What happened?

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3 days after the movie

Christian POV:
Walking through the mall I stopped in front of hot topic. "Hey faggot" I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. Spinning around I saw it was Tony, my brothers friend and my bully. I never told Marcus what Tony did to me because he would probably beat him up and never talk to him again and I knew how much he liked Tony. Too many of his friendships had been ruined by me. "What do you want Tony? And for the millionth time- I'm straight" I sighed already knowing what was going to happen. He would beat me up and then leave me there. I would walk or get a ride home and never tell anyone what happened.

"Whatever" he said obviously irritated and I saw his fist flying. *Crack* there goes my nose. Eventually I just went numb. But then something inside of me clicked. It was like my vision blurred over with red. My fists were flying without me even telling them too. It was like second instinct. Next thing I knew Tony was laying on the ground, groaning in pain. What had I done? And the thing that frightened me the most was I honestly had no idea. "Hey Christian" someone called from behind me. Please tell me it wasn't who I thought it was. "Hey dude, how's my favourite nephew doing" my uncle Ashley clapped his hand down on my shoulder.

From his tone and face I could tell he hadn't seen Tony or what I had done to him. Panicking I just stared at him. Looking confused he looked behind me and saw Tony laying there. "Did.... Did you do that?" he asked looking shocked and concerned. "Err... yeah? But I don't remember doing it. If that makes any sense" i stuttered. Ashley grabbed me arm and dragged me into a small cafe a couple stores down. "Tell me exactly what happened. Leave no details unsaid." he said sternly. Was I gonna get in trouble? I never got in trouble.

Just as I was about to speak a waiter walked up "Can I get you folks anything". "Just one Pepsi please" Ashley sighed obviously frustrated with her timing. Smiling she turned around and left to the kitchen. Hmm... He didn't get anything. Thinking back I had never seen him eat or drink anything? Just like my parents...

His eyes and face softened when he saw how worried I was. "Your not going to get in trouble, I promise" he said softly. "Tony always beats me up, he's Marcus's friend. Marcus doesn't know he bullied me because I always hide it. Today he came to beat me up like always and I got ready to take it like always. But then about halfway through something weird happened.... Everything went red and I just wanted to hurt him. It was like instinct. Next thing I knew he was laying on the ground. A couple seconds later you walked up" I explained nervously.

Ashley sat there in silence, it looked like he was thinking. "Ok, are you sure that's what happened" he asked. Nodding he smiled weakly and patted my arm. "I'm gonna call your mom and see if she wants me to take you home. Just wait here for a couple minutes" he got up from the booth. The waiter walked over placing the soft drink in front of me and walking away. Sipping at the soda my mind reeled. What would mom say? Would Dad be disappointed? Would they take my record player away?

Ashley stood outside the resteraunt on his phone. Looking over I saw Tony now had some security guards circled around him. Shit! Hopefully Ashley had seen them, they would check the cameras soon. A couple minutes later he slid his phone back into the back pocket of his leather pants. Walking over to me he grinned, but it seemed forced. "Your spending the night at my house tonight and then tomorrow we are having a big family meeting" he threw a $5 on the table. Glancing over at the security guards who were now heading to the camera room we rushed out.

I was actually super excited for this sleepover! Me and my cousin Ash would get to hang out. My uncle was called Ashley and my cousin was called Ash. Speeding away from the mall Ash chuckled: "You really beat that kid up. Never seen you use that much aggression before". "Yeah, I don't even know what happened" I laughed finally starting to relax. The entire way home we rocked out. Both me and Ashley liked the same music. Motley Crue, KISS, Iron Maiden, AcDc! All that good stuff!

In about 20 minutes we were at his house. I was just at the mall so I had clothes and stuff so I didn't need to stop home. As soon as I stepped out of the car my cousin Ash leaped out of the house and attacked me. "CHRISTIAN! I haven't seen you in forever! Why didn't you tell me you were coming over" she grinned hugging me. Her positivity rubbed off on everyone: "I didn't know I was coming over!". "Well now that your here lets party" she cheered dragging me inside. Ashley stood behind us chuckling.

My uncle Cc waved to me as Ash dragged me up the stairs and then went back to making his sandwich. Dragging me up to her room. Right now she was wearing a black skeleton tank top, her red and black hair curly. A black leather skirt and knee high socks. Her style was different but she made it work! "So tell me! Why are you here?" she asked curiously. "Honestly I'm not totally sure myself. Something about us having a giant family meeting tomorrow." I admitted. She looked thoughtful and then smiled "Oh yeah! My dad said something about that! Wonder what it's about". "No idea, I guess we'll find out" I grinned and then got distracted. "You wanna watch a scary movie" she smiled and went over to her movies.

hey guys! What do you think the big announcement is? Are they getting a pet unicorn? Anything is possible I guess.... Thanks for your reads and votes! They mean the world!!!!

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