Its official

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Christian POV:
Me and Jake turned to each other and grinned once everyone had left. We were moving in together! 24/7 we could be together! No longer hiding our love from the public eye. "Babe, your moving in" Jake crashed his lips onto mine. "I'm so excited! The start of our lives together" I smiled into our kiss. "Let's go pack up your stuff" Jake pulled away still smiling like a fool. We held hands as we walked up the stairs, everything was perfect! For once in my life.

Walking down the hallway I looked at the door that led to me and Marcus's room. It suddenly hit me that I would be leaving it possibly forever. "Are you ready?" Jake whispered in my ear kindly. All I could do was nod. He lovingly opened the door for me. "Who's room did this used to be" I asked curiously. I had always known my parents had lived here before but had never really thought about who had slept here. "This would have been your Uncle Ashley and Uncle Cc's room" he smiled. Like he was remembering something. "Who slept in Ariels room" I asked walking into my room and looking around. "That would have been your parents room" he smiled remembering another memory.

"Where did you sleep?" I asked. "My room was your parents current room" he answered and walked over to my closet opening it. "What about the guest rooms? Who's were those" I asked absentmindedly opening my dresser and grabbing some suitcases. "The first one. The grey one would have been Jinxx's room before he met your mother and they got together" he grabbed another suitcase and started filling it with stuff from my closet. "And the other guest room... Is that where... It happened" I asked sadly. Already knowing what the answer would be."Yeah, it was. Your mother and Andy both hate that room" Jake said sadly, for the first time not smiling at a memory. "Can we go look at it?" I asked nervously.

Jake turned around, looking at me pityingly: "Are you sure you want to do that". Simply nodding he sighed and took my hand. Making our way down the hall we stopped in front of the door.  This time I was the one who opened the door, not Jake. Andy and Juliet were already in there. Juliet was comforting Andy on the bed well he cried into her shoulder.

"Christian- I'm so so sorry" Andy wiped tears from his eyes begging for forgiveness. Seeing such a strong man that I had always looked up to like this broke me inside. "Andy, it wasn't you and it wasn't your fault. No one blames you" I sighed sadly. Standing up from the bed he came and hugged me: "Thank you. It means a lot coming from you". Him and Juliet left the room, Andy finally stopped crying. "Your a great person, for just forgiving him. Like your mother and uncle. All great people" Jake smiled at me. "Has anything changed in here" I asked softly. "Everything. They wanted to make it like a new room" He admitted wrapping an arm around me into a hug. We sat in silence for a couple minutes, I couldn't believe it had happened in here. I remember when we were little playing hide and go seek in here and playing games.

"Let's go pack, I've seen enough" I said after 5 minutes of silence. Not an awkward silence, a thinking mourning silence. "You sure? Since your moving in with me you will be here less often" he asked kindly- taking my hand in his. "Positive" I promised. And I was ready. There was no longer anything holding me back, well except for the whole werewolf thing. But that would get easier with time. Right?

In my room again we continued to pack. Honestly I wasn't quite sure what I should bring and what I should leave here. "What do you think I should leave" I asked looking around. Most of clothes were already packed. "Hmm... I have furniture, blankets and a TV and all that stuff. But if there's like a couple certain blankets or things you want to bring. We don't need to get it all now either. We can always swing by if you need something" he shrugged. "Yeah your right" I agreed and went back to packing my last couple shirts.

A few minutes later we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. My door swung open: "Christian! Dinners gonna be ready soon! Everyone is staying for dinner- are you packing already" my mom stood there her face slowly falling. "Err... Yeah, I actually was mom... Living without Jake is really hard and schools gonna start soon so I will see him less." I admitted. You could see the hurt and pain on her face; "of course... Dinners ready soon" she said turning away. You could hear her start to cry as she ran down the stairs. Jake put a hand on my shoulder: "You go talk to her, I will keep packing".

Nodding I chased after her. She led me to her bedroom, when I got there she was looking at pictures on her dresser. Walking up to her she turned to face me, her makeup was tear stained. "I'm not ready for you to go!" she whispered hugging me. "Mom. It's not like I'm leaving you for some dick you don't like! You guys love Jake and know he will treat me right. Besides we are mated, do you have any idea how miserable I would be without him? I can swing by whenever, hell we could have dinner together 3 times a week! And it's not like you have to worry about me getting some girl pregnant" I rubbed her back soothing her. "Promise you won't just forget about me" she looked up at me hopefully. "Promise! How could I ever forget about the wonderful lady that birthed me" I smiled pulling her in for another hug. "You always know what to say. We did such a good job with you" my mom chuckled. "You did didn't you" I smiled happy she was finally warming up to the idea. "Now go help you boyfriend pack! I just heard him drop something" she laughed spinning me around and shoving me out the door.

Knowing she was probably I ran upstairs to see what Jake had broken. As soon as I opened the door Jake looked up to me with a guilty look. In front of him on the ground was the Superman piggy bank Uncle Ashley had gotten me to make Andy angry when we were little. Andy was so pissed. "Don't worry, I don't care about that" I laughed seeing Jakes guilty and nervous face. Looking around I noticed all my stuff was packed? "How?" I questioned noticing the 4 suitcases at Jakes feet. "Vampire speed" he grinned. "DINNERS READY GUYS" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. "YAYY" I cheered making Jake roll his eyes. We brought all my suitcases and the 2 boxes full of books and vinyls down with us so we could just leave after dinner. In the end we just ended up stacking them in the mushroom so we could easily bring them to Jakes car after dinner.

Dinner was really good! Three cheese macaroni! Of course only me, Ariel, Ash and Marcus ate. Me and Marcus kept checking our cups before we drank them, not sure that habit would ever go away. Once dinner was over and the table was cleared me and the rest of the kids did the dishes. Jake started loading my stuff into the car. "What's all that Jake? You stealing all of our stuff" Marcus joked. Oh shit. They were never told that I was moving out? Would they be mad? It was now or never; "Umm... Actually it's all my stuff. I'm moving in with Jake, because we are mated". Ariel dropped the plate she was washing. "But... But your only 16" she exclaimed. "Almost 17" I pointed out nervously.

"Dude! Are you fucking serious? You are just gonna leave us" Marcus yelled. This was exactly what I was afraid. Racking my brain I tried to come up with the best way to explain it. A crowd had now gathered in the kitchen. Everyone had gotten up from the living room and was standing in here.

Finally I decided what to say, what would describe my emotions the best. "You know that feeling when you really love someone and you love them so much nothing can keep you apart? That's how it is for me, can you at least try to understand" I pleaded. "I guess, it's just that I've never felt that. Dont really understand you could say" Ariel nodded, wiping a tear from her left cheek. "Besides, he mated me. We are eternally bound anyways" I added. Marcus and Ariel nodded: "I guess your right" Marcus gave in. "Well spoken. Very well spoken" my uncle Cc said from behind me. "Hell, even I'm convinced" my mom smiled. My entire family did a giant group hug. After that I stepped into Jakes car. He squeezed my hand: "Welcome to the start of our new life together" he pecked me on the cheek and pulled out of the driveway. And we were off.

So if you get the irony to the conversation Christian had with his siblings at the end comment or dm because I did it on purpose! If you get it your like my most dedicated reader ever, if not re read the first book in the trilogy!

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