Family meetings

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Marcus POV:
My football was slung over my shoulder, my earbud in my ear. Right now I was listening to Green Days "Someone Kill The DJ". I had just had one of the hardest football practices of the season and I was beat. It was a morning practice too, I was just glad it was Saturday! After this I could just go home and sit on the couch. Stripping down I got into one of the shower stalls, my buddy Chris next to me. Chris had a major crush on my cousin Ash. She liked him back but they were both too blind to see it. "So, how are you feeling after that practice? I know I feel half dead" he asked from the stall next to me.

"Like I got ran over by a tour bus" I groaned letting the water soothe and clean my sore muscles. "Sectionals is really stressing him out I think. We didn't win last year and he wants to win this year. Poor coach" Chris sighed turning off his water as did i. "Well I promise you now, I'm not missing sectionals and we will win" I said only half joking. "Lets hope so, don't need another birthday surprise trip to Cancun so you miss sectionals again" he said sarcastically. Wrapping myself in my towel I went to go get dressed. Pulling my pants on I saw that my mom had texted me; "Family meeting after practice. Be ready by 730". Looking at the clock I saw it was 725 and I had a long walk to her car. Shit! Throwing on my clothes I grabbed my bag and started to sprint out of the building and to my moms car. She was pretty chill but could not stand it when we were late!

I had left the locker room at 728 so I had 2 minutes to get to the car. Walls were flying by me, I was lucky I didn't hit anything! Actually I was pretty surprised at how fast I was running. Before I had felt sore and tired, now I felt like I could run a marathon. Probable just adrenaline. No one else was in this hallway, not sure why. Probable because I had changed so fast so I wouldn't be late.

Finally I saw those doors, the doors that left the building. Before I thought I was tired, but now I just felt dead! Looking down at my phone to see what time it was. Hopefully I wasn't too late! When I looked down I realized there must be a mistake. It said 728? There was no way I had ran through that entire school in less then a minute. Probably just read my phone wrong when I left the locker room. My mom smiled at me when I got in the car; "How was practice sweetie?". "Hard, very hard" I grumbled and looked out the window. I could have sworn it said 728 when I left... Whatever! "Whats this family meeting about?" I asked curiously. My mom sighed nervously "You will find out when you get there".

That was weird. Plugging my earbuds back in I started to listen to some MCR. Before I knew it we were on my cousin and uncles road. Yes!!! I loved there house, my mom was always less strict around her brother and his husband. As I got out of the car my sister and brother and cousin came running out of the house. Christian spent the night here and dad must have brought Ariel over. Christian was just wearing black skinnies and a blink 182 shirt. Ariel was wearing a blue skater dress and a SnapBack. Ash was wearing black leather pants(probably her dads) and a sparkly black tank top. Then there was me in my wet t shirt and athletic shorts.

"Kids please, you can talk later. Right now we need to have a serious conversation" my mom ushered us inside. Even weirder... We all exchanged glances, my mom must be really stressed! Once we got inside I saw that everyone was there. uncle Andy, aunt Juliet, mom, dad, uncle Jake, uncle Ashley and uncle cc. This was really weird! "Alright who's dying" Ariel muttered under her breath making my dad chuckle earning him a stern look from my mom. No but seriously, who was dying?

"Hi guys, we have some big news for you today. We just want you to know we are always here for you" Juliet started patting Ash's knee. "Yeah, anything your feeling during this process feel more then free to come and talk to us" my uncle Ashley smiled looking directly at my brother Christian. "Anything you ever need. No matter when or what. Any of you" my dad assured us. All this talk was just scaring me even more.

"Can you just tell us?" I asked getting irritated. If it was such a big deal why wouldn't they just tell us? "Their not going to like it." dad frowned looking nervous. Now I was starting to get nervous. Looking around I noticed that Juliet was tapping her knee up and down from nerves.

"Is someone pregnant" Ash blurted out randomly. "Umm... No? Not even close" Andy chuckled a little bit but still looking serious. "Well then what the hell is it" Christian muttered under his breath. Only I heard him.

"Your right Marcus. Who wants to tell them?" my mom smiled softly. "I will! I went through kind of the same process" my uncle Cc raised his hand. We all turned to look at him. What could he mean by "process". Just as I was about to ask him he started to talk.

SO THANKS GUYS! All of your reads and votes make me so happy! And how are the kids gonna take the news? Are the news even what you think they are going to be? Or do I have another trick up my sleeve? WHO THE HELL EVEN KNOWS?

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