Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

It's as if I'm sat at a bench on a busy platform at a train station, watching everyone get on with their daily lives, whilst I just watched. I was in my own world, watching everyone pass me by whilst I was still at a standstill. Adonis had just collapsed in front of my eyes and shifters had instantly surrounded him, trying to help him. Whereas, I was too grief stricken to even struggle against the metal handcuffs that they managed to put on my wrists after wrapping them behind my back.

I'm too wrapped up in the sadness that came with seeing the vision of Adelina seeing her own daughter die, that I don't hear the insults that they whisper at me and it doesn't even register until I've been moved into a different hall. This hall was smaller than the other one, but it was still large enough to not be considered a room. The ceilings are lower and the details in the architecture aren't as intricate, with less stone and more marble and tiles. There is a small spot on the wall that my gaze fixates on. I keep looking at that patch, my eyesight slowly blurring.

Freak. That was the one word that stuck to me, my mind repeating it back to me again and again, making me flinch. That was the word that they had whispered to me as they took me away from them. I try to focus on something else when my thoughts aren't engrossed on Adelina and Lucien.

Adonis. Where was he? I needed him where I could see him so that I knew he was safe. The need I had for him, just to be near him, had somehow intensified. I was jittery, my legs starting to shake as my mind fills with anxiety at the prospect of him somewhere unsafe.

I knew he could handle himself but if he was safe then I was safe. Wait... where was Lukas? Where was the vampire that claimed that I was his sister? How had he just disappeared in the middle of all of this, without even another word?

I could only guess that he had gone as soon as Adonis fell unconscious. There were many wolves with us in that hall and they outnumbered him. He must have realised that the elders, that were present in the hall, were angry, especially since the Vampire King had broken the famous treaty of no intermingling between two rival species.

Those werewolves had probably never hated the vampires as much as they hated me. A hybrid; half wolf and half vampire, with intense power running through my veins. But I didn't really feel that special, I felt lonely.

Alone, with no-one there to back me. My heart feels heavy as I remember the loneliness that Adelina had felt when her daughter died in her lap. No-one ever deserved to go through such pain or loss. And, I hadn't even seen my mother for over a week; she was the only family I ever knew.

A loud banging has my heart racing. I watch as the door shakes and then a whole fleet of vampires come through the door, causing the hair to stand up on the back of my neck. A brisk chill comes in with them and they all march in and stand in formation. Their faces are ashen, fangs protruding as they carry large swords, as if they came to fight.

My blood runs cold and I'm even more jittery. I needed Adonis here to calm my anxiety, but he was somewhere unconscious, healing. The only thing that somehow calms me is the sight of Lukas trailing behind a regal man. The expression on both their faces are stoic, not showing their true intentions. I look at the man that is in front of Lukas, intimidated by his threatening demeanour. He was a handsome man with jet black hair and features that are sharp and angular. His eyes are strikingly intense, green with specks of gold and a crimson rim around his iris.

I watch in shock as the large number of vampires, make rows and create a pathway for Lukas and the unknown vampire that is in front of him. His aura and the supremacy that radiates off his body is daunting and unmistakable as he takes large, dignified steps to me. There is an unsettling feeling in my gut as it finally clicks to me who the stranger could be.

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