Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

For at least a minute there is a roaring silence. It is deafening, seeping through every crevice of the entire hall. The temperature in the room drops and I can feel a slight chill blow in the room. I'm on edge as I gain control over my body, stopping in my tracks. My blood runs cold, but that feeling might have also been my vampire side trying to reignite itself. The shifters in the room, might as well have been vampires, their faces are pale and ashen as if they weren't sure of what he had just said. A couple of them are shaking their head in disbelief then staring right at me, in disgust.

My throat is scratchy and dry and the only thing that interrupts the suspending moment is the sound of my heaving dry coughs. I needed something to soothe my throat but the only thing I wanted was the satisfaction that I knew I'd get out of the taste of his hot, succulent blood running down my throat. The craving is intense, making my blood burn, like acid coursing through my veins.

I clutch my throat as the burning sensation grows internally, making me feel like its eating at my flesh. My body shakes as a cold sweat creeps on me, making me panic. The pain is merciless and I'm unable to talk or ask anyone to help. But I manage to mouth the words, 'Help me', staring at the vampire who just called himself, Prince Lukas.

"You need to feed." He sighs, putting a hand through his trimmed, black afro that are like small coils. He comes forward and grabs my shoulders to keep me steady. I'm gulping large breaths, trying to get rid of the scratchiness of my dry throat. I want control over my body but the desperate carnal feeling to feed is overpowering, making me want to give in.

Lukas looks at me, with slight curiosity and slight pity as I stare right at Adonis. I wanted his blood. So bad. Lukas follows my eyesight, clearing his throat, letting out an aggravated sigh. "It has to be him, the Crescents' Alpha. Great, sister. You definitely know how to pick them."

"Pick what?" Adonis comes forward and my body instinctively moves forward but Lukas presses his fingers into my shoulder so that I'm not too eager to jump on him and bite into his neck.

"A feeder. All vampires can feed off any species and drink any blood except those who have pure, noble blood, like me and my sister. We bond to a person and can only get satisfaction from their blood, until they die. Her dormant vampire self has chosen you, which means she will die of thirst if she doesn't drink your blood."

Adonis looks like he's lost for words, frustration etched on his forehead, as he combs his hand through his head, as if he was mulling it over. And then without any more hesitation he comes forward. His expression resembles the certainness that Lukas wanted to see. A shifter stops him, holding onto his arm. "You can't do it."

"Don't touch me." He snarls at the shifter, the dominance in his tone making him flinch and look away from him. Adonis' fists clench as if he was waiting to take anyone on that would try to stop him but no one dared to cross him after that display of authority.

His scent grows stronger as he comes closer and I find my mouth watering, as my pulse races, body quivering. He bends down and unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt, the skin on his upper chest visible. My eyes fixate on a vein pulsing on his exposed skin. I almost feel like I'm drooling; it's like finding a glass of water, after roaming around for a few days, in the middle of the Sahara Desert, with the sun on your face and dehydration slowly making you feel like your brain is starting to shrivel.

My canines extend, sharp and gleaming white. He doesn't need to tell me I can bite into his neck, the only forwardness I get is the purposeful exposure of his skin and the closeness of his body. And that's all I need.

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