Chapter Eight

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are u ready for it?

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are u ready for it?

Chapter Eight

The air in the forest stills and the smirk that the vampire dons just manages to annoy me. I'm not sure whether he's being serious or if he thinks this is just a joke. He probably got the wrong person. Heck, I was a werewolf and he was a vampire. Putting them together didn't work out and it was just a recipe for disaster.

I was definitely not his sister...

There was no denying that. I didn't even look like him. "What?!" I blurt out, anxious. A deadly vampire could tear me into pieces, I couldn't anger him and lead myself to my own death. That would just be stupid.

Maybe I heard him wrong...

"You're my sister." No I heard him, alright. It just didn't make any sense. I shake my head at him, frowning.

"No I'm not." I argue, not wanting to associate myself with a vampire. All thoughts of not angering him disappear and my defensive tone appears.

"Yes you are." His smirk is gone and now he's grinning widely, showing me his sharp fangs. I take a step back seeing his fangs and when a large twig snaps under my feet, I freeze. His white teeth are intimidating so I stare at one of his purple veins on his forehead.

"No I'm not. I'm a shifter and you're a vampire." My eyes are wide and I curse myself for leaving the pack house. I should have just stayed in there, waiting for my overbearing, fool of a mate. But, I had to leave that room, it was just suffocating. But, being safe in that room sounded like a better idea than being stuck with a vampire, who had his eyes set on me.

"Yes, Captain Obvious, I am a vampire. But you're not just a shifter. You have half of my pure blood in your veins."

"No I don't." I shake my head, not giving his words any type of meaning. There was just no way he was right. Maybe there was something wrong with him... or he was lost? Maybe he thought that I looked like his sister or he got the wrong person. Yeah... that must be it. He got the wrong person. I wasn't half vampire and half wolf... There was no such thing.

His grin drops and now his eyes narrow at me, "Yes."

"No." I grip the hilt of the dagger that is still in my hand, tighter.

"Yes." He hisses the word, angrily.

"No. You probably have the wrong person." I raise my voice.

"No." He speaks through his teeth, frustrated at the argument.

"Ha. See, you said no."

"Wow you're so much more annoying than..." He stops mid sentence, freezing, but in just a few seconds, he moves faster than I could blink, pushing me to the trunk of a tree. He puts his hand over my mouth and I'm tempted to lick his hand or nip it so he would move it, but the look in his eyes makes me leave him be. My arms are limp, but I keep my hands tight on the dagger, on edge. Any wrong move from him and I'd shove the dagger into his stomach. His pupils are tinted blood red, the humour removed in his eyes.

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