Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

It's like I was unsure as to who he was with the dark energy that was coursing through my body. His aura was familiar, and his musky scent almost had me drunk. But as soon as the power is drained from my body, making my legs shake and leaving me weak, it hits me like a ton of bricks being thrown at my body.

Adonis. It was Adonis. How could I not recognise him?

My body throbs as I hunch over, trying to recuperate from all the energy I had just lost but a more intense, compelling will rushes over me. I scramble to my feet, legs wobbly and close the space between us. The warmth from his body is like an essential oil, calming me down. My cheek is pressed against his chest and then I, suddenly, feel his hand on my back as he reciprocates the hug. That was the last thing I expected him to do.

He pulls away and I look at him slightly confused with a bit of hope expressed in my features. Was this the start of him accepting me? As his mate? Or was he just consoling me?

I interrupt my own thoughts and put them to an end and realise that this was a chance that I should take. Why did he have to be so tall? My hand shakes a little and I hope he doesn't realise as I press it at the back of his neck to pull his face closer to mine.

The pure, musky scent from his body are like pheromones that makes me look back and forth between his eyes and lips, until I'm focused on just his lips. My sight is clouded with thick desire, making me only see him. Our chests rise and fall in sync, hearts racing. Without wasting another second, his hand wraps around the back of my neck and he pushes my face closer to his. The forcefulness makes my stomach clench.

A burst of energy shoots through my belly as his warm lips trap mine, shocking me with the intensity of the burst. It's like a scorching fire, burning vigorously. This was way more intense than it had ever been. My nails dig into his side, his body shuddering in response. His hand is in my hair tugging, making me gasp, which gives him the opportunity to deepen the kiss. The ferociousness of the kiss almost makes me stumble.

I wanted him, desperately. I press myself closer to him, matching his need. One of his hands grips my waist whilst the other tugs at my hair, making me moan in response. A large shudder ripples through his body as he groans. My body is humming, as a large burst of energy pulsates within.

I felt so relaxed and at peace. It was as if I was thrumming with positive energy, even though I was in a weakened state before I saw him. The heavy burden on my mind is gone and now I felt light, and somehow more powerful than before.

He groans, pulling away to look at me, staring at me with captivation in his eyes. His mouth is frozen open, lips parted, in an expression of stunned surprise. There is a slight smile on his face, even though his body is shaking. I rest my forehead against his. The pad of his thumb smooths over my bottom lip and I exhale loudly. Gripping onto the front of his shirt, I try to get the feeling back in my legs.

The small bubble we had made is suddenly infiltrated. "Don't touch her." A voice spits out. My upper arm is pulled, and I am jerked backwards, which doesn't sit well with Adonis. He growls, lowly. I look back to bare my fangs at the person, who dared to separate me with my mate. It was Lukas. He has my arm in his grasp, with a livid expression on his face.

"Get off me." I give him a deadly stare and try to shake off his hand, but he grips it tighter. Adonis' growl gets lower and I can sense he's on the edge. He holds me closer to him, but Lukas still doesn't let go. The vibe my mate emits is feral, when he realises another male was touching me. To him, Lukas was a threat – one that he needed to destroy.

With one quick, forceful strike, he removes his hand from my arm and pulls me away from him, so that I'm standing at his side. His breaths are short, and I can feel the depths of his anger radiating from him. He was like a ticking time bomb and Lukas was the reason why he was about to explode. My hand finds his large hand and I intertwine my fingers with his. If he ends up fighting with Lukas, with all the vampires on his side, he'd end up on hurt.

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