Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I woke up to an empty bed and a vacant room. It was as if last night hadn't even happened. The bed is only slightly warm and I am sleeping where he had laid. I scoff in annoyance. How could I expect anything more than that? He had only let me sleep next to him, out of pity. I bet he couldn't wait to jump out as soon as I had fallen asleep. 

I groan and stretch my arms. The room is lit and the sun creeps in from the window but I'm feeling too dreary and tired to be optimistic. The majority of my thoughts were directed to getting more sleep but I didn't want to overstay my welcome. I had to get home as soon as I could. My mum was probably worrying too hard.

I get out my bed a little too fast and my vision disorientates, making me feel dizzy. As soon as it passes, I make my way to the bathroom, washing my face then looking in the mirror.

My eyes widen at my appearance. What on earth?! Damn, I looked ugly. Now, I wasn't too surprised he had ran away. My eyes are itchy, tired and red because I'm still tired. My hair sticks up in all possible directions, some of it stuck in knots and bunches. I use my fingers to comb most of it until it looked presentable enough. Some of the skin on my right cheek is dry and flaky. I needed a moisturiser pronto. I open a few cupboards to test my luck then grin when I find what I'm looking for. Isn't it my lucky day?

I groan at the grotesque appearance of my neck. It looked terrible. The welts were a deep purple, on both sides of my neck, all in the shape of small circles from his fingertips being pressed on my throat. The shirt I was wearing didn't even cover any of the bruises at all. I wash my face again and lean on the sink, thinking of the concealer that I had left last on top of my drawer back home.

I should go home. I turn around and look for my discarded clothes from yesterday except they're not around. I did, however, find my shoes. They were left in the same place I had saw them last. Putting them on, I'm about to leave but a shirt sticks out from under the bed. I hesitate for a second before curiosity gets the best of me and I go to grab it. As soon as I pull it out, I let it go instantly and a small scream escapes my lips. The shirt is coated in dry blood. I feel uneasy as questions fly around my mind.

Whose shirt was it? Did Adonis kill someone? Was he going to kill me next? I had to get away. I scramble to my feet and leave the room, entering a never ending corridor. Was it left or right? I take a left, hoping it was the right choice. The corridor is long and there are many doors, most probably leading to other rooms similar to the one that I had just been in. A door opens in front of me and I stop in my tracks, like a deer caught in headlights.

A large, built man leaves his room. He has dark hair that compliments his grey eyes. It looked as if there was a storm brewing behind them. His face is mostly lean and his jaw is clenched. He had a hint of a cocky, cheeky expression on his features. He was attractive and looked a lot like trouble. He grins as soon as he sees me and I find myself giving him a half smile back, even though I had just seen a blood covered t-shirt. His smile was kind of contagious.

I try to think of what Adonis looked like with a smile but I couldn't rack my brains to think of a situation where he smiled. He always had a platonic expression on his face, which didn't help to uncover what he was feeling.

"Wow that looks nasty." His hand comes up to his own throat, reminding me of the bruises that decorated my throat. I bring my own hand up to my neck and feel the marks. "Oh yeah... It's nothing." He looks at me like he knew I was lying but he thankfully doesn't push it.

"I'm Oliver." He puts his hand out for me to shake and I clasp my hand to his except in the last moment he turns it over and brings it up to his lips and places a gentle kiss on it. I bite my lip in embarrassment as all the blood rushes to my cheeks and let out a small laugh.

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