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Christian POV:
Today was the day. Our 17th birthday... "Hey babe, are you ready? Your gonna be fine, I promise" Jake pecked my cheek grabbing his keys. Me and my family, including Jake, Andy, Juliet, Cc and Ashley would be meeting at some cabin in the woods. My dad seemed to think it would be surrounded by animals and far away from people. God I hoped he was right. "You'll still love me right" I asked nervously. Jake looked mortified: "Of course I will still love you! How dare you think I wouldn't! This will just make our relationship easier! Forever and always I will love you". Satisfied I nodded and kissed him on the lips. Things started to get heated, I felt something poke my hip. Blushing I giggled "Do you have a little problem". "Christian, you know we can't. At least not till tomorrow.
After tomorrow I can't hurt you" he pulled away from the kiss.

Jake went to the bathroom for a couple seconds well I decided to go to the kitchen and have my last meal... Ever... Scanning the cupboards I found my favorites. A giant tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and chicken wings. Sitting myself down at the table I began my glorious feast, my last supper. Two hands pressed on my eyes: "Guess who" a deep voice said. It was obvious it was someone purposely trying to change their voice. Immediately I knew who it was. "Hmm... Could it be my crazy ass uncle who insists on doing this every time I see him using the same voice each time but STILL acts surprised when I know who it is" I asked in mock confusion. "You got me there little dude" my uncle Cc removed his hands from my face. He went and sat next to me at the table, looking at the food in front of me: "Enjoying your last meal eh?" uncle Cc asked me eyeing my food. "Yeah, my favorites" I admitted. "I wish I knew my last meal would be my last meal. My last food was popcorn and twizzlers, my last official meal was garlic noodles that my mom made me after school" he frowned remembering something.

"Hey, are you ready to go? Wait, CC why are you here" Jake raised his eyebrow walking into the kitchen. Looking at him it appeared his little situation was fixed. "Didn't I text you? Oh never mind, I forgot. I wanted to ride with you on the way there because Ariel wants to ride Ash's motorcycle on the way home so he's riding it to the cabin and there is no way I'm riding that death trap with him" He sighed with fake exasperation. Jake nodded in understanding: "So are you ready to leave? We should probably leave soon. Your parents want you there by 130 so they can talk to you.". Getting up and placing my plate and spoon in the dishwasher I grabbed my jacket: "Ready as I'll ever be" I said only half joking. Internally I was slightly freaking out. "You are all gonna be fine! Just look how well I turned out" Uncle Cc grinned puffing out his chest and flexing his arms.

We all headed out to the car, Jake made Cc sit in the back because it was "my birthday". "So this won't hurt? Like at all?" I asked nervously. "Nope! Your transformation will be completely painless. Some people go through excruciating amounts of pain" Jake assured me placing a hand on my knee as he drove. "Why doesn't mine hurt but theirs does" I said curiously. "Because you were born with the virus already in you, it's been changing you since you were born you just never realized it. Your body isn't fighting the virus. Unlike when I was bit by you uncle Ashley my body rejected the venom and it hurt like a bitch. The longer you wait the more it hurts" Uncle Cc answered looking pained. "Wait! I've had the virus in me for how long" i gasp alarmed. How had I not known? "The virus has never totally affected you, but your body knew it was there. It made minuscule changes but nothing big. Tonight is the big change" Jake clarified making me feel slightly better. The rest of the ride was basically silent.

The only good thing about today was that I was missing school. This pissed off Marcus to no end though because he was missing sectionals for the last time. Pulling up to some trail Jake stopped his truck: "We will have to walk from here. Don't worry I can carry you". Looking at the dense and practically impermeable woods I was more then grateful Jake was carrying me. Getting out of the car I had barely shut my door when Jake had my swept up into his arms bridal style. "Here we go" Jake kissed my lips and started off running. Ariel and Marcus had told me about when they ran with vampires and they were right. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

Suddenly Jake stopped, looking around I saw we had stopped in front of a giant wooden mansion. "I thought it was just a small cabin" I gaped at the sprawling mansion. "Your dad always wants people to be comfortable after they change. You should have seen the place he brought you mom too" Cc shrugged as Jake placed me on the ground. Walking up to the front door we let ourselves in, since it was our house and all.

As soon as we walked in Dad ran up to us looking panicked: "The kids have less time today then we thought. It appears the venom is affecting them quicker- just like you Cc. Marcus is already feeling drowsy". "So what do we do?" Jake asked taking my hand in his. "Ariel isn't even here yet, Ashley is being her. Pray to God he gets here on time. We just need to tell Christian and Marcus what to expect now" my dad said dragging us into the kitchen of the cabin.

"So, guys! This is it... Your going to fall asleep today and when you wake up things may be overwhelming. A burning sensation in your throat, heightened senses and confusion are all things you may experience when you wake up." my dad said obviously rushing. "How long do we have?" Marcus asked looking tired. "We aren't totally sure" my mom admitted stepping out from the corner. *CHIME CHIME CHIME* Uncle Cc's phone went off and he pulled it out. Looking concerned he brought it to his ear paling as the seconds passed. "What is it" Jake asked nervously. "Ariel... She passed out with Ashley. They are along the side of the road, far from town" he mumbled. Suddenly everything went dark and I felt myself fall into someone's arms. This was it, and I fell into a deep sleep.

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