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Christian POV:
Examining the obviously intentionally scratched rock I was confused and mortified. It looked like someone had scratched "Jake+Ella" into the rock floor. And I was positive it was the Jake next to me. Jake hadn't noticed what I had seen yet. I wasn't sure what to feel. Was this whole mate thing a lie just to break my heart? He wouldn't do that, I had known him forever. I was positive, he must have a reason. Gathering up the courage I decided to ask him about it.

"Jake.... What's this?" I asked pointing at the Jake+Ella. At first he looked confused but once he saw what I was pointing at he completely changed. His face paler and I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes. What?

"Did your parents ever tell you about my previous girlfriend?" he asked. Ok... This was starting off weird.. "Umm... No. Why?" I admitted starting to get nervous. A little voice kept telling me Jake wasn't like that but that's not how it was looking right now. "Look it, it's not how it looks. I promise! So you know how everyone else is mated" he looked down, I noticed a tear rolling down his cheek. The powerful urge to to hold and protect Jake overcame me and I didn't resist. Jake in my arms, he continued his story. "Well I did have previous mate. I loved her more then anything, I would do anything for her. Anything. She was amazing. Together we decided that i would bite her and then we would make love. Completing the change. It would be perfect, me and her could have eternity together. After biting her, and we were about to finalize it when everything went wrong. The girls dad stormed it, after someone told her about the whole vampire thing and our plans. He kidnapped her, thought that if they waited the virus out she would go back to normal. But as you know, that's not how it works. Once bitten, you either change or die. She tried telling her father, but he thought she was lying. All of us tried to find her but her father had hidden her too well with too many bodyguards. Finally after a week of suffering she died" Jake cried into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. That sounds terrible" I said not even realizing I was crying along with Jake. "We all thought that was my one chance at love, but then I had a dream. Ella came to me in a dream and told me that I would soon find love and another mate soon. As soon as I woke up I got a call saying your mom went into labor and then you were born. The second you were born I knew I was mated to one of you. Just wasn't sure who. Honestly, I thought it was Ariel because I was positive I was straight. But I never felt anything towards her, then I realized I loved you. Andy is the only one who knows" he confessed still crying into my shoulder. It took all I had and then some to imagine what he had been through.

"Babe... Shhh... It's all gonna be ok, why don't you tell me about her" I suggested. Genuinely curious about Ella. *Sniffles* "Well she basically perfect. Physically she was flawless, she did some modeling actually. Long dark brown hair, curly and soft like chocolate waves. Dark chocolate eyes and plump pink lips. Flawless skin, always smiling. Her smile lit up the room, her dedication and passion for what she cared about was amazing. So much ahead of her, she had enrolled in school before her dad killed her. Ella's laugh was like fairies dancing, I know that sounds stupid but it's true. Whenever she came home she was always happy, never mad or frustrated. If I was ever mad or frustrated she always made me feel better. No enemies, except fate. Forgiving and always wanting the best for me. Most selfless person you will ever meet" he smiled and looked like he was remembering a happy memory.

Now, I know what your thinking. I should be mad and sad that he's talking about his old mate like this to me. But not. Actually I enjoyed hearing about her. Jakes face lit up whenever he was talking about her, like it lit up when I smiled. He still loves her, but I wasn't mad. What could I expect, they were mated. At least she gave him her blessing to find love again. "She sounds wonderful" I smiled kissing Jakes forehead. "Yeah, she really was" he sighed finally not crying.

We just sat there for a little while, looking up at the sky. Clouds drifting overtop of us. "You know, she kind of reminds me of you" he smiled. "How so?" I asked curiously looking into his deep brown orbs. "Well several things actually. 1) You both always cared so much about everyone around you. Selfless people. 2) You don't see the beauty in yourselves that everyone else does and 3) Both of you are driven. Driven to achieve what you want no matter what you have to do to get there." he said wrapping his arm around me as we laid on the blanket together. "I'm glad I remind you of her" I smiled honestly.

Once again we found ourselves just laying there, watching the sky. Pretty soon we were looking at the sunset. "Shit! What are my parents gonna say" I panicked in Jakes arms. "Don't worry, Andy's got us covered" he chuckled and I felt his laugh throughout his body. "Ok, I trust you. And we will have to tell my parents someday" l pointed out. "Soon" Jake whispered in my ear kissing me. And there we laid, making out under the stars. Man, how cliche are we. So that's how we spent our night. Wrapped in each other's body and a blanket, kissing under the stars. Sitting atop a mountain. Life was perfect. Next thing I knew I was falling asleep in his arms.

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Your reads and votes and all that shit make me so fucking happy!

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