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so this will basically be just you getting to know the personalities of all the kids!

Christian Ashley:
Hi! I have black hair(Kind of like Cc's) and pale skin and blue eyes like my dad. Unfortunately I also got my shyness from my dad. Both of my siblings are loud and outgoing like my mom. But not me... My hobbies are listening to music and that's about it.. I really got no musical ability whatsoever. Like seriously none. Unlike everyone else in my family! Not really very interesting but... yeah. No piercings, not really into that. Bye? Oh and I get really good grades and I'm straight.

Ariel Morals:
Hey! It's me, Ariel! I'm pretty tall with caramel hair with natural blonde highlites. Striking green eyes and tan skin. My uncle Cc taught me how to play the drums and now I'm actually pretty good. All of me and my siblings get good grades, it's expected. Its not really that hard though, we are all fairly smart. Hobbies include pissing of my parents and siblings and hanging out with my friends and uncles? Piercings include 3 lobe on each ear, tragus, cartilloge and belly button.

Marcus Jeremy:
Sup! I'm the quarterback on the school football team! Both me and my brother look a lot alike I just style my hair differently(Kind of like Andy Wretched and Divine era). My brother and I are actually really close, but we hang out with totally different people. Some of my friends used to be jerks to him but I beat them up. My ears are pierced but that's it. My hobbies are football and listening to music. I really like punk rock, like my mom. Green day, MCR, Twenty One Pilots... etc...

Ash POV:
Hellooooo! It's me Ashley Mora Purdy! My dads(yes dads) are Ashley and Cc. Yesh, me and my dad have the same name because we're cool like that. I'm pretty the best person ever! My hair is really cool too! Half of my head is red and the other half black. Bold- just like me. My favourite colours are black and bones... Piercings include several ear, belly and nose. No tattoos yet, I have to wait till I'm 18 but I really want some. Me and cousins want matching ones! I love punk, rock and metal music! Just like my family. Hobbies include singibg, writing and swimminh. THATS RIGHT I SWIM! I love swimming, my dads say I'm like a fish. I swim on the school team, it helps me keep my grades up because I need good grades to keep swimming in the team. School and family rules. Well, bye then friends! See ya losers later.

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