Yes im gay.

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Christian POV:
My muscles rippled under my flank, my ears perked. I could smell everything in the house. I was a wolf. Holy fuck I was a wolf. Everyone stood in a circle around me, I was secretly panicking. Jake! Jake would make feel better! Padding over to Jake I held my head out signaling for him to pet me. It felt so good! A low throaty animalistic growl left my throat, showing that I liked the petting. Sticking my tongue out I licked Jakes hand, he stiffened. "God Dammit Christian! I just need some time" he yelled and he was gone. Just like that. I was all alone. And all in that moment my entire universe was ripped away from me. My back started to burn like hell! This was it, this was the end. All those stories of true love- they were all lies.

Throwing my head back I did the only thing I could at that moment, I howled. A loud piercing howl filled the air. "He didn't want Jake to leave" Cc sighed. He didn't even know the half of it. "Honey, Jake still loves you. He just needs some time. He's simply surprised and confused" my mom tried interjecting. Uncle Ashley cautiously took a step forwards me, you could tell he was nervous. Reaching his hand out he tried to do what Jake had done to me. Probably thought it would calm me down. They were wrong. If they thought they could just replace Jake they were dead wrong. After realizing it wasn't working and calming me down Ashley stepped away.

"Maybe he wants his mate" i heard my dad suggest. "Look on his back, see what the name of his mate is. We might know her" Uncle Cc suggested looking at me in pity. Slowly and carefully Juliet crept toward me. I was too sad and confused to stop her. When Jake left me it felt like my heart stopped beating. I had died inside, and until he came back there was no way for them to resurrect me. "Juliet, they couldn't control it!" Andy tried reasoning with Juliet as she read my back. Her face paled and she seemed in shock. Not that I could blame her, who wouldn't be? Suddenly she took on a new emotion, angry...

"Juju! He's gonna come back, he just panicked" Andy pled. So they were talking about Jake. "Why are you talking about my sons mate like a 'he'? Who is it? What's going on" my dad asked loudly. Expecting an answer. "He's gonna be pissed" Andy muttered under his breath earning a look from Juliet. "Well he left so he really has no say in this situation whatsoever." Juliet retorted. "Not Jake, Christian" Andy pled. Honestly I didn't care right now, I just wanted to snuggle with Jake and cry. "Just tell me who the hell my sons mate is! Please" mom begged. She didn't like seeing me in such obvious emotional pain.

"It's... It's a boy. Christian is mated to Jake" Juliet finished nervously. Silence. Complete and utter silence. No cheered of joy and no angry shouts. Curling myself up in a ball of black fur I felt myself begin to change. It didn't hurt exactly, it just felt different. About 30 seconds I was curled up naked in the same position as my wolf body had been. My mom quickly ran and got me a blanket. Still, no one said a word. That's always a great sign. I could still feel tears streaming down my face. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore; That's right guys, I'm fucking gay! I'm gay and I can't help it! I'm so sorry" i said as sobs racked my body.

"Honey, we don't care." my mom said quietly. "It doesn't matter anymore though, Jake is gone. I just want Jake" i was near to running out of tears. All of my tears had already been lost to Jake. "Jake will be back! He just needed some time to think. This is some prett big news, especially for you and him" Juliet tried comforting me. It didn't work, I knew he would come back. I just had no idea what would happen when he did.

Ashley came and picked me up bridal style, I could tell by the tattoos. He brought me into the living room and laid me down on the sofa. Thankfully he made sure to keep me wrapped in my blanket the entire time.

I'm gonna fucking kill him" I heard my dad growl from the kitchen. "Don't let him hurt him" I called to Ashley who was heading back into the kitchen. He frowned; "Don't worry! I won't". Someone growled grabbing their car keys. "Jinxx, you know they can't control who they mate with" uncle Cc tried to say but Dad cut him off. "I'm not mad because they mated, but because he left" dad finished and slammed the door behind him. He was probably going to find Jake. No, most definitely to find Jake.

Seconds later my mom made her way into the living room to sit next to me; "Honey we love you so much! No matter who you love! And I know today was a stressful day and you found out about some things the wrong way". She had no fucking idea! "So, I'm a werewolf now I guess" I frowned. "Yeah, I guess so" she admitted. "Did Andy really rape you?" I asked with narrowed eyes. She sighed, suddenly uncomfortable. "Physically yes, mentally no. He was possessed so his body did it and he remembers it but he couldn't control himself" she looked down nervously. "Oh" is all I had to say.

"How long have you and Jake been dating?" my mom asked suddenly excited, like this was an episode of gossip girl. Blushing I answered; "3 months". "He's gonna be back and he's gonna apologize and treat you right. I know that for sure" she kissed my hand. "Hope your right" I sighed. There was no way I could relax without Jake coming back home.

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