Chapter Twenty Three

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The training got easier every day. The runs got easier with my vampire speed and combat was also a piece of cake with the combined strength of my wolf and my vampire. The only problem was that I was always tired. Lukas' words were etched in my mind. That using the energy of my wolf and vampire would drain me of my energy. I thought that if I used it more, my body would get used to it, but it still drains me every day.

I had tried to not pull as much power, but as soon as I connect with my vampire, the toxicity of it draws me in and I lap in it, revelling with adrenaline and strength. The power always felt like it had belonged to me and was my birthright, as soon as I connected with it. After I let it go, my body would drop and I'd collapse.

It would take me at least a few hours to recover a bit. And that was around the time that I'd go to Maya in the library and carry on with my studies. Although, it seemed like Maya wasn't very much interested in me studying. She would close the book and try to get me to do things, using her mind control. Despite the fact that it never worked, she would try for an hour every day, which would leave her more and more frustrated by the day.

Maya couldn't come up with an explanation of my ability, neither could Lukas, so I took it as it was. "I wonder if you're able to evade a compulsion." Maya ponders, in the middle of our 'study' session.

"I've always been able to avoid an Alpha command. I just thought it happened to others too and not just me." I recall my ex-Alpha and how I was able to not feel the charm to his commands, but I still used to do what he asked. The fear of what he would do to me if I didn't was always intense.

Maya opens her mouth to reply, but stops and stares at someone behind me. I turn to see what she has her gaze fixated on. An old man, with white hair bows, "Young wolf, His Majesty is asking for your presence." He diverts his attention to me and if I hadn't heard the full sentence I would've laughed at the term 'young wolf'.

His Majesty? Did he mean my father? If it were Lukas, he would've come to fetch me himself. What did my father want from me? It was a bit late to welcome me to his abode so he must've needed something from me.

I excuse myself, my forehead creasing as my thoughts run wild, wondering why I was getting summoned. It was like I was in trouble in school and was being told to go to the headteacher's office. That's what it felt like.

I follow the old man to a side of the castle that I hadn't been in. He guides me to a large throne room that was situated in the east wing. The room is cold and mostly bare, decorated with antique tiles. A large stage lies on the other side of the room, with a massive throne, in which my father sits. He looked the same as before, like the older version of Lukas. The sound of my footsteps echo in the room as the walk to the other side of the room is long.

I stand in front of him and he just assesses me until both of our gazes meet. The green in his eyes morph into a blood-red colour. "Bow." His words are entrancing but not enough for me to follow them. His eyes go back to the usual murky green and a crease appears between his eyebrows, a frown settling on his face.

"Luther!" The old man that had left the throne room runs back in. Before he can bow the Vampire King says the same thing to him. Luther's eyes turn glassy and his knees drop to the floor. The sound of his knees hitting the marble ricochets in the room. I wince for him.

"Interesting." His voice isn't loud enough to echo in the large room, but I could still hear him. "You may now leave." I look at him to check that he was talking about, before taking my leave. I almost run out, the walk out of the throne room was too long.

I decide not to go back to the library and go straight to my room. I needed to rest again, before my training tomorrow. Using energy during training was starting to take a toll on me. I know someone has been into my room because the first thing I see when I enter is my bed made. I didn't usually make my bed as I'd rush out every morning. The covers are neatly tucked in with my pillows on top. As I get closer, I notice the blade that is settled in the middle.

I had seen it before.

The slate grey pommel is what takes my mind back. It was the dagger that had restored my mate bond with Adonis, but it also made me feel the death of a child. It was the Surrem. When I had touched it last, I was transported into a different realm, taking the character of a lady called Adelina, who had lost her child. She had succumbed to anger and dark energy had claimed her body. Looking at the dagger, I hesitate. It probably wouldn't hurt me again... right? I pick it up, the heaviness surprising me.

A dizzy spell surges through me and my balance wavers. The Surrem falls from my hands as I grab my bedside cabinet, my vision filled with coloured spots. Nausea curls within me and I groan as an onset pain begins to throb in my skull. The pain is crushing and I grab and clutch onto my head, hoping that it'll stop soon. It doesn't, but the whisper of a vision knocks at my brain. And eventually, I cave into it.

I'm back in another woman's body. The scene I'm seeing is a repeat of the ending of the last flashback. It was like I was being reminded of what had happened last.

"So much darkness, so much anger." There's a whisper that echoes in the room, loud and powerful. "Let go..." The whisper gets closer and is quieter, urging me to release all the pent up energy. The anger is seeping through, making my brain convulse.

No. She shouldn't. Stop! I can hear myself screaming in my mind, but the occupant of the body doesn't listen.

An earth-shattering scream leaves my lips as my whole body lights up. There is only one thing on Adelina's mind that is able to get her through the agony.


Death wasn't kind to her child and now, neither was she. Vengeance was coming. My vision is entirely black and white as I stand up. I can feel the lightness that she felt as well as her heightened senses, power brimming her being. The craving of energy is intense and I knew that I wouldn't have even been able to resist. The dark energy that numbing. Adelina uses her power to levitate the dagger on the floor and brings it closer to us.

She fills it with dark magic, before her eyes land on the male that is unconscious on the floor. Our hands turn and the Surrem that was levitating, in just a second, is now buried into the heart of Adelina's mate. The sight makes me flinch, but Adelina's expression doesn't change. She stands there unmoving, emotionless, with no regret.

She had killed her mate, Lucien.

"Lady Adelina..." A young man runs into the room, but as soon as he sets his eyes on the chaos, his body stills and the words that were on the tip of his tongue disappear.

"I'm not Adelina. She has made her choice so I have taken over. My name is Hera."


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