Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The snarl that he doesn't reign in, which reverberates from the depths of his chest, causes the temperature in the room to fall a few degrees. My blood runs cold, a shiver passing through my veins due to the torrential dominance he was hurtling my way. I step closer to Oliver, teasingly. The glare that Adonis gives me strips my whole being. He's looking through my soul as if it's a mirror.

I clench my jaw in response, a small shiver striding through my gut and to my core. His power and authority is uncontrollable, extending through the whole room. It makes me want him more. I close my legs tighter so that the smell of my arousal doesn't escape and put me in more of an uncomfortable position.

Oliver visibly flinches, as he drops his head down to his Alpha, submitting. His hands fist the bottom of his shirt, the influence of Adonis' dominance becoming too much for him. I am almost matching his heated stare, facing him head on and not backing down. He was not my Alpha and neither did my wolf recognise him as such. She only recognised him as my mate, nothing more and nothing less. I didn't really have an Alpha, not with my abilities of evading an Alpha command. I was as uncontrolled as Adonis' temper.

And he was currently livid, drowning in his own anger.

His hair, what was framing his face, now falls slightly to cover part of his forehead. His lips pull up to show off his canines and his eyes are orbs of rage.

A quick flash of fear runs through my veins and nearly slips through my façade. Not for me, but for Oliver, who I dragged into the situation. An inferno of hatred is directed at the man that just entered. There is a hue of darkness staining his green eyes, the rim of his iris almost tinting gold, signifying his wolf. His lack of control over his beast is slipping and I find myself parting my lips in anxiousness. He looks from me to Oliver, staring down at us both as if to assess the circumstance. I needed to diffuse the situation and fast, before he pounced on the innocent man.

"Oliver..." I mutter, trying to keep my voice as small as possible. Adonis' eyes snap to my face, after staring at Oliver. I keep my eyes on him to keep track of his movements, more for Oliver's safety. His gaze was incredibly intense, conjuring heat.

"Yes..." His voice is muffled and I can tell that his neck is still on display, in submission. I wet my lips and get ready to put my plan in motion. When I think I'm slightly ready I speak loud and clear, saving his ass from my temperamental mate.

"Run!" Luckily enough, Oliver doesn't hesitate. I don't watch him run out as my focus is still on Adonis as he moves to chase his fleeing pretty but I had already figured he would try to get to him. I'm in front of the door as soon as it slams, in his way, making him unable to barrel himself through it.

If he wanted to get through he'd have to go through me. Or get in me.

The loud growl that slips past his lips almost makes me feel slight hurt at the disregard he had for his mate but I bury my feelings at the back of my mind. Instead I take a step closer to him, his scent pulling me in. The warmth from his body pulsates and it made me feel like I was drinking hot chocolate on a snowy, cold day.

I have to lift my head a bit to look straight at him and he's looking down at me. In a flash, he steps closer to me fast enough that I step back my back slamming into the door.

His large hands grip my hips, not hard enough to hurt or leave bruises but firm enough to keep me in place. The rage that pulses from his body, hitting me like flames coaxes me to calm him down. His rage, dominance and close proximity should have forced me to submit but I don't, my self-control hanging by a thread. My wolf feels for him, she urges me to calm her down.

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