Chapter Twenty Five

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It had been too long. Everything was bleak and dreary, it was as if the life had been sucked out of my reality. It would take literally anything to set me off, Ethan, my beta, would just have to sneeze loudly in my presence and it would irritate me beyond belief. At one point I had once smelt a hint of floral sweetness on my way to a pack meeting and my wolf went wild. After that, all pack members stayed clear of me, which worked out well for me because that was the way I liked it.

There was a large hole in my heart and instead of turning to alcohol I had turned to energy drinks and fully drowned myself with work. I was at the point where I was taking Ethan's tasks off him because the projects I had started to take my mind off her were nearly completed.

I would get so immersed in my tasks that the only time I'd get up was only to fulfil my needs. My stomach grumbles loudly, alarming me to feed myself. The papers in front of me needed signing, but I had to read over them first since I took them off Ethan before he could run through them. I pull off my reading glasses and leave them on top of the pile of papers.

I use my speed to make my way to the kitchen. There was no time to waste. The more time I spent away from the office meant that my brain had more time to dwell on other things. And the only other thing that liked to occupy my thoughts was her... The spread of melancholy that originates at my heart spreads to the rest of my body, slowly, making me yearn her with every breath. My steps are heavy and sluggish as I walk.

As usual, there's no-one around until I turn the corner and two people stand at the side. One of them is Ethan, who I did not want to see. I was soon getting close to just randomly punching him in the face when he talked my ear off. I had never met someone more annoying than him. Oh, wait... I had. Eva's older half brother, Lukas, was definitely more annoying than him. I had known him for less but there were more instances where I wanted to deck him compared to Ethan.

There's another man stood with Ethan. He's deep in conversation with him, but his features are familiar. He has a small face with permed hair that covers part of his forehead. It was the boy that Eva had played a prank on me with, where she mentioned she was going to kiss him. My heart begins to race, a splint of anger beginning to poke at my brain. Ethan notices me quickly, standing in front of the boy that I wanted to execute. The boy turns to look at me, his eyes widening, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Ethan gestures for him to walk away and he doesn't need to be told twice. He bows his head and scampers the other way. My eyes are fixated on his back and there's a small part of me that wants to let my wolf out to give chase.

I direct my anger at Ethan. "What have I said about keeping him away from me?" The heat that boils within me begins to roast my guts.

Ethan's voice is small, "He's gone. Sorry, I wasn't concentrating." He holds his hands together, his voice covered in nerves. At the same exact time, my stomach rumbles loudly. Ethan's whole expression changes quickly. He purses his lips together as if he was trying to stop himself from grinning. I let out a light growl and push past him, focusing on the problem that I was faced with.

As much as my wolf wanted to turn and chase after the boy, I manage to hold my ground and make my way to the kitchen with my anger simmering. I wolf down the food that the cooks had prepared quickly, wanting to get back to my work quickly. I was starting to feel less numb with thoughts of my mate racing around. My heart would pang in pain and feel heavy in my chest. It always felt like I was experiencing it for the first time and it was the worst feeling I had ever felt.

I'm lost in my sadness when the door to the kitchen opens with a bang. The noise makes me jump a little and I'm about to direct my anger at the source. Ethan stands there panting as if he had done laps around the pack border. The expression on his face is pained and urgent, making me patient with my anger. I'm curious as to what his excuse was going to be. I wait for him to report to me. "She's here."

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