Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Adonis hasn't let me move an inch from his side since the vampires left. I even tried taking a step towards Lukas to give him a piece of my mind, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back closer to him. Our upper arms were both touching, with no space in between. As much as I wanted to throttle Lukas for insulting my choice to want to be with Adonis, my mate wouldn't let me fulfil my wish. Instead, I began to imagine the many ways I could hurt him.

I was very much occupied in killing him for the fourth time in my head that I didn't even notice that my very victim had disappeared. One second he was there standing right in front of us and the next second he was gone. As fast as the blink of an eyelid.

Vampires were too fast. A skill that would be very beneficial. If I was half vampire and I sucked blood, what other talents did I have? Not that sucking blood is a talent because damn... it was kind of disgusting. Although the taste of it was something else.

I shake off the blood thoughts not wanting to feel sick. A quick, sudden thought crosses my mind and I wonder why I hadn't thought of it before. Vampires didn't do well in sunlight. So why is it that Lukas can fair well in the light? Other than being royal, is he different?

My trail of thoughts is cut off when Adonis turns around to face me. His whole body is relaxed and the expression on his face is akin to awe. The bond between us pulsates and I can feel it strengthening the closer we get. Our close proximity has electricity surging through my body. His eyes meet mine and my body lights up, making me feel breathless.

His hand grabs mine and I can feel goose bumps on my arm as a rush of air passes me by. He looks at me as if I'm the only person in the room. "We should go." He talks softly and I nod entranced.

A brave werewolf takes a few steps towards us, holding handcuffs as he was ready to arrest one of us. It was kind of funny, but he had guts. I tighten my hold around Adonis' hand. There was no way I was getting separated with him after all of that. The thought sends a cold sweat round my body and my body is close to trembling in anger. My vision darkens again for a split second, but I control myself.

I narrow my eyes at the werewolf. "Are you sure you want to do that when I can only feed off his blood. Do you really wish to anger me?" My eyes flash crimson at the prospect of him separating me from my mate. Would he really be foolish enough to take him away, when I was a newly born vampire? I wouldn't be able to curb away thirst as I didn't have any experience in the area. Being newly born meant that self-control was currently not in my dictionary. I had a feeling that the primal-vampire side of me would kill anyone in her way if she needed to feed.

He ­­hesitates and then drops his arms, accepting defeat. We successfully leave without another fight. No one says anything to us as we make our exit. I follow Adonis' steps not knowing where we were going since we were in the middle of nowhere. He guides me to a car where one of his pack members is waiting. The werewolf silently passes the keys to Adonis.

Adonis opens the passenger door for me, and I reluctantly let go of his hand and get in. My nerves are all over the place, but I couldn't help but beam. As soon as he gets in and switches the engine on, he looks at me. "Where do you want to go?"

The first place that pops up into my head is my home, where I hadn't been for a very long time and where my mother was. I was still confused about my heritage and I needed her to clear it up for me. She must've known who my father was. Whenever I tried bringing up the topic in the past, she would bury it before I could even finish off a sentence. She had told me that my father was her mate and that he died before I was even born by a rogue.

I could understand why she had to lie to me when I was a child, but she should have at least told me the truth when I turned into an adult. It was disheartening that I had to hear the truth from someone else.

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