Chapter Seven

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(This chapter is all filled with Adonis' POV. It includes scenes from past chapters as well as some new ones. Also explains a few things so I'd advise not to skip :) )

Chapter Seven

Adonis' POV

He was imprisoned in his own pack's prison. A prisoner in his own land. I smile at my own dry joke, ignoring the sounds of his muffled growls and snarls. It didn't even take me long to subdue him. He could barely walk as his knee, for some reason, was inoperative.

The gag in his mouth works well for me as I didn't need to hear him talk. His incessant voice had already annoyed me into anger when he had first approached me. His hands and ankles are strapped together with metal, that had enough silver to weaken him further. His neck is slightly exposed, a sign of submission. I curl my lip in disgust.


The floor isn't carpeted, which is an absolute wonder. It is dark grey and laid with ceramic tiles, which meant that the only clean up that would be necessary would be easy. I make a quick mental note to change the carpet in my study. Less blood on carpets always put me at ease and it saved money.

He stares at me with unmistakable hatred, his eyes gleaming gold as the control he had over his wolf slips. His growls increasingly get more aggressive and he starts shaking in his place, his wolf wanting to shift to exact revenge.

Idiot. Trying to shift whilst being weakened with silver was the move of a dumbass. It would hurt a lot more as he wouldn't have the strength to survive a shift. I snarl, loud. Loud enough for his shaking to stop and for him to look up at me, a glimpse of fear flashing through his eyes.

That small glimpse fuels me. That, and the image of Eva's bruised neck that was burnt against my eyelids. My chest deflates, body tensing as I remember that image. The deep welts looked like it was made under a painful circumstance.

Short, guttural growls leave my lips, my wolf pissed off. My wolf had an odd attraction for the female wolf I had left in my bed – Eva. Eva looked like an average shifter, just a little on the small side when compared to me. She had piercing brown eyes that were almond shaped, drooping slightly on the corners. Her locks were brunette that reached past her shoulders and just above her chest. Her facial structure was entirely symmetrical, heart shaped and angular. When she was confused, her pink, full lips would expose the small gap between her front teeth. I liked that little gap.

And fuck... her scent. Nothing I had ever come across before; entirely intoxicating and mind numbing. It was the sweet rich scent of fruits that would tempt me into taking a bite.

She was wholeheartedly beautiful and quite frankly the definition of tempting. But she had a mate out there and it most definitely wasn't me even though she thought it was me. A carnal desire to claim and fuck her into submission just to make her mine makes its way to the forefront.


But she most definitely was not mine to claim. I couldn't even manage to keep her away from harm. The way she was sat in the corner of the cell, her whole-body tense, with her head in her lap and her knees pulled up. She should never have been in that cell or made to feel like a prisoner.

Mi cariño.

An abundance of remorse rapidly falls on my mind. Those bruises should not have been given to her. It should not have happened. I should have been there and stopped it. The product from the colossal rage I had for her boss would be nothing compared to what I was going to do this idiot. He picked the wrong person to mess around with.

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