Well this was unexpected

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Ash POV:
"Hey Chica! I know it's short term but I was wondering if you could cover for my shift at the pool? Kellin invited me out for dinner as a surprise and I really want to go" my friend Katelynn begged me over the phone. She knew I couldn't say no to her. Especially if it meant being at the pool. "Ugh! You knew I would say yes! Sure, I'll cover your shift" I fake complained. "Omfg! Babe! What would I do without you?" she squealed in excitement. "Honestly, I have no idea" I laughed and headed to my room so I could get my suit and stuff. "Well, bye babe! See you later! I owe ya one" She giggled into the phone. "Bye darling! Have fun with Kellin Quinn, the man of your dreams" I mocked her excitement. Kellin was her boyfriend, they were absolutely perfect for each other.

Heading into my closet I grabbed my swim bag. It had my suits, caps, workouts and goggles in it. Basically everything I would need. Debating it, I decided to just put my suit on in the lifeguard room at the pool. In the end it would be quicker. Both of my dads were at Uncle Jinxx's and Aunt Adri's. Apparently Christian was the werewolf. Ariel and Marcus were texting me before Katelynn called. Marcus was really glad he wasn't the wolf, not that I blamed him. He was already a vampire for Christ's sake!

Sending my dads a quick text saying I was heading to the pool to lifeguard I hopped into my car. The 15 minute drive to the pool I filled with my new Slipknot record. I was obsessed to say the least! Finally I reached the pool, it was attached to the school. But it wasn't far enough into the school for you to have to walk very far to get into it. Walking the 300 ft to get into the pool room I saw someone else was there. Another lifeguard. "Hey! I'm Austin! Austin Carlile! Kellin called me in to fill in for him" the guy said standing up to greet me.

He was INCREDIBLY tall with short brown hair. His entire body was covered with tattoos. Austin was wearing a red pair of trunks and a red lifeguard shirt. Standard. When he held out his hand to shake mine I noticed he had really big hands and really long fingers. Shaking his hand I introduced myself; "Hi! My names Ash! Ash Costello! Kellins girlfriend Katelynn called me in to cover for her". Grinning he nodded and said "Cool hair dude!". Blushing I replied: "Thanks! It was my uncles idea!". We stood in awkward silence for a little while longer when I realized I was still in my clothes. "Hey, I gotta go change into my suit. I'll be back out in a sec" I smiled picking up my bag and walking into the lifeguard office. The lifeguard office had a separate bathroom/changing room attached to it specifically for the lifeguards to change in.

After changing into my red lifeguard suit I put all my clothes in my bag and left them in the lifeguard room. That way I wouldn't have to worry about them. I left them next to what I'm assuming was Austin's black Nike bag. Making my way out onto the pool deck I pulled up a chair and sat next to Austin. He was actually kind of hot and seemed nice. In a goofy sort of way. There was only like 4 little kids in the water and we had to stay on pool duty for the next 3 hours. Yay! The sarcasm is real.

We talked and got to know each other a little bit. Austin was 21, four years older then me. His mom died when he was younger from marfans syndrome. He had Marfans syndrome also but he would not die. All he had to show for it was his height and a scar on his chest. It slightly separated his tattoos but he said it was definitely worth it. Eventually the 4 little kids left and we still had like 2 hours left of work. Fun! I doubted anyone else was gonna come to the pool so I decided to climb in. Not like I could get in trouble for swimming in the job.

Austin frowned but agreed to get in the water with me. He had never lifeguard we here. Kellin and him were cousins so that's how they knew each other. Stepping into the water with Austin behind me it felt warm. Soon it was up to my waist so I walked out deeper. "Holy fuck this is cold" Austin hissed making me laugh. "Are you kidding me? This is like the nicest water I've ever felt" I laughed. Rolling his eyes, Austin splashed me in return. His single splash ended up become a full on splash war. It was pretty serious. "Ha! You can't splash me if I'm underwater" I stuck my tongue out at him and submerged myself completely. Opening my eyes underwater was natural to me.

Suddenly my legs started to feel weird. They began to tingle and then they felt heavy? Like I was sinking and I couldn't move them? All of the sudden I got feeling in my legs again and I could move them. But when I tried to stand up I just fell back over. Looking down at my lower half I was mortified. In place of legs I now had a teal tail with silver freckles. It was pretty and all but it was also on me so I was kind of freaking the fuck out. Where was Austin? Had he seen? Of course he had seen, what would happen to him? Dad would probably kill him, hopefully not literally!

I was panicking to much to think about going to the surface. But then a strong pair of arms picked me up and brought me to the surface. Looking down on me was Austins face; "Mermaid eh? I knew you were special. You had to be". "Please don't tell anyone! My dads will literally kill you! I won't hurt any humans or anything" I pled freaking out. Chuckling he answered with "Ash! I'm a werewolf". "Oh... Really?" I asked as he was still holding my mermaid body. "Yes, really" he laughed like it was obvious. "Please go get my phone so I can call my dad! This is my first time turning! It's in my bag" I asked calming down a little. At least I didn't have to worry about Austin telling anyone.

Austin hopped out of the pool and returned like 10 seconds later holding my phone to his ear and talking. I could hear my dad Ashley on the other end. It sounded like he was panicking. Hanging up my phone Austin looked at me and said: " They will be here soon. If you get out of the water you will change back": Thanking him I got out of the water and waited for my legs to reappear.

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