Strange and unusual

111 10 0

Age 15
Ariel POV:
"Christian is such an ass" I said getting dirty looks from my entire family except my brother Marcus. "Ariel. Do you really think that was necessary or appropriate for family dinner share time" my mom scolded me. "You guys don't even eat! You never eat" I pointed out and my two brothers nodded. "Yeah, I've never seen you eat for the whole 15 years I've been on earth" Christian pointed out. "Well not all of us eat enough to feed a horse like you" my dad joked. "Whatever" I sighed and went back to eating my noodles.

My name is Ariel Morals Ferguson, daughter of Adrienne and Jeremy Ferguson. I had taken after my mom well my mom took more after my dad. Chest length brown hair with natural blonde highlights. Big blue eyes from my dad. My dad said I look exactly like my mom did when she was my age, that's what my uncle cc says too! Speaking of uncles and close family friends... I have a lot! There's Juliet and Andy, my uncles Cc and Ashley and my other family friend Jake. Cc and Ashley are married and I could care less! They adopted a daughter, my best friend! Her name is Ashley.

Me and my brothers finished our dinner and then we decided to all go out for a movie. "What about a scary movie?" my dad suggested grinning wickedly."OOHHH! Yeah! Mom can we see a scary movie?" me and my brothers all cheered. Mom sighed "I don't know... It's a school night and they all have tests tomorrow". We all groaned "Fine. Have them home by 10" my mom finally gave in.

"So what do you guys want to see" dad asked as we drove to the movie theatre. Hmm... "The marked ones" we all shouted at the same time. "Ok, ok" my dad laughed.

Once we were at the movies me and my brothers bought some popcorn and candy well my dad bought the tickets. "Don't you think it's really weird how they do never eat" Marcus asked shooting butter into his popcorn. "Yeah, didn't they say that the proffered eating really late and really early" Christian stated paying for his gummy bears. "Maybe, I'm not sure though. It just seems weird" I said just before I felt a hand on my back. Turning around I saw who it was: "ANDY AND JULIET" we all cheered. "Now what would your parents be hiding from you" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Oh crap he heard that! Now we are all going to sound like scared little kids. "Hey Andy! Hey Juliet! What are you guys here for?" My dad smiled walking over to meet us.

Andy got distracted and forget about his question deep in conversation with dad. "Me and Juliet are gonna see the marked ones" he smiled placing an arm around his girlfriend, Juliet.

She turned to face us and smiled "Do you three want to head into the theatre? I have a feeling these two are gonna be talking for a while". Walking into the movie theatre we found seats next to each other. I would sit next to Juliet, Andy next to Juliet, Dad next to Andy, Marcus next to dad and Christian next to Marcus. During the previews Juliet turned to me and said "Hey, is it ok if you spend the night at our house tonight? We feel like we haven't seen you in forever!". "YES! Wait, will Christian or Marcus be there?" I asked. I loved them but I really hoped they werent. Just me, Andy and Juliet time. "I was thinking just some Us time. No brothers" she giggled. "That's sound like so much fun! Does my dad know though" I squealed with excitement.

She nodded "Yeah, Andy already talked to him". The movie started.


We pulled into their driveway! I was so excited! Andy grabbed a bag that Jinxx had packed for me out of the trunk. Me and Juliet headed inside. Instantly I got an idea "JULIET! Can we make a bonfire and smores" I asked excitedly. "That's a great idea! How about we go change into our pajamas and then we can all help make it" she smiled. Andy walked in, he must have been smoking. I could smell it.

I hated that Andy smoked. He was literally killing himself. Ever since he found out that I don't like it he tries to avoid smoking around me. "Bonfire? Sounds great!" he grinned. What? "Andy how did you know what we were saying? You were outside smoking?" I asked. There was no way I would have heard that. He stopped laughing: "I just have.... Ermm... Really good hearing".

That was weird? Whatever, I went upstairs to the guest room and changed into my pajamas. A Motley Crüe shirt and flannels. Comfy! By the time I left I saw Andy and Juliet were already at the fire pit. Looking out I saw them working together and laughing to make the fire start. They were literally goals. Why did that never happen to me?

Once I got outside Andy started throwing marshmallows at me and trying to blame Juliet. He was very mature. After about 5 minutes all 3 of us were having a full out marshmallow war. Then I got the perfect opportunity! Andy was hiding behind a tree, scanning the area for Juliet. I only had 3 marshmallows left, this needed to count! Grabbing the marshmallow I aimed perfectly for his cheek. He never even saw it coming.

The shot was perfect, hitting him straight in the jaw. BINGO! He fell to the ground and started calling to Juliet: "Juliet!!!! Help meeeee! I've been jet puffed to death!". Juliet just laughed "I knew you were aiming at me, your on your own buddy" and gave me a high five.

Eventually we made our way back to the fire, welcoming the warmth. Or at least I was, Andy and Juliet didn't even seem effected. "Hey guys, can I ask you a question?" I asked. I had been wondering this for a while.

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