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"Why are you here?" Adonis says dryly, annoyed that he was wasting his time. The Alpha bows his head, lightly, playing with his hands. "I have come to talk business with you." The man says. Adonis carries on with his work not bothering to look at him.

Why did people like to annoy him so frequently?

"I know what you're looking for and I also know where you can find it." Adonis' body tenses. Why did they always think they knew what he wanted? He looks up to glare at the putrid man.

"Did I tell you to speak?" The man is shocked at his rudeness and frowns before closing his mouth. Even though the man is also a fellow alpha, he knew that he shouldn't pick fights with the Alpha of the Crescents. Heck, everyone knew that.

"Sit." Adonis says, sternly. The man sits on the seat opposite before gulping. He was afraid of going closer to him just in case he reached over and ripped out his throat. He'd heard many accounts of him actually doing that.

Adonis closes his file and looks at him expectantly, "What?"

"I know where you can find what you're looking for." The man repeats. "And what is it that I'm supposedly looking for?" Adonis speaks. His hands itched for blood but he didn't want to get the carpet dirty. Blood was a bitch to get out and he had already changed his carpet multiple times. It just wasn't financially efficient for him to rip throats out whenever he pleased.

The man then begins to explain, "It's a dagger isn't it? The Surrem. The legend was born in my pack and we have records dating back to when it was first discovered." Adonis interrupts him. "Give me one good reason that will stop me from spilling your blood on my fine carpet and I just ransack your library."

The man lets out a shaky breath, "Because, I'm the only person from my pack that knows the whereabouts of the map that leads to the ancient relic."

Adonis snarls. Sometimes he just hated doing business with idiots.

A large part of him wanted to just torture the information out of him but he wasn't very good at getting information. He usually ended up killing them off by accident. And this wasn't something he could make mistakes on. He couldn't afford it.

Adonis swallows his pride, "What are your terms?" The man wrings his hands a little before speaking, "My daughter is of marrying age and her mate rejected her. I want my bloodline to continue and for her to bear strong pups." Adonis looks at him as if he's lost his mind.

The alpha in front of him is weak. Even an omega from Adonis' pack could kill the man in front of him in a duel. His blood was weak.

And marrying his daughter? What kind of a term even was that?

He thought that he'd ask of something more like an alliance to help his pack in any war or to train his men in combat but his term was just ridiculous.

And it was oh so breakable. He was getting more out of this deal than he thought he would. Adonis fights the urge to grin.

Instead he nods at him, pretending to mull over it, "I agree to your terms but as soon as the marriage is done you have to hand over the Surrem to me. If not, I will not hesitate to brutally kill your daughter and then your pack in front of you."

"I understand." The man gets up and walks towards the door but before he leaves Adonis calls out him, slightly curious. "How did you know that I was looking for the dagger?"

"There were a lot of rumours going around that you are a lone wolf, separated from your other half. But you are also an Alpha without a Luna." The Alpha plays with hands nervously, hoping he wasn't about to overstep his boundaries. "It is important for you and your pack for you to find your soulmate and the Surrem heals all kinds of bonds, even if they're broken due to a curse."

The weak Alpha wasn't wrong. Adonis was cursed but the Alpha wasn't right about everything. He didn't need the dagger to heal his mate bond. For some odd reason, he figured his mate would fall into place and fix it for him.

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