Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

The pack member that came running from the kitchen is the same shifter that brought the news of the rogues. He was the bearer of bad news. He can't seem to stand still, staring back and forth between me, Adonis and Skylar as well as fidgeting on the spot. His gaze is mostly pinpointed on Adonis, waiting for a response from him.

Adonis is eerily calm, waves of power emitting from his still body. Like the calm before an angry storm. It puts me on edge, frustrated and confused. The dominance that is emanating from Adonis' body makes me project my own power. Skylar looks at me in surprise even though she also froze at the news.

Adonis' gaze is still locked on mine when he furrows his eyebrows and replies, "Let them in." What was he doing? Was he going to just give up to them? His eyes turn black but they switch colours every now and again until his facial expression stays the same and the corner of his mouth turns up, as if he was searching for something in my eyes and found what he was looking for.

His eyes move away from mine and he moves, walking forth. I narrow my eyes at his form, wondering what he was getting himself into. Why were the council here to arrest him? What did he do? Was it because he killed the Alpha?

I follow him out the door, curious. I bite the inside of my mouth, anxious as to what was about to go down. I'm, subconsciously, playing with my ring, twisting it around, the only thing keeping me calm is the scent of my mate, who is taking control of the situation. Anyone that saw him would know that he was the one that was in charge.

I fall into step with him and as soon as I see the fleet of black vehicles, at the border, I put on a persona, all traces of nervousness gone from my face. Showing anxiety to strangers or showing them that I was scared was something my mother used to warn me against. She would say that strangers could be able to smell my fear and that they wouldn't hesitate to make a meal out of me. Since then, I overcame my fear of the unknown.

Dressed to impress, as professional as can be, people wearing suits and ties leave the vehicles as soon as Adonis comes within their sight. He stands tall, his physique impressive, towering over all the other shifters. I keep my eyes on the strangers that were about to enter our pack borders, my body tense and coiled, like a spring ready to be released. It didn't matter that I barely had any training, my wolf was ready to protect what was hers.

My face hardens, a glimpse of confusion probably evident on my face as Adonis steps over pack borders, unsafe and at the hands of the council for them to do what they want. He looks back and orders us to stay, looking right at me.

He walks away from us, making me want to move and get closer. A man with thick arms and impeccably broad shoulders comes forward, greeting Adonis. His build is admirable, but he had nothing on Adonis. Adonis was much more magnificent than him. He had large black shades on that covered his eyes, making him look mysterious.

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