Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

My confusion had kicked in when Adonis began to give orders as if this was his pack. He hadn't responded well to the news of rogues. Considering the fact that I was now locked in his bedroom because I decided to volunteer. He had given me a low growl and escorted me to his room before slamming the door in my face and locking it before I could open it again.

I wasn't sure as to why he was being overprotective when he said he wasn't my mate. Unless if he was lying when I asked him...? I rack my brain back to his response from when I thought he was rejecting me and I remember the hurt that I felt when he looked at me like he had no idea who I was. And then there was the fact that he still looked at me as curious as he had been when he had first set his eyes on me. He didn't know who I was. And I still needed to figure out why. I wasn't insane. The attraction I felt for him was more than just a normal crush, he was my mate.

I try the door handle a few more times, worrisome. My mum was probably still at home and in a vulnerable position. I needed to get to her to keep her safe. I run to the window, wondering if I could see anything. The view is not efficient at all, showing the back of the house rather than the front, which is what I actually needed to see.

I bite the inside of my lip, trying to think of ideas on what I should do. There was no way I was leaving through the window. The drop down was too far and I wasn't reckless enough for that. I spend the rest of my time in his room going through his drawers and looking for anything that could help me out. Preferably a phone. I could contact my mum and check up on her condition.

Most of the drawers are empty and absolutely useless so I end up sitting on the side of the bed, my head in my hands. I should've just left in the morning. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I chastise myself. If a rogue had got to her, I would never be able to forgive myself... My mind is pulling up different scenarios, making my anxiety begin to descend on me, harshly.

I try to think of something else so that I don't think myself into a panic attack. But the only other thing that comes to my mind is the bloodied t shirt that Adonis was trying to hide from me. I walk around the bed to pull it out with the edge of my shoes to see it again. I grimace.

As soon as I've had another long look at it, the door slams open, making me jump. His dominant aura instantly fills up the whole room, even though he's only stood at the doorway. Any normal person would flinch at the authority that rolls off him and show their neck in submission but I look him up and down, checking for any injuries. He looks exactly like he did this morning, wearing the same clothes, like he didn't even shift to a rogue fight.

He looked delicious. My wolf agrees at the back of my head. She's been wanting me to jump him since we laid eyes on him but that's because she didn't like to take the civil approach. From them all I got stuck with the horniest wolf.

Adonis looks right at me, doing exactly what I did, drinking up my stance, until he looks at the floor at what I had been paying attention to. His face instantly hardens as soon as his gaze connects to the shirt on the floor. I gulp. Should I ask? He had already seen me looking at it. He was probably expecting me to ask...

"Whose blood is it?" My mouth blurts the words out. It was what I had been thinking of all day. I chew the inside of my lip, nervous. In the back of my mind, I knew whose blood it was before he even mentions it. He didn't order those wolves for no reason and my pack member didn't run to warn him for nothing.

He looks slightly guilty as he replies, "Your ex Alpha." I gape at him even though, internally, I'm not as surprised as I thought I'd be because I kind of knew. It was like a small nitty gritty feeling that was persistently permanent at the back of my mind. Why did he kill him though? "Why?"

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