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Christian POV:
The chair made the most aggravating sound in the world as I pulled it out from under the table. Just as I had sat down I remembered that I needed to actually get breakfast before I sat down. Ugh. Why is everything so hard? Walking over to the cupboard it was just me and Jake and my mom and dad in the kitchen. Talk about awkward. My parents didn't even realize anything had happened. I was just wearing a pair of black pajama pants with little skulls on them. Cool, I know. Grabbing the captain crunch berries out of the cupboard and a bowl I pour the right amount of cereal. Then I poured some milk in and got a spoon, finally I could sit down!

*Munch- Munch* I began to eat my breakfast. But about halfway through my nutritious meal I reached over to grab my glass of cranberry juice and quickly realized it was not there. Fucking aye. Letting out an obvious sigh of exasperation everyone in the room looked at me. "Did someone forget their cranberry juice? My poor baby" my mom chuckled quickly understanding why I was not happy.

"Mom! You don't even understand! I had to get up and get my breakfast too" I complained sadly. Just as I was about to get my juice I saw a familiar hand place a glass in front of me. Jake! "Thanks Jake! Your the best" I smiled happily. "No problem! That's what friends are for right?" he laughed but I could tell it was fake. I didn't want to be friends, I wanted more then that. So much more then that. And I think he did too.

My parents just rolled their eyes and went back to looking at their phones, scrolling through twitter. Jake pulled up a seat next to me at the island, making me realize we had spent 2 days at the Ashley Cc residence. "Mom- Dad. When are we going home?" I asked absentmindedly. "Today" she replied quickly. I think Cc and Ashley were beginning to miss their "alone time". If your getting my drift.

Jake startled me, placing a hand on my thigh. Not in a super sexual way but a loving casual way. "Finish your breakfast get dressed and meet me in the living room. We're going for a drive" he whispered in my ear low enough for only my ears to hear. Curious I nodded and quickly finished my cereal and cranberry juice. Once I was done I washed my dishes and headed to the guest bathroom to shower.

Luckily no one else was showering right now so I could just hop in without having to wait. Climbing in the shower I let the warm water soothe me. Showers always made me feel better. Not totally sure why.

Quickly washing my hair and body because I wanted to see Jake and find out where we were going. Wrapping the towel around me I grabbed my clothes and sprinted across the hall to me and my siblings room so I could get dressed. Yeah, me and my siblings room here because we stayed so often. I wasnt sure what to wear so I just guessed with fancy casual. Some black ripped skinnies, a black v neck and those black vans that are like actual sneakers. Blow drying my hair I quickly straightened it and applied some makeup. Not too much, but just the right amount. Finally grabbing a new black snap back and my phone I was ready to go.

Nervously I made my way down the stairs. People wouldn't have thought twice about me leaving if I hadn't looked so terribly awkward. "Woah! Christian are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost" Ash asked from the bottom of the stairs. "I was just gonna take him somewhere" Jake smiled charmingly walking into the room. Ash shrugged "Ok, bye Christian. See you later then" and went back to watching Say Yes to The Dress. "You ready?" Jake asked grabbing his keys. "Yeah, I think so" I replied secretly excited but also incredibly curious.

Jake led me outside to his black car, and opening the door for me. Hopping in I waited for him to get in the drivers seat next to me. Many times before had I ridden in this seat but none of those times had been like this.

"So how do you feel?" Jake asked concerned well pulling out of the driveway. "Umm.... Fine? Thanks for asking" I answered confused. "Just wondering because a lot of times people get sick after finding their mate because it's one step closer to being a vampire" he laughed. "Oh, I guess that makes sense" I chuckled. "So where are you taking me?" I asked curiously. It looked like he was driving me into the country . "You really wanna know?" he asked. "YES!" I sighed with fake exasperation. "We are getting eloped" he grinned. WHAT! "JAKE PITTS! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! MY PARENTS ARE GONNA KILL ME AND YOU! We can't get eloped! What were you thinking" I freaked out in the passenger seat of his car. "I'm just kidding, God! Would marrying me really be that bad?" he said laughing hysterically. So. Fucking. Funny. "Hahahahaha. Your hilarious!" I said trying to sound mad but I had to admit. It actually was really funny.

We just joked around and laughed for the next like 15 minutes. I had never realised how well me and Jake got along, we really were made for each other. Soon I noticed that we were in the middle of nowhere, a rocky outcrop. "This is where the serial killers take their kill" I joked as I climbed out of the car. "Sorry, no killing tonight. But perhaps a perfect first date?" I heard him say behind me. Turning around I was shocked. In his hand he had a picnic basket and a picnic blanket. "Of course!" I squealed with girly joy. We laid the blanket down right on the edge and began to eat and talk. Get to know each other in new ways.

About 15 minutes into our meal I felt my hand scrape something on the ground. Looking over to examine what I had just touched closely I saw it was 2 names scraped into the Rock we were sitting on. But once I saw who the names where I was shocked and hurt at the same time.

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