Chapter Twenty Nine

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The healers had a great healing balm that worked fairly quickly. Within an hour the slightly open cuts were now light pink scars. The area was just very red and it was only slightly sore but it wasn't anything I couldn't manage. The bigger situation at hand was what had happened whilst I was asleep.

How had I gone from a normal training session with Lukas to waking up with a claim on my neck, cuffed to my mate's bed? The last part of the question takes my brain on a wander and I have to force my imagination to stop since my blood begins to rush to my face, making my cheeks bloom.

My mate had accepted that he had marked me but I didn't know why. When he had broken it to me, the embarrassment from his actions is visible on his face and when he accepted responsibility I almost didn't want to prod but I knew that I should.

A large part of me knew that I would've let him mark me in the future, regardless, so did it really matter that much? But then my mind begins to argue with itself because every wolf knew that to mark a wolf without proper consent was unlawful and punishable up to death. It wasn't just highly disliked, in society it brought shame to the wolf which was why I couldn't understand why Adonis had marked me. It just seemed very out of character for him.

If there was a type of box that described Adonis on the kind of Alpha he was. It was definitely righteous. He was definitely loyal and overprotective over his pack mates and was very justified. He was the type of person that paid his taxes on time and had a perfect credit score. And that's why the confusion was beginning to eat at me.

He mentioned that he would explain it all properly with Lukas and Maya together after I had looked after myself. By the look of my greasy hair and the slight odour coming off my body, he definitely meant a shower. I agreed. My body was aching to feel the hot water on my back and feel fresh.

An invasive thought pops up. How had he marked me when I was in this disgustingly horrible state? I shut it down as quickly as it appears knowing that if I divulge in my thoughts, I was going to overthink it all and the curiosity would gnaw at my brain.

"I need this explained to me properly."

"Where shall we start?"

"Training with you would be a good start." The last thing I could remember was him pushing me hard.

"Do you remember beating my ass?" My eyebrows immediately go up because of his remark, "I did? I don't remember that?" I was now intrigued, but also frustrated that I couldn't remember such an important detail. I push my brain to think and then I remember the actual last thing that happened. I had felt an overwhelming burst of energy in my chest that was aching to be free.

"Well, it doesn't count if you don't remember it then." His words fall on my deaf ears as I try to explain how I felt before I knocked out. My sentences are random and I don't even know if they're following, but I wanted to explain the strange feeling.

"It was like this highly consuming energy that's just addictive. That's the last thing I remember. It's like the thought of just claiming that kind of power being addictive, kind of like drinking blood. The thirst has to be quenched."

"Within you?"

"That's odd. You were possessed Eva by an old, powerful witch. She couldn't have already been inside you."

"I was possessed?"

"Yes. It was quite frankly very scary. And most things don't scare me."

"Pussy," Adonis mutters under his breath but we all definitely heard it.

"Shut up, square head. No-one asked for your opinion." Lukas' tone is sour, the irritation clear. Adonis glares at him, his distaste of my brother evident in his face.

"Well, I gave it. What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to knock your..."

"Children." Maya interrupts their bickering. Lukas pauses and is about to carry on with his insult but Maya stops him again. I was beginning to get used to her power and the way she used it on Lukas frequently. Her eyes flash a violet shade and Lukas looks entranced, but his mouth closes as quickly as he opened it.

Maya takes the lead and begins to explain in chronological order what had happened whilst I was unconscious. The explanation was something far more extensive than I could have even overthought. Maybe I should've let my thoughts run free and jump to conclusions. But even then, this conclusion was so far fetched that it almost didn't make sense to me at first.

I had to assume that everything they were saying was the truth. Since they were my family I knew they couldn't be lying to me, plus it seemed way too extensive to be a lie.

I didn't understand most of it and I now had doubts about whether she had actually possessed me or if she was within me like Lukas speculated. But, the thing that didn't make sense to me the most was that under my state of unconsciousness I had rejected Adonis' blood. Considering that I was considered as an Immortal vampire, Adonis' blood would generally be the only blood I could take. And the taste of his blood... My mind reminds me of how good he tasted and how addictive it was the last time I had drank his blood fresh from his vein. No... I couldn't be thinking of that. I was meant to be angry with him.

Lukas also explained why Adonis had to mark me but when he got to the end of the story, I realised the huge risk that he took. It wasn't certain on whether I was going to come back to consciousness if he marked me, so why did he take the risk? What if he was stuck with someone who wasn't me but looked like me? The witch would've ended up manipulating him and then killing him. I had even tried to make this clear to him, but he just mentioned that if he was given the chance again he would still make the same decision.

I couldn't understand that. Or him at this current moment and we would have definitely argued further if we weren't interrupted by his beta. 


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