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3 months later
Marcus POV:
Honestly, I was kind of frustrated right now. And so was everyone else. Neither me nor Christian had shown any signs of being a werewolf. Christian was also really tense because Jakes name still hadn't shown up on his back yet. Jake said it was probably because Christian was still human. But honestly, they were super cute together. He always treated Christian like his duty to protect and Christian treated Jake like his hero. The stress was definetly wearing on Christian. Not that I blamed him at all. I would really like to know if I was a werewolf or not, it really would be great.

Right now we were sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast. Well, at least the three of us that still ate food. Mom and Dad just sat and talked with us. But that was how it had always been. "So you guys are reaching your 5 month mark this week. How are you feeling about things" my mom asked concerned. "Mom. If we want to talk we will! Just you talking about 'it' constantly is enough to make me wish I was dead already. All three of us are gonna die in 5 months and your worried about how we're feeling? How do you think we're feeling right now" Christian growled dropping his spoon. Woah. That was harsh.

"Christian" my dad yelled banging his fist on the table. Rubbing moms back to comfort her. "Don't Jeremy, he's right" she snuggled looking down. Me and Ariel just sat in silence not sure what to say or do.

The rest of breakfast was an awkward event. I ate my meal as quickly as possible. Finishing my Cheerios I speedily placed my dish in the dishwasher and headed to the living room. Ariel followed me, Christian tried too. Dad held him back to make him apologize to mom. We just watched the news for a couple minutes until we heard banging and shit from the kitchen... What the hell?

Right now I was headed over to my sister and Jinxx's. They wanted me to try and talk to the kids. Apparently they had been distant lately. Admittedly me and Ashley hadn't seen them as much lately because our baby Ash's birthday was approaching fast. She was born about 2 months before the triplets. So she had essentially 3 months of full humanity left. Her life would remain basically the same but she would be able to turn into a mermaid at will whenever she went in the water. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Jake had asked me to pick him up on my way over there. He had been spending a lot of time with the kids lately. Mostly Christian. It was a little weird but I had a feeling it was because he was never able to have kids with Ella.

Pulling into Jakes drive I honked my horn. Almost immediately he came running out and slid into the seat next to me. "You ready quick enough" I chuckled. Simply rolling his eyes he buckled up and we were off.

About 10 minutes later we were at my sisters house. Also known as the house we had lived together in when we were young. So many memories, good and bad. The gravel crunched under our leather boots as we stepped out of the car. Ima be honest, it made me feel pretty bad ass. I noticed Andy and Juliets car parked in the driveway next to my car. I decided to text Ashley and tell him to come over, it seemed like everyone was here; "Come to Adri and Jinxx's. Fam meeting NOW!". Once I saw he had read it we headed in the house.

As soon as we walked in I heard fighting, I could tell Jake did too by the confused look on his face. When I listened I could only hear the three kids yelling. Great, they were like their mother at that age. Sense the sarcasm. Walking into the kitchen I heard Ashley's motorcycle pull into the driveway. That was fast and most likely illegal.

Andy and Juliet shot us concerned looks when we walked in. Jinxx and Adri were sitting at the table across from the kids. Juliet and Andy sat on the side. Jake sat next to Christian and sat next to Jake so my hubby could sit next to me. Soon Ashley came and sat next to me, looking slightly confused and slightly nervous.

"Guys, we know this is a hard transition for you to make but I think we all just need to calm down" Adri cried. Only then did I notice tears streaming down her face. "Everyone in this room is here for you! Just ask and we will help you." Andy said sounding pained. These kids were just as much Jinxx and Adris as they were his and Juliets. Ariel shocked us all by standing up and yelling; "No Andy! I have lost all and any respect I once had for you! You told me you were drunk when you raped my mother BEFORE she got pregnant or married. So therefore you could not have been drunk, vampires do not get drunk. Second my mother was FUCKING HUMAN and you were a FUCKING VAMPIRE! You a fucking vampire raped my human mother in front of everyone". The room fell silent. No one knew what to say. At this point Adri had completely broken down in tears on the table. "What the hell is Ari talking about" Marcus whispered in horror. "Please tell me she's lying" he gasped.

"Marcus, Ariel, Christian! You don't know the full story. It wasn't totally Andy" Jinxx growled. Now he just looked pissed off. "Jinxx. Don't yell at them. Its not their fault" Andy said his voice cracking. "HE WAS FUCKING POSSESSED BY THE BITCH THAT DAMNED US TO THIS ETERNITY" Jinxx exploded slamming his fist down on the table top cracking it.

Jinxx has always blamed himself for that night so I knew how much this hurt him. "I can't fucking take this bull shit" someone said and next thing we knew there was a ginormous wolf in the middle of the kitchen.

WHO THE HELL IS THE WOLF! Guess your gonna have till the next chapter. Hehe, I'm so evil.

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