Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Within seconds of waking up everything comes back to me in quick waves. Of seeing Adonis in a hospital bed, injured. Plus, the large possibility of me being the reason of his injuries, which still confused me. The looks that Aaron and Adonis had given me as if they were waiting for me to do something unpredictable is still sitting at the back of my mind. What was it that I did that I couldn't remember?

I blink a couple of times as I wake up, stretching my arms above my head and yawn. My arms are bare, which makes me quickly lose my dazed stupor, as I do a doubletake. My arms were bare? I was wearing a long shirt when I had arrived. What the -?

I get up so quick, a dizziness falls on me and my vision goes dark for a few seconds. I'm in a different room to the one before; one that is bigger and fitted with wardrobes and large picture frames hanging from the wall. Even the bed I woke up in is a lot more plush, comfortable and much warmer than my bed back home. I eye myself in a long mirror, frustration and a slight anger coursing through my veins. Who had changed me?

I am wearing a mini dress that is white and plain but covered with a lace that also lines the edges. It has a high neckline and is incredibly form fitting, emphasising the roundness to my hips. It is sleeveless, featuring a hollowed-out crochet style of lace that covers the dress, making it look sophisticated.

I feel the fabric with my hands, having a look at the back in the mirror, which was similar to the front. I did look kind of good, even though most of the small dark marks on my legs were on show. The marks, evidence of my many falls when I was a child.

I take out my hair tie, my hair slightly wavy as it flows just under my shoulders. Just as I've put my hair down, the door opens, which catches my attention and I look as an unfamiliar woman enters, holding a pair of flats, in her hand. "Where am I?" I ask, defensively, my gaze like thorns.

"You're still with the Council." She comes forward and I watch her steps, like an eagle. "I had to get you ready for the ceremony, which starts in a short while." Her words are rushed and to the point as she holds out the flats in her hands, wanting me to take them from her.

I reluctantly take them, slipping them on my feet. "What ceremony?" I ask, as she holds out a small black tube. I also take the tube from her, twisting open the tube of lipstick, looking at the bright red colour in surprise. She gives me a small smile, "It'll go well with what you've got on." Well... she wasn't entirely wrong. I could definitely rock a killer red lip, maybe turn a few heads and possibly even Adonis'.

The lipstick distracts me from the fact that she didn't answer my question. And as I'm putting it on in the mirror I realise the distraction. "The ceremony! What is it?" I ask, my tone stern and to the point, wanting her to answer my question. I wasn't in the mood for games.

"The ceremony is for Alpha Adonis to be sworn in as the new Alpha for your pack. The council have decided to recognise him and give him the position as well as wave any punishment he might've got because he killed an Alpha, without the proper traditions being in place beforehand. Between me and you, I think they're more welcoming of the idea because they have always gotten anxious with the fact that he and his actual pack have no territory. With him being so... intimidating, he can really choose any territory he wishes and most of the Alphas are not very forthcoming about parting with land."

I take in all the information, covering up the fact that I was elated that Adonis was now definitely going to be close to me. "Since you're a pack member you are also a part of the ceremony to help stabilise a strong bond between your Alpha and the rest of your pack members."

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