Chapter Thirty

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The irritation doesn't leave me and I'm dwelling on how much it had annoyed me throughout the day. The conversation was interrupted by his beta before I could explain or express my frustration more clearly.

Why did he have to risk his life? I moved away from him to protect him, but he jumped right into the deep end at the first chance that he got. I wasn't even angry at the claim, I was annoyed at the circumstance that he had marked me in. I wasn't going to waste time, hating on him for marking me when his mark would've ended up on my neck eventually. I just couldn't understand why he had to take that risk.

Adonis had to leave to sort out a few things, leaving me with Lukas and Maya. I glare at Lukas, hating him at that moment, "Why did you tell him he had to mark me?"

"Father ordered me to do it."

"Eva, Adonis entered into a contract for that information. It means that he has to fulfil one order that father gives him, regardless of the repercussions."

A huge rush of anger flurries inside of me. I grind my teeth, trying not to blame Lukas for what he had to do. This was all because of my stupid father. My breathing gets heavier, my chest rising every time I took a breath in, my thoughts consumed with how much I hated him. He had to use everyone to ensure that he had the upper hand in every situation. Even if it meant that he was sacrificing his own children's happiness for his greed for power and control.

"Why would he do that?!" I am irritated. He had put absolutely no thought into his actions and just did whatever on impulse alone. The act of marking me had only brought me back, but that demonic witch was still in me. It would just take another trigger for her to come out and again and kill everyone. Plus, the fact that he was in a contract with my father was unsettling to think of. 

"What if she comes back?" I look at my mate, who had just entered the room again. "You've already marked me. You can't double mark me." I begin to ramble, frustration piling up inside. "This demon wants to kill everyone, which includes you." I glare at Adonis. 

"I won't let her take over." His voice is soft and it almost comforts me. But, the thought of her coming out and ending the lives of everyone I love looms over me. 

"If she comes out and kills you, Adonis. I wouldn't be able to..." My voice cracks a little. If I woke up one day and was told that I had killed him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The grief and the heartbreak would shatter me. 

"I'll find a way. I promise." Adonis walks over and sits next to me. The warmth from his body settles some of my nerves. 

"Don't make promises you can't keep." 

"I will." He grabs my hand and caresses my skin with his thumb.  

"I still think Eva should come back with us." Lukas is trying it and he knew he was. Adonis' body shakes as he clenches his jaw and his fist. He was seconds away from flinging his body into the nearest wall.

"I think I'm going to stay." I slither an arm around his waist and get close to him so that he could feel that I was near and going nowhere. With his mark on my neck, the connection between us had grown stronger and I don't think I could've separated from him even if another person had offered me the entirety of the world.

"Good. I don't want to lose you again." Adonis says, pulling me closer to him. My insides melt into liquid quickly.

Maya's eyes are cloudy and slightly teary. There is a small lump in my throat, knowing that I wasn't going to see her for a while. I was going to miss her and her antics. I pull away from my mate and enclose my sister into a large hug. Maya hugs me back twice as hard, "Make him pay," I smirk, knowing that I had already thought out my revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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