Chapter Twenty-Six

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My blood runs cold at her question, making my wolf growl at her. He couldn't comprehend or understand what was happening. Before I can even open my mouth to reply, my mate begins to struggle, trying to get away from me.

She looks exactly like Eva, my other half, my mate but at the same time, she wasn't the same. The beautiful woman in front of me couldn't even recognise me. The same woman that had promised me that she would come back to me came back in a way that I had never even thought of.

I was still having second thoughts about what Lukas and Maya had mentioned, but when she had opened her eyes and looked at me with so much hatred, I knew what they said was the truth. They hadn't explained much about the situation except for the fact that she was seemingly possessed by a powerful, old witch.

My heart is heavy in my chest. The situation was something that I could never have imagined. It felt like I was being rejected because she couldn't recognise me as her mate. I can feel my heart cracking a little in my chest.

Was this how she felt when I couldn't recognise her? The guilt floods in me. I deserved this. If this was close to the feeling she felt then I didn't deserve her. But I was still going to fight for her. I had never wanted something more in my whole life before.

I let out a warning growl and grab her arms, but she continues to struggle against me, making my wolf want to come out and pin her down. I grip her arms tighter, pressing against her scars, which makes her hiss and stop struggling. A large part of me wants to stop and kiss her scars and ask her if she is okay, but I remind myself that it's not Eva.

The eerie look in her eyes is unsettling. The glazed look with her eyes narrowed as if we were the enemy makes my wolf restless. He craves his other half but it was as if her wolf wasn't even there. There was no scent or hint that even suggested she had a wolf, which was very worrying. But her half brother had mentioned that there was something that I could do that could get her back. After that was out in the open, the conversation took a ghastly turn and everything became chaotic. He was unwilling to leave me and my mate alone, making up useless excuses.

My mate is unusually still, her eyes glimmering as if she was mocking me. As soon as my eyes connect with hers, two things happen in a flash. She dons a large smirk that lifts up the left side of her face, which made her seem inhumane. Quicker than I could even move away, she sinks her fangs into my wrist.

My whole body instantly freezes in response but when she begins to suck, a calming peaceful sensation spreads all throughout. My muscles begin to soften and it feels like the beginning of an intense ride. I almost begin to relax to embrace the pleasure but her body trembles and she unlatches quickly. Her mouth curls down as if she had just tasted the most disgusting thing ever. Her whole body cringes as she spits the blood that's in her mouth. The trembling doesn't stop and she almost looks slightly scared. Her reaction to tasting my blood is different.

I knew first hand that she was unable to get enough of my blood. My blood is her vampire self's addiction. And it was definitely something that couldn't change overnight. I was her life long addiction to both her wolf and vampire. It was something that I was proud of considering that I was also addicted to her. Her scent, her voice, her body... just her. She filled my every thought.

"Eva...?" The trembling doesn't stop and then all of a sudden she begins to scream. A high pitched scream that makes my blood run cold. Her eyes are switching from red to brown quickly and it continues going back and forth.

"Eva!" My tone is sharp as I shout, gripping her shoulders to stop her body from trembling. I catch her attention and for a millisecond I see her and she sees me. Her innocent doe eyes make an appearance and she looks at me with a slight shock, but as quick as it comes, it disappears. The red in her eyes flash brightly and the recognition that was on her expression is gone.

"Eva?" I repeat myself, hoping that she'd come back to me again, but she doesn't. She just cringes and looks away, her expression blank. I want to shake her to get her back again, but before I can do what I want, the door opens with a bang. And her idiotic half brother strolls in. The same half brother that is sporting a swollen bruised lip that my wolf is happy to see. There are light pink marks on his face from when I clawed him. They looked like they were healing good. Too good...

He is gripping a small case in his hands. Using his speed, he gets close and opens it up in which there is a row of small syringes. He picks the syringe closest to him and in a quick and rapid movement, he injects her with the substance. She reacts almost immediately, her body going slack, collapsing. Her head falls onto the pillow softly.

Lukas turns to look at me, his eyes are narrowed as if he was accusing me of the situation. "What happened?" His eyes quickly focus on the bite mark on my wrist. I explain, with a salty tone, how she had drunk from me but recoiled away in disgust after she had tasted my blood. He looks very surprised to hear the last bit of information.

"How? That makes no sense." I can see him try to rack his brain for an answer, but unable to think of one. I just stare at him blankly, my mind cursing him out. What a twerp.

I was still sour over the fact that he had stolen my mate from me for over three months and then had the audacity to come and take my blood every few weeks, not allowing me to see her. And on top of that, he only brought my mate back because he needed me for something. My wolf now joins in cursing him out more in my head.

"On other news, I spoke with my father and he is willing to give her back to you. The information that we have will be given to you, but there will still be a price that you'll have to pay."

The little fucker. She was still his sister. As if he was going to make me pay to bring her back. I would never be able to understand the coldness and heartlessness of vampires. Then again, it seemed like my mate had received a small amount of that trait when she had left me bleeding on the floor, even though I had begged her to stay. Not that I was salty about it...

"Are you willing to accept?" Was that even a question? I was willing to do anything to get my mate back.

"Are you willing to accept?" Was that even a question? I was willing to do anything to get my mate back

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