Accidental blood sucker

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Ariel POV:
"Hey darling, have you seen Christian? We are all packed up and ready to go home" my mom asked peeking her head in the doorway to our bedroom. "No, he probably just went for a walk or something" Marcus said from his bed not looking up from his book. "Actually, he went out with Jake yesterday and I never saw them come home. He might still be out with Jake" I groaned still half asleep. Mom frowned, "Ok. I will go look for Jake and your father. I just don't understand where they could have gone all night". After seeing we were both too tired to answer she walked away and down the stairs. But she was right, where was Christian?

Grabbing my phone, I dialed his number and called him. 1 Ring, 2 rings, 3 rings, 4 rings. Was he really not gonna answer me? Finally on the 5th ring he picked up! "Oh My God! Hey sis! Tell mom we are ok and will be home soon" Christians voice boomed in my ear. "Ok, your lucky I called you. You would have gotten in so much trouble" I pointed out hoping to use it against him later sometime.

Just as I was about to put the phone down something clicked on my head. We? "Wait! Did you say we? Jake is still with you" I asked hoping he didn't already hang up the phone. "Err... Yeah. Jake and I had some bonding time so we went out. I thought Andy knew and would tell people" he replied. He seemed almost nervous? Wonder why. "Oh, ok. Bye then" I said into the phone and put it down. "MOM! Christian is out with Jake! They will be home soon" I called down the stairs. "Ok! Pack your stuff now. We're gonna leave now, Christian can come home later" she called back obviously relieved.

Looking over at Marcus I saw he had fallen asleep with his earbuds in. Haha, this was gonna be fun. "MARCUS" I screeched and through myself on top of his sleeping form. "AHHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" he yelled trying to play off the fact that he just shit his pants with fear. "I was just making sure you woke up, we found Christian and we are leaving soon so we have to pack" I smiled innocently. "Whatever. Just start packing so we can go" he rolled his eyes. Walking over to my bag I grabbed all the stuff from all over the room that was mine. Random clothes, makeup, chargers and earbuds. "PERFECT" I cheered to myself when I had everything thrown in my bag. I packed like my dad. Just throw everything in your bag so it fits, it doesn't have to be neat.

"Marcus.... Do you know what we need right now?" I grinned pulling out my phone. "What do we need right now Ariel?" he sighed sarcastically. Without another word I plugged my phone into my portable speakers and started blasting Falling In Reverse. "FUCK YES ARIEL! You actually had a good idea" Marcus clapped and started singing along with the music. Heading into the bathroom, I started to pack all my bathroom stuff.

About 4 songs later we were all packed and ready to go! Christians stuff was still all over the room but he could get that later. When he came back with Jake.

Making our way down the stairs with all of our stuff was actually quite a challenge. Finally we reached the bottom of the stairs and were in the kitchen. "Looks like the two sleepyheads decided to wake up" Uncle Ashley teased. "Haha, your so funny" Marcus groaned reaching for the plate of bacon on the table and sitting down. I followed his lead, grabbing some bacon and an egg and sitting down next to him.

"You want some cranberry juice sis?" Marcus asked me standing up to get himself some. We always had cranberry juice in the morning, it was like a thing now. Everyone always had a bottle of cranberry juice at their house now just for when we come over. Not really sure why we loved cranberry juice so much... Better question, why am I talking about cranberry juice so much?

Marcus put a glass of the juice in front of me and another in front of him. Uncle Cc was playing on his phone next to Marcus with a glass of I don't want to know what. We ate and drank just doing normal morning stuff. Chatting and laughing, you know! "Wonder where Jake and Christian went last night" Marcus said before taking a big swig of juice out of his cup. "Jake told me they went go karting and stayed at a hotel" Andy said over his phone screen. Uncle Cc gasped, getting all of our attention. "Marcus... Don't drink that!" he said hitting the glass out of Marcus's hand. Suddenly Marcus spit out all of his juice, which we all quickly realized was not juice. He had accidentally drank out of Uncle Cc's glass of blood.

A flood of crimson flowed freely all over the table. I felt sick, even though it was just animal blood. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOLY FUCKING SHIT" Marcus screamed running into the bathroom. Soon after he got to the bathroom we heard throw up noises. And I'm pretty sure I was next. Not wanting to take any chances I ran to the upstairs bathroom, and a good thing I did! Almost instantly I threw up the contents of my breakfast in the toilet.

Poor Marcus, I wasn't even the one who had it in their mouth.I felt someone pull my hair back, I recognized it as Juliet from the nails. "Poor girl, I'm sorry" she sighed as I threw up some more.

After what felt like forever I finally stopped, Juliet embraced me in a hug. "How's Marcus?" I asked nervously. She winced "Not so good, your dad is with him now. Your mom and everyone else is trying to clean it up. From when he err... spit it all up". Only after I assured her I was done throwing up we headed downstairs. The kitchen looked like a murder had just taken place there. Everyone had red on their clothes. I could hear Marcus still throwing up. Andy looked up as I walked into the kitchen. He had a towel wrapped around his nose and mouth, but one thing scared me the most. His eyes were bright red, like the blood on his clothes. The sky blue they had always been was gone and had been replaced by scarlet.

Everyone else looked up. The same thing. Something covering their nose and bright red eyes. Turning around I went to hug Juliet but her eyes were the same as everyone elses. Without saying a word I walked quickly to the bathroom my dad was in. He stood up when he saw me and hugged me. His eyes were their normal bright blue. "Honey, I'm so sorry that happened" he gave me one of his bone crushing hugs.

"It's ok, I just want to go home" I cried into his shoulder. Would I be like them someday? Bright red eyes? Drinking from the life of others to keep myself alive? Of course I would, in just a short year. "Woah... Who died? What happened in here?" Ash asked sounding scared. She had probably just woken up. "HOLY CRAP! What's wrong with your eyes? I'm going upstairs! This is just a dream" she screamed and I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Is that what scared you" my dad asked sounding concerned. I just nodded and he squeezed me harder. "Can I go talk to your mom for a second sweetie?" he asked softly. Again, I just nodded but locked the bathroom door once he left. Like five minutes later he knocked on the door using our secret handshake from when we were kids; "Its me, dad. Can I come in". Unlocking the door I let him in and he smiled weakly. "Marcus, Ariel. We are gonna leave now, your bags are already in the car" he said. Immediately we both ran outside and sat in the car, not saying a word to anyone.

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