Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The sun hadn't set yet but the clouds were a stormy dark grey looking as if it was going to rain any second. It didn't look like it would be a good day. I bring my hand up to my cheek and slightly poke at it. My wolf had worked hard to heal my injuries and by morning I was only left with a throbbing cheek. I was beyond grateful for her.

My mother was reluctant to let me out the front door but I was summoned to the pack house and she couldn't stop me from going without facing hard repercussions. I grind my teeth together as I'm filled with worry and slight anxiety as to what was going to happen. Was I going to be reprimanded for causing a scene? The Alpha did know what was happening at the diner. He had seen Michael's abuse first hand.

Hailey had once took his order, he wanted pancakes drizzled with syrup and a side of cream. Hailey gave him exactly that since she seldom made mistakes but the Alpha wasn't happy with what he received. He then complained and told Michael that he didn't want syrup on his pancakes. The atmosphere had stilled and Michael's anger was more than visible, it could be felt. He had grabbed Hailey by her ponytail and beat her right in front of the Alpha whilst he just sat and watched. The sadistic fuck.

It wasn't much of a surprise that Hailey was terrified of the Alpha after that. And I didn't blame her. My thoughts turn back to the hot stranger, who now had a name. Adonis. He was so perfectly imperfect to me but also so incredibly frustrating. Last night he left in anger due to his denial of my repetitive facts. He was my mate. There was nothing else that could explain the physical and emotional infatuation I had for him.

I couldn't lie, his denial hurt and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know whether I should seek him out and try to persuade him that I was his mate or let fate handle it. The second option was currently outweighing the first. I didn't know if I could handle him rejecting me again. And then there was the case of his status. He wasn't a rogue wolf and neither was he part of the pack and the Alpha had followed him into the diner. He was most definitely an important person as the Alpha followed after no one. The question was who was he?

A grey hue descends and the sky gets darker. My thoughts come to a standstill as I look back and forth towards the pack house building and the dark clouds. Maybe if I made a run for it...

A deep rumble of thunder resonates, breaking the silence and as quickly as the sound goes the rain follows. I curse. It wasn't going to be my day today at all. Hell, it hasn't even been my week.

The fresh, earthy smell makes my nose tingle, making me want to itch my nose. The rain is cold and wet, dripping down my face and making my shirt cling to my skin. It's heavy and intense, beating and hitting on the ground. My hair is soaking wet but I trudge on, wishing that I was still wrapped and cocooned up in my warm bed.

I'm a shivering mess standing in the Alpha's office. He turned his nose up at my form when I entered and I was still waiting for him to tell me I could sit down. Even with my tall shape, I felt inferior in his small office. There was something evil about the way the Alpha put himself together. He looked at you as if he knew all your dark secrets and could perhaps stare holes into your soul.

I play with my hands and clench my jaw as my teeth begins to chatter. There was only so much warmth my wolf could give me since she needed rest from healing me last night. I give him a fleeting look, wondering what I should do. A shiver cascades down my spine, making me feel every inch of cold that had began to settle in my bones. I stand up straight and wait. Should I stay standing? Should I sit? Should I start talking? My impatience was fighting for control. The Alpha narrows his eyes at me and then frowns at his carpet. I look down. Around my feet the floor is wet, stained with all the rainwater that was dripping from my clothes and hair. I grimace.

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