1 week:

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Marcus POV:
Sitting in math class I looked at the calendar... One week... That's it! In only one week I along with my two siblings would become a creature of the night. There was no other options, for any of us. "MR. FERGUSON! Are you even paying a little bit of attention. I know that sectionals are a week away but at least try to focus" my teacher Mr. Jones snapped me out of my daydream. Jones was probably older then dirt, but you could tell unlike my father. He actually had taught my father when he was in school so when he showed up for teacher parent meetings and looked the exact same as high school Jones was a little surprised. To say the least. But Wait? Did he say sectionals was a week from now? That couldn't be right. My birthday was a week from now? "Sir, did you say sectionals was a week from now? Are you sure your not mistaken" I asked slightly freaking out. "MR. Ferguson! If you're not going to focus, please go sit in the office. You remind me so much of both of your parents" he shouted pointing at the door. "But sir-" I started to complain when Jones gave me a look that could kill. Grumbling I grabbed my bag and headed to the office, making sure to slam the door on my way out. "I could kill that guy no problem in 7 days" I muttered, actually scaring myself a little.

There was no way I would actually kill anyone, that just wasn't me. My mother and uncle had never killed a soul, so could I. Animal blood would sustain me? It had too! My breathing and heart rate sped up as I began to panic. Fuck! Was I having a panic attack? I couldn't be! The last time I had one of these was when I was little, only my family-including Andy, Juliet, and Jake- knew. Screw the office, I needed to find a bathroom so could have this panic attack quickly. It was getting harder to walk, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. My shoulder ran into something, I'm assuming it was a wall. Falling to the ground I fell into a full out panic attack. Just like when I was little.

Everything was black and I could think about was sectionals and what would happen next Friday. I would miss sectionals and I would become a vampire. Christian already had a mate and Ariel was amazing, she would surely find one soon. All I had was football and good grades, without football I was a nerd. No one would like me, that was if I didn't kill them first. Anyone I wanted I could kill and never get caught, would the power get to my head? My family would stop me right? All these questions were giving me a major ass headache. "Marcus! Marcus! MARCUS! MARC-" I heard before everything went black.


Looking around me I saw I was in Andy and Juliets living room? How had I gotten here? The last thing I remembered was absolute fear and then blackness? Who had been saying my name? I couldn't remember and I had no idea. Right now I was laying on their couch, covered up by a fuzzy black blanket. "Oh sweetie! Your finally awake" Juliets voice rang from the kitchen. Almost immediately she was hovering over me with her hand on my forehead. "How are you feeling? Your parents would have picked you up from school but they couldn't get off of work and they will be missing like 2 weeks coming up. The school called me and Andy, said you blacked out in the hallway after shouting some pretty strange stuff at the teacher that was trying to help you" she said looking concerned. "Err... Yeah, I had a panic attack. Like when I was little" I admitted embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed. Your going through some incredibly stressful shit right now. All of us break down sometimes" Andy said sadly suddenly looking down at me from beside Juliet. "Do you guys know when sectionals are?" I asked remembering what I got sent out for in the first place. Juliet frowned: "They are right on your birthday Hun, I figured your parents would have told you. Athletes no way you can go". "But- but! I missed them last year, this is my last chance. Amy team is counting on me." I protested. Juliets phone started to ring: "It's your mother, I better answer it". This left me and Andy, yay. "Why am I so afraid?" I asked miserably. There was silence, Andy looked like he was thinking. Finally he spoke.

"You feeling fear is completely normal. Both your mother and uncle were utterly terrified, I remember both like it was yesterday. Your mother was the best at hiding her fear, but I saw through it. This is gonna change your life forever, no one is judging you for being scared. It's actually probably harder because you don't have the experience of changing like Ash or Christian. You have no idea what to expect and it feels terrifying. I understand. We all understand and are here for you. I promise Marcus, it's all gonna work out" Andy looked me straight in the eye, I saw tears covering it. "My mom was scared? How could you tell? She never gets scared" I asked a little surprised. "The look on her eye, it was deep down but it was there. Only me, your father and your uncle saw it. The look of fear" Andy replied softly. "How'd you know that look if she hid it so well" I asked puzzled. "... I recognised it" he admitted looking ashamed.

A pang of empathy filled me, I sat up hugging Andy. "Thank you" he said, sounding grateful. "Nothing that happened that night was your fault. You stopped that demon from killing my mother" I answered coolly. Juliet walked into the room just as I was pulling away from Andy: "Your mother just got out of work. Said that they were coming over for dinner and then asked if you could stay the night. Ashe thinks staying in your old room and house is... getting to you" she smiled sitting on the couch next to me. "Great" I smiled my first genuine smile in s long time, it felt good. Really good. Hopefully there would be lots more.

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