Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

His eyes were interlaced with mine and I couldn't pull away. There is a vivid storm brewing as his pupils darken with anger. A vein on his forehead throbs and pulses as his anger increases. His voice is guttural and loud, making my stomach forcibly drop. The bustling sound of the diner instantly stops and everyone stops and stares.

I couldn't lie. His anger scared me but I don't say anything. I couldn't just sacrifice my whole life because he wanted the name of my boss who smacked me around a bit. Okay, maybe he smacked me around a lot but this job was so incredibly important. It was better that I had this job than no job at all.

His thumb on my skin is re-igniting my body, giving me a short burst of energy. My breaths become more paced but the ringing is still loud and noisy. I still felt like I could collapse any second with my shaky legs.

"I'm okay. Please sit down." I use a lot of my energy to pull away from him and take a step back. His hand drops and the weakness returns. I stumble but use my hands to grip the side of the table closest to me. One of his large hands wrap around my waist to steady me and he uses his other hand to pull out a chair and gently push me down onto it.

Why was he being so nice when he was rude just a while ago? Did this mean that he realised we were mates?

The pain around my face is excruciating and the painkillers I swallowed before weren't strong enough to numb the pain. The only thing I really needed was my bed and a bunch of strong painkillers that I usually kept on my bedside cabinet.

"Who did that to her?" I hear his low voice speaking to someone else. Possibly my Alpha. The sound of a door opening is enough to get everyone's attention. The kitchen door opens and Michael strolls out. He looks a little confused at the silence in the diner and as soon as his eyes come close to my figure, I grip the edge of the chair and stand up.

The hot stranger is close yet again. It seemed like personal space wasn't in either of our vocabulary. Not that I minded of course. He was hot. Maybe in a different lifetime, had I come across him I would've jumped him as soon as he was in my sights. But this wasn't a teenage erotica. Besides, it didn't seem like he found me attractive with his reaction in the forest earlier, which was a considerably large blow to my self esteem.

My vision disorientates because I stood up too fast. I blink a couple of times to get rid of the blurriness but the next thing I knew the stranger isn't in front of me and my dazed self was being guided out by someone who wasn't my mate.

I let them take me, knowing that I wouldn't really get kidnapped right in front of my own Alpha. I retract my words when the doors close and the sound of the locks click. I'm sat in an unknown car and the pain from my head intensifies with every road bump that we pass. It isn't long until my vision darkens and I pass out from the pain.


I am suffering. That's the first thought to cross my mind as shoots of pure pain crackle in my mind. I am drowsy and so tired but I still try to open my eyes a little to assess my surroundings. I have to blink away the blurriness before I can see anything. The walls are a slight off yellow colour and I'm lying on a bed with white sheets. A hospital bed? I wasn't hooked up to any monitors but I was sure that I was in a hospital bed. Maybe the pack's ward, a part of the local hospital that looked after injured werewolves.

The remembrance of Michael's large fist to the side of my head makes me cringe. I bring my hand up and slightly feel the injuries. My lip is swollen, split and dry continuously stinging. I needed to pile on a whole tub of Vaseline on that. My eye also feels swollen and bruised only half open. I brush my fingers over the swelling slightly. The pain makes me flinch. Fuck, it hurt.

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