Chapter One

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Chapter One

Freedom felt like pure euphoria. The wind brushing against my cheeks was making my blood rush to my face and a small shot of adrenaline coursing through my veins were all making me burst in excitement. I was taking a break from my shitty job, waiting on arrogant, pompous people all morning. I needed a release and this run was fulfilling it.

I don't shift into my wolf because I had to be back at the diner in half an hour. I could visit my favourite spot for twenty mins today and that was more than enough time to dunk my face in the cold river. For now I could keep my head underwater for a minute but I wanted to extend that time. There was something so relaxing and numbing about being underwater. It was just me and my thoughts - a form of meditation.

I get to the clearing, faster than I thought I would. It's mostly green shrubbery and lots of rocks; unkempt because the place wasn't common knowledge. I had only stumbled on the area when I got lost a couple of years back and accidentally fell down a cliff face into a plunge pool. And when I resurfaced and looked around, I knew I was going to come back there. And I did. Multiple times.

The cliff face isn't very high but on rainy days when the tide is high, it did create a powerful waterfall, which I realised the hard way. Currently, there were only drops of water trickling down making it safe. I strip quickly and leave my uniform on a close to clean patch of grass before diving in. My mind instantly clears of the anger caused from most of my morning customers and I live in the moment, swimming to the bottom.

A glint of something silver shines under a rock at the corner of my eye, provoking my curiosity. I swivel and swim closer to try to get a glimpse of it but I needed to move the rock to see what it was. Swimming upwards to revive my oxygen, I break through the surface and take a deep breath in.

A shadow of a built person sticks out, the image blurry. Before I can process the image I dive back under. I only get halfway before I realise what I saw and quicker than ever I swim back, resurfacing. There was no way someone had found my hideaway. Pushing my hair back and tucking it back I look in the place where I thought I saw someone. And there in front of me was a man.

Our eyes meet as soon as my gaze lands on him. He has piercing eyes that are narrow but so incredibly intense with a popping green-hazel eye colour. The shock is most likely evident on my face as my eyes widen at his appearance and my mouth opens slightly. There was a hot man in front of me? Not that I was complaining but I didn't know if this hot man was a psychopath, who had followed me. I needed to be cautious.

It also probably wasn't a great time to mention that I went swimming naked. Well done Eva, I chastise myself.

I stay where I am and take a deep breath in, my senses suddenly going overboard. The stranger's scent makes me feel fuzzy and warm. And the warmth is addicting; it makes my insides melt and goosebumps appear on my arms. I take a few steps forward and his scent strengthens the closer I got to him. I stop. I'm still naked.

He hasn't moved an inch in the past few seconds, he just stares with a slightly curious expression on his face. Was he a weirdo? Considering he was doing nothing but just standing there...

His scent was inviting but unfamiliar, not similar to anyone in the pack. Rogue? No... their scent usually had a slight bitterness to it yet his was more manly if anything.

My time was running out and if I didn't get back to the diner in time I was going to get more than just a chastising. Michael ran the diner. He was an older man, who didn't have a lot of respect for women and had a bad temper. When you put them two together it had previously spat out busted lips and bruised ribs. Sometimes I had a bit of a mouth on me and that would give me an added bonus of a black eye.

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