Chapter Nineteen

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The woman is petite, dark-skinned with dark brown locks. And she looked angry. She's looking straight at Lukas and I can see a slight resemblance between them both.

"Shit. What did I do now?" He mutters. He puts the car into reverse. He begins to reverse but the woman looks angrier. "Who is it?" I ask, but before he can reply, the woman in question shouts.

"LUKAS!" The woman's voice is loud and her tone even gets me scared. I wouldn't ever want to be on the other side of her wrath. I felt slight pity for him. Lukas' eyes widen and he turns to look at her. I look at them both in shock.

His eyes suddenly turn a weird violet shade as he looks at the woman. Her eyes also mimic the same colour. He immediately brakes for the second time, causing my body to lurch forward.

I groan in pain. Did he really have to brake that hard again?

Lukas looks at her as if he's in a trance. He takes his seatbelt off, staring at her without saying a word and leaves the car. I look at him in shock, wondering how he had just changed so quickly. When I look at the woman and then back at Lukas, I click on. She must be Maya, my sister. Lukas had mentioned that she was able to control minds.

I take off my seatbelt and open the door to hear what they were arguing about.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Maya asks with narrowed eyes.

"I forgot." Lukas puts his hands in his pockets, to seem innocent.

"Bullshit." She spits out.

"Okay. It was because I didn't want you to come along and ruin everything." His tone is confident at first but his voice gets smaller when he looks at Maya.

The anger in her face can be seen from a mile away. Her eyes turn purple again and her face contorts as if she's concentrating hard. Lukas' eyes mimic hers and his body turns still until he suddenly starts to writhe on the spot. I look at him in shock. He looked like he was in pain.

"Uh..." I make a few sounds so that it doesn't seem like I'm intruding. But clearly, I was. Maya's concentration wavers and Lukas stops writhing as she turns to look at me. Her eye colour turns back to its original brown as her lips part and she looks at me in shock.

"I'm Eva." I introduce myself and, like an idiot, I put my hand out for her to shake. My hand stays in mid-air for a few seconds before I blush and put my hand back down. The shock doesn't last long when she takes a few steps forward and... embraces me in a hug?

I can hear Lukas' groans in the background but the confusion begins to settle within me. She seemed like the person that I couldn't mess with but here she was, hugging me. Maybe I was going to get along with her?

She lets go of me. "I'm Maya. This idiot's younger sister." A warm smile appears on her face and I copy it. Lukas begins to grumble, "That really hurt."

"Oh, suck it up. It wasn't that painful."

I made my mind up there and then. I was definitely going to get along with her.

The forest is eerily silent. There isn't a single chirp to be heard or the subtle sound of a breeze. It looked like the forest was neverending, there were trees for miles. We had abandoned the car a mile away and continued the rest of the journey by foot. I kicked a few leaves, whilst walking.

I had learnt a lot about Maya since I had first met her. She had a large personality and talked a lot. I found out that she was a century younger than Lukas but she had a lot of control over him because of her power. Plus he would never complain about his own sibling so he had to just take the pain. I mainly listened to everything she said and gave few replies.

I was still mulling over whether I made the right decision. I kept remembering Adonis telling me not to go and every time that thought crosses my mind, my heart would slow and my body would ache. The wolf in me kept telling me to go back to our mate, but I knew I shouldn't. I couldn't go back until I was sure that I could control my vampire side as much as I controlled my wolf.

"We're not going to get there for another two hours at this pace. Eva, you up to run?" Lukas interrupts.

Run? I guess I could run but I was probably going to get tired quickly. "Okay."

I increase my speed and run. When I look back to see if they were both running too, they're not there. Had they already passed me? I plan on running faster until I realise what I was running with. Freaking vampires. I stop and shout, "Maya. Lukas! Get back here."

In a split second, they're both standing next to me. A rush of wind follows. I blink a few times to see if they were really there. And they are.

I needed to get used to that.

"I guess you haven't acquired vampire speed. Don't worry, we'll work on that." Lukas gives me a toothy grin. The way he said it didn't sound good. I give him a glare.

"I can shift. I can probably catch up with you in wolf form." I propose.

"I guess we can do that?" Maya poses it as a question.

"I don't think we should risk it." Lukas mentions, "There are a lot of vampires that patrol these woods."

"I'll be fine if you two stick close to me," I argue.

"Okay. We can try it. But at first sight of danger, you should shift and scream. Understand?"

"Yes, dad," I answer. He narrows his eyes at me. "Turn around," I order.

I strip and bundle my clothes up so that it's easier for my wolf to carry. I shift and pick the bundle with my mouth. Maya stares at my wolf as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was probably her first time seeing a wolf.

"Eva?" She questions. I point my nuzzle to further on in the woods, before breaking into a run. They follow. They're both a lot faster than me, even in my wolf form, but I can tell they were slowing it down for me. My wolf wanted to turn and run the opposite direction but I held on and forced her to run towards the Vampire Kingdom.

We reach the outskirts of the forest. There is nothing but a cliff face but the view was incredible.

The sun was beginning to set and a beautiful orange and pink gradient had begun to settle. There is neat land that I can see upon miles. I shift back into my skin and change into my clothes. I was done running in my wolf form. It was hard to concentrate and keep control for a long time.

"So where are we going from here?" I ask. There was nothing for miles.

"Can you not see it?" Maya enquires.

"See what?" I turn around and look back to see what she was talking about. I had already seen the barren land. What I see catches me off guard.

What once looked like empty land is now filled with buildings upon buildings. I can see figures roaming around. What stood out the most was a large castle on the other side. It towered above the other buildings. It was a bold castle, without a moat and a drawbridge but it looked huge.

I can see the hint of an invisible barrier that covers the land. The whole kingdom looked like it was straight out of a book.

None of it was there the first time I looked. My mouth is open in shock. I look back at Lukas and Maya to see if they were seeing the same thing as me.

Maya grins, "Welcome to the Vampire Kingdom."


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