Chapter Twenty Two

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"LUKAS!" Maya grabs his attention, which is all she needed. Her eyes turn purple once again and she focuses all her attention on her next word.

"Stop!" His eyes mimic her eye colour and he immediately stops. His body relaxes and he stands there and just glares at me. I glare at him back. Maya tuts at us both, which breaks our glaring match. With one last look, he's out of sight. His absent presence has all the power from my body leaving all over again. I'm physically drained.

The anger fully leaves my body and I'm left emotional. My eyes sting as tears coat the surface of my eyes. I was trying my hardest not to let them fall, blinking rapidly, but they still fall. Once the first few tears fall, the rest quickly follow.

Everything catches up to me quickly. The thought of not knowing when I was going to be reunited with my mate is a heavy thought. The training I was receiving was also intense. I needed a break from everything. And I wanted to see Adonis again. I didn't belong here.

I sob, unable to stop my cries from being loud as my nose runs and I hiccup loudly. Maya wraps me into a tight hug and I cry on her shoulder, whilst telling me that it's going to be okay.

I appreciated Maya more than I ever had.

We stand like that for a while until my eyes are dry of tears and my hiccups have subsided. I pull away from her.

"Thank you. For always being there for me." I dry my face of the wetness from my salty tears.

"Don't thank me, I'm your sister. If you can't rely on me who else can you rely on?" She gives me a half-smile.

I take a step and stumble. My legs felt like jelly. I physically couldn't move. My body had been sapped of all its energy. My limbs felt heavy and I was so sure that I was about to faint. I look at Maya and open my mouth to tell her how I felt, but before the words escape, I feel incredibly lightheaded and the rest is history.

The last person I wanted to see when I woke up is the first person I see. Lukas sits on a chair next to my bed, napping. He looked innocent and friendly whilst asleep. My eyes suddenly catch onto what's on his lap. A clear blood bag lies on his thigh and I wonder if it's for me.

My mouth salivates at the thought. I hadn't drank blood in a few days and my thirst was beginning to come out. I have to suppress my fangs from making an appearance. Maybe I should just take it? The thought crosses my mind but as quickly as it comes, it leaves. I wasn't on good enough terms with Lukas to steal a blood bag from him.

I wonder if I should quietly leave but then I realise it's my room. Why should I leave my own room? After a few seconds of silence and him not moving, I clear my throat. He stirs but doesn't wake up. I cough loudly, which makes him stir more. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times before my eyes connect with his and he quickly straightens up.

"You've got some..." I point at my own tear duct. He quickly cleans the gunk from his eyes, his cheeks turning a rosy hue.

It's silent for a while and there's an awkward energy that begins to loom. I wanted to break the atmosphere but I didn't know what to say. I wasn't going to apologise until he did.

"I'm sorry." Lukas blurts out. I turn my head to look at him so fast that my vision blurs a little. Did he just...? My eyes are wide and I stare at him with a shocked expression. He really apologised.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said those things." I apologise too. I did say some hurtful things that probably hurt his feelings. I wouldn't have liked it if someone said the same thing I said to him before I met Adonis. And that was why I felt guilty about my words.

"How long have I been out?" I ask. I feel rejuvenated, awake and ready to take on anything.

"For a day." My mouth drops open at his reply. There was no way... "It seems like you had pulled too much energy from your wolf and your vampire so you needed to recuperate."

That must've been why I felt so powerful when we were fighting. Lukas holds something out, "This is for you." He's giving me the blood bag that I was looking at before.

I stare at it. "Is this...?" I hesitate. Did I want to know the answer?

Lukas understands straight away. "Yes. It's your mate's blood. Remember, as an Immortal, you can only feed off one person." His words leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

"How is he?" I ask, knowing he must've seen him recently, to collect blood. My voice is small and I'm nervous to hear the answer.

"He's fine. He's fully recovered and his whole pack have integrated into the new pack quite quickly. He's done a lot of work, probably to distract himself. He was asking about you."

He lifts his shirt and there are dark purple welts that litter his abdomen. "I got these for not telling him where you are. He misses you."

My heart pounds loudly, a blooming emotion spreading around my body. He misses me. That one sentence has me turning into an emotional wreck.

"Let's talk about what happened." I'm confused. Did he really want to bring it up again and make it awkward all over again?

"You used your vampire speed!" His voice is a few octaves higher and I can sense the excitement.

Vampire speed? I recall the fight and gasp, realising he was right. I did use my vampire speed. This changed everything.

"You're right. I did!" I grin, realising that I didn't need to carry on running gruelling amounts in training.

"This is great progress. It means that we only have to train your vampire and ensure that we know you have control over yourself and you're done with your training."

"Guess what!" I shout as soon as Maya enters the room. I'm way too excited to keep it in.

"What?" She grins, matching my excitement.

"Lukas said that I don't have long left of my training!" I grin widely, teeth showing, waiting for her to share my happiness, but her face drops.

"Oh." She didn't sound happy.

"Is that not good news?" My smile fades and I ask her confused.

"Yeah. It is. I just... It's going to be back to like how it was before. I like having you around here and it makes me feel less lonely. You know what Lukas is like."

I knew first hand what Lukas was like. He was too controlling for his own good.

"You'll always be welcome in my pack. I'll persuade Adonis to let you visit." The sad expression from her face doesn't waver. I don't know what else to say to her, but then I don't end up needing to because she breaks from her melancholy.

"Hold on. I want to try something." Maya grabs my arm and I look at her. Her eyes transition into a purple and her words sound enticing, "Go open the window." I stare blankly at her.

"Are you hot? I'm cold." Her eyes are wide as she stares at me with a new expression.

"This changes things." She whispers. 


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