Chapter Twenty

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It definitely beat pack land. Not that I was going to admit that in front of another wolf.

The air grows warmer as we get lower. Lukas warns me to stay close and I mimic his words to annoy him. I wasn't stupid. I was in the Vampire Kingdom, any one of them could eat me alive if they wanted to.

I stick close to Maya as we make our way through the streets. There were no modes of transportation around, which seemed odd until I realised that they didn't need it. They all used their vampire speed to get around.

What was odd was us three walking at a normal pace.

I know I should keep my head down but everything was new to me. It was like I was visiting a place out of Harry Potter. A lot of the shops looked old and traditional but there were also some that looked the opposite. Most of the shops were closed or opening up. It was a very odd place. There was barely anyone around and I wondered if anyone even lived here. It seemed very vacant.

Maya had noticed my confused expression, "Vampires wake up after sunset because they can't take sunlight."

"Oh." I was about to ask why they could walk in the light but then I realised that they were Immortals. The normal Vampire rules didn't seem to apply to them.

By the time we had reached to where we were staying the sun had set and there were more people out. I shouldn't have been surprised as to where they had taken me, but I was. The castle that I had seen before stands proud in front of me. The bricks are dark grey and I had to tilt my head back to see the full length of the castle. Wow, it was huge.

There are plenty of guards outside but they don't even bat an eyelid at the sight of us three walking up to the front doors. The titles and the 'royalty' was now beginning to hit me in the face. And I was directly related to the King... It was too much to take in.

"Our father won't be able to greet you," Lukas says, as soon as I'm done staring at the interior of the foyer. I knew I should've expected that but the sentence still made me feel disappointed. That was until I realised that I didn't need my father in my life. I mentally made a note to keep reminding myself that I didn't need to build a relationship with a man who had wanted to kill me at first news.

"But Maya will show you to your room. Training will start early in the morning at five am." Five am? What the heck? There was no way in hell I was going to wake up at that time.

I open my mouth to argue, to tell him to try to wake me up at that time, but he suddenly disappears.

Stupid vampire.

Maya tries to make small talk with me, whilst directing me to my room but an overwhelming surge of sadness hits me. My heart feels heavy and I feel like curling into a ball and crying my eyes out. I didn't want to leave my mate, but here I was in an unknown place without my other half.

Maya realises that I'm not answering any of her questions and she looks at me quizzically. When she ushers me in my room and I sit on the bed, she asks the one question that makes me breakdown.

"You miss him don't you?"

All my emotions fall out at once. My breaths are short as I burst into tears. "My heart aches." I hiccup the words. The tears that run down are hot and salty. Maya consoles me but the only thought on my mind was that I had left my mate, alone and in pain. I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

I would wake up, every day, at five am. The training was the most gruelling thing I had ever done in my life. The day would start off with stretching. Then I would be forced to run through the forest and back, which would usually take five hours or longer. Thereafter, I'd spend three hours practising one-on-one basic combat. Lukas had even allowed me to introduce my wolf to the sessions but I still kept losing. There was nothing more infuriating than losing to Lukas. By then, my muscles and whole body would be sore but the day still carried on.

Maya would take over and teach me history and culture. She would sympathise with me over the treatment that I got from Lukas, but she couldn't train me because she hated training more than I did. She would teach me the history of our heritage and how Immortals had been created. Although it was a bit boring at times, some of it was useful. I realised that I would never have been able to find out more about my ancestry if I hadn't come to this Kingdom.

The library ended up being my safe haven. I could hide in one of the corners for hours and fall asleep with my head in a book. I was pretty sure that by now Lukas must have realised when he couldn't find me to wake me up at 5 am, but he let me stay there for longer. However, I usually paid the price with an exhausting workout session and a longer run. I still hadn't acquired any vampire speed so he made me run more every day.

After training, once every two weeks, Lukas would give me a few blood bags. The blood tasted like Adonis' and I had a suspicious feeling about them, but I never asked. I was scared to hear the answer.

The main part of my training, the reason for coming here was scheduled every Friday. Every Friday, I would be injected with an unknown substance. For the whole day, my vampire self would come out to play.

I could only describe it as one of the most painful things I had ever experienced. Especially on the first day. I was literally trapped in my own body like I was watching myself do things without being able to make a decision on anything. When I came to, the day after, I screamed for an hour straight and burst into hysterics. The second time it happened, I felt the same.

Maya was always there to comfort me and let me use her shoulder and for that, I was always grateful. I knew that I needed to learn to pass at least some control to her so that, in future, I wouldn't need to feel the pain again. But it wasn't as easy as it sounded.

I would just feel stuck in my own body. Whenever she'd decide to rebel, I'd feel the corner of my lips turn up into a smirk and then watch as she'd run away from Lukas and Maya, causing havoc in the Kingdom. When she came out to play, so did my vampire speed. So, Lukas had it in his mind that if I was able to use my vampire speed then I'd be a step closer to being able to control my vampire.

Because of the chaos that she had caused, I had a reputation of being a devil in the Kingdom so because of it I never went out. Not that I really had the time to. Lukas and Maya's training would take up most of my time.

A month had passed by, each week the same, with no progress. It didn't get any easier, it got harder. The separation would hurt me physically. My heart would ache excessively and I'd cry every night. The worst part was that Adonis would visit my dreams regularly. And it became harder to get out of my bed in the morning.

The dreams were incredibly vivid and erotic, him on top of me, me grinding against his erection or my favourite - him slamming into me with my face in the pillow.

I'd wake up every morning wanting more, being denied of a climax. The frustration kept building and building, that I snapped at everyone. Including Maya.

By the time it was Friday, I was in a foul mood. I was ready to get the dreaded day over and done with. She could do what she wanted. When my eyes opened and I couldn't move my arms, I gave up and decided not to try. I had enough. If it hadn't happened already, there was no point in me trying anymore.

I try not to focus on what she's doing, even though I know that Lukas is trying to direct me. But something he says makes all the blood in my body still and it feels like time has stopped.

"Did you hear me, Eva? I said Adonis is here."


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