the blond.

"I asked if you know where my drink went?" Seamus said with annoyance heavy in his tone. "Oh... ah was your drink pink and in a glass bottle?" Jordan asked. "Yes, do you know where it went?" Seamus asked getting more annoyed by the second. "Oh yah, i drank some but it was really bitter so i dumped it out." Jordan said as he looked back down. "You did what!" Seamus practally screamed. "I dumped it out. It was gross, i did you a favor." Jordan said again like it was nothing. "Jordan, Do you know what was in that?" Seamus asked as he walked over to Jordan's desk. "No, all i know is it was awful and i did you a favor, so now you don't have to taste that." Jordan said not get at what Seamus was saying. "Jordan that wasn't a drink, that was a potion." Seamus said seriously. "A potion? W-what type of potion?" The boss asked cautiously. "A love potion.." Seamus trailed off.

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