Flesh (Immortalfox) {Smut}

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*warning hella bad smut*

It was just an normal day well almost a normal day. The day started out normal enough except for the fact that Aleks was horny as hell. From the very moment he work up that Monday morning more like afternoon but anyway, the moment he woke up he found himself very turned on by nothing in particular. He hadn't had any dirty dreams.. at lest he thinks he didn't and his Boyfriend was no where to be found in their shared bedroom. So there was no reason why his dick would be almost hard. The young Russian just shook it off and decided to ignore it. Hoping it would go away.

Sadly as he sat now in his home office, his problem had not gone away. It in fact had gotten worse. You see Aleks had spent the day recording things with his lovely boyfriend and just the sound of his voice had him on edge. Damn his body for being a horny girl today. So he sat there listening to his Latino boyfriend go on about something in minecraft, just thinking about how hot his voice sounded even though he was just talking casually.

Aleks was suddenly pulled from his dirty wanting thoughts when he heard said Latino say his name. "What?" Aleks questioned. "I said, is every thing alright? You have just been standing there not talking." Eddie asked was his minecraft character walked in front of Aleks'. Aleks had to think about how to answer that one. Should he tell him that he wanted his brains fucked out... Well not on recording but should he say that there was a problem and by the look and feel of his pants a big one. Would Eddie even want to help with his problem? Sure Eddie loved him and loves to do things like that with him but what if today is the one day hes like no. Lastly how would he tell him. Eddie was usually the horny one not him and he would always come onto him. Aleks isn't even sure how to be alluring.

Aleks was stuck between a rack and a hard place... or should i say hard on. Aleks was once again pulled from his deep thoughts by the sound of Eddie's voice. "Aleks are you ok?" Eddie asked but this time it sounded much closer. The next thing Aleks heard was the sound of his head set being set down on the desk. "You look like you have a problem there~" Eddie whispered right next to Aleks' ear. All Aleks could do was let out a quite moan in response which brought a smile to creep its way on to Eddies face. "Bedroom" Was the next thing to leave the Latino's mouth as he stood up and started exiting the room thinking Aleks was on his tail.

Aleks didn't fully understand what was said right away but when he looked over to his office's doorway and saw Eddie waiting for him it suddenly clicked. He got out of his chair as fast as he could and followed the Latino to their room. Once in the bedroom Eddie attacked the Russian in a fit of kisses and pushed him up against the door. Aleks whined and moaned through the kiss as Eddie pushed him harder against the door trying to get closer to his boyfriend. Eddies kisses started to trail down to the younger's neck as he pulled Aleks' legs up to wrap around his waist. Aleks let out a string of moans as Eddie sucked and bit on his neck trying to find his sweet spot. Eddie grazed over one spot that had Aleks panting and moaning like crazy. So he went back to it and started biting on it.

"M-more.." was all Aleks could say. For some reason Aleks wanted it rough today, he wanted to be broken and bleeding. He wanted to be fucked so hard that he wont be able to walk. Sadly Aleks was finding it hard to get that though to Eddie. Every time he tried to open his mouth to say so a moan or a whine came out instead of words. The older of the two sensing that there was something wanting to be said stopped attacking the Russian neck. "You know Aleks you need to use words so I know how to please you~" He purred out. Instead of making the situation better Eddie had made it worse for Aleks. He was panting uncontrollably now. After a moment of trying too calm down Aleks finally was able to speak.

"I-I w-want it r-rough." Aleks stuttered out as a blush grew over his already flustered face. Eddie just smirked at Aleks. "If you say so... babe~" Eddie said as he returned to attacking Aleks' neck this time biting harder. Eddie started biting so hard he could taste iron as he nipped and sucked at Aleks' neck. Aleks didn't care one bit that Eddie had bit him so hard to brake skin. He was loving every moment of it. loud moans spilled from Aleks mouth as he was pushed harder into the door and bit harder on his neck. Every thing seemed perfect but something was missing. Friction Aleks was dying for some kind of friction. So he started to grind as best as he could from his current position but it wasn't enough.

Eddie noticed how fidgety the younger had gotten. He knew he wanted more. Eddie dropped Aleks carefully back on his feet and put his lips on his ear. "Strip and get on all fours~" Eddie commanded as he nibbled on the Russian's ear. Aleks immediately started to do as Eddie said. Aleks stripped of all his clothes and got down on his hands and knees. Eddie fallowed suit and stripped himself of his clothing and went over to the night stand were they kept the lube.

Eddie walked back over to Aleks and got up and behind him. "Do you want to be prepped or not~" Eddie Asked seductively. Aleks thought for a moment then shook his head no. He would regret it later but right now he didn't care. He wanted all the pain that was to come and just thinking about it now was making his dick twitch with anticipation. Eddie just nodded and started lubing up his rock hard dick. He knew Aleks wanted rough but he wasn't going in completely dry, he just couldn't. Though it will only make it easier on him not Aleks.

Eddie lined himself up to Aleks entrance and started to push in. He pushed himself all the way in before he quickly pulled out and plunged back in as fast as he could. The sudden feeling of being slammed into had Aleks screaming and moaning like crazy. This felt so amazing to the young Russian, so much in fact he could barely keep himself up on his hands as Eddie pounded into him again and again. Eddie kept moving faster and harder with each thrust he took. He also shifted trying to find the one spot that would have Aleks unable to speak. As the moans and pants rolled out of both their mouths suddenly Eddie hit the one spot he'd been looking for and all sounds were gone from the man under him. Aleks' vocal cords just stopped working and as Eddie continued to hit that same spot over and over again Aleks wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to talk again.

Finally though his voice did come back but only barely. "I-I'm s-so c-close" was all Aleks could get out. He was so quiet Eddie barely heard him. So he picked up his pace thrusting faster and faster in to the younger man. Soon Eddie felt a tightness around his dick as Aleks came moaning out Eddie's name. The sound and feeling was just enough to push Eddie over the edge as he came deep inside of Aleks filling him up.

Eddie sat there panting trying to catch his breath before finally pulling out of the tired Russian and falling down next to him. "T-that was amazing." Eddie panted out as he looked over at Aleks who just laid there tiredly. "Yah." Aleks said as he looked over at Eddie. "We should do that again sometime." Eddie said as he looked up at the ceiling trying to steady his breathing. "Yah, just not to often. I don't think my voice can handle it." Aleks said through a scratchy voice. "Yah, would hate if something were to happen to that pretty voice of yours." Eddie said as he looked over at Aleks. Who had a blush on his face. "Lets get some rest." Eddie said as he pulled his tired boyfriend in to cuddle.


well i don't even know what to say about this... This is my first time writing smut and i have to say my hat goes off to all your amazing smut writers. You guys make it look so easy but its not. i had like no idea how to start this. i don't know if its just because I'm like hella awkward when it come to this shit or what. i guess practise makes perfect so ill write more... but i don't think they'll be any better. 

i should mention that this is suppose to be based of the song flesh by Simon Curtis but this has little to nothing to do with it. sooo yah sorry. also I've never heard of the song before this prompt so yah. it's a good song and is perfect for writing a smut fic about it but Alas I'm not that good soo....

Thanks to the lovely @bravespirtgirl for the prompt. i hope that its not to bad. I'm very happy you gave me this prompt because i probably wouldn't have tried to write smut if it wasn't for you.

You can leave a comment below with a ship or a prompt or both down below and i will add it to my list of oneshots to-do. it doesn't have to be song related but it can be. (i really like the idea of doing oneshots based off of songs) you can look in the front of this book to see the ships  i will write.

lastly thank you to everyone that took time to read any of my stories and ill get back to work on "MyPets" after i get the back log of prompts that i have as of posting this done. (which is two more)

                ~Love you All <3

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